JsBergbau / MiTemperature2

Read the values of the Xiaomi Mi Bluetooth Temperature sensor 2 including custom encrypted format.
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ATC mode using call reporting outdated values #88

Closed thepiwo closed 3 years ago

thepiwo commented 3 years ago

using this command:

/home/pi/MiTemperature2/LYWSD03MMC.py --atc --watchdogtimer 5 --battery --round -deb -call ./prometheus/sendToPrometheus.py --devicelistfile /home/pi/MiTemperature2/devicefile.ini --onlydevicelist

ATC Firmware with Atc1441 type otherwise default values of 2500ms interval.

Reported values in call seems to be stuck over time and what's send doesn't change in a significant way. I fail to find where the actual values that are sent are gathered.

Before a restart of the script the values only change in minor way. After restart the values change instantly to the actually broadcasted values. The Android MijiaTemp App always reports the correct latest values, as does the BLE packet log.


May 28 12:02:02 raspberrypi1 python3[2073]: BLE packet: A4:C1:38:1F:BF:C8 00 1110161a18a4c1381fbfc800cc29300a4fd9 -63
May 28 12:02:02 raspberrypi1 python3[2073]: Temperature:  20.4
May 28 12:02:02 raspberrypi1 python3[2073]: Humidity:  41
May 28 12:02:02 raspberrypi1 python3[2073]: Battery voltage: 2.639 V
May 28 12:02:02 raspberrypi1 python3[2073]: RSSI: -63 dBm
May 28 12:02:02 raspberrypi1 python3[2073]: Battery: 48 %
May 28 12:02:02 raspberrypi1 python3[2073]: /home/pi/MiTemperature2/prometheus/sendToPrometheus.py sensorname,temperature,humidity,voltage,batteryLevel,timestamp temperature-desk 20.5 40 2.637 48 1622196020
May 28 12:03:00 raspberrypi1 python3[2073]: BLE packet: A4:C1:38:1F:BF:C8 00 1110161a18a4c1381fbfc800ca29300a4ae0 -74
May 28 12:03:00 raspberrypi1 python3[2073]: Temperature:  20.2
May 28 12:03:00 raspberrypi1 python3[2073]: Humidity:  41
May 28 12:03:00 raspberrypi1 python3[2073]: Battery voltage: 2.634 V
May 28 12:03:00 raspberrypi1 python3[2073]: RSSI: -74 dBm
May 28 12:03:00 raspberrypi1 python3[2073]: Battery: 48 %
May 28 12:03:00 raspberrypi1 python3[2073]: /home/pi/MiTemperature2/prometheus/sendToPrometheus.py sensorname,temperature,humidity,voltage,batteryLevel,timestamp temperature-desk 20.5 41 2.637 48 1622196060
May 28 12:03:51 raspberrypi1 python3[2073]: BLE packet: A4:C1:38:1F:BF:C8 00 1110161a18a4c1381fbfc800ca29310a52e5 -68
May 28 12:03:51 raspberrypi1 python3[2073]: Temperature:  20.2
May 28 12:03:51 raspberrypi1 python3[2073]: Humidity:  41
May 28 12:03:51 raspberrypi1 python3[2073]: Battery voltage: 2.642 V
May 28 12:03:51 raspberrypi1 python3[2073]: RSSI: -68 dBm
May 28 12:03:51 raspberrypi1 python3[2073]: Battery: 49 %
May 28 12:03:51 raspberrypi1 python3[2073]: /home/pi/MiTemperature2/prometheus/sendToPrometheus.py sensorname,temperature,humidity,voltage,batteryLevel,timestamp temperature-desk 20.4 41 2.637 48 1622196090
JsBergbau commented 3 years ago

Hi thepiwo, for debugging this issue, please use sendToFile.sh as callback. Then in another window do tail -f data.txt and have a look if there are the current values which are also shown on the displays of the sensor.

thepiwo commented 3 years ago

Indeed logging to file seems to be current all the time with the display on the sensor, in the data file as well as the python log.

Does that mean the pushgateway is just to slow and getting stuck in some queue?

thepiwo commented 3 years ago

Actually it seems like exactly this, the sendToPrometheus script is always at 100% CPU. Can I limit the interval of the sending some way?

JsBergbau commented 3 years ago

What device are you running on? How many sensors do you use?

Can I limit the interval of the sending some way?

The easiest way is to change these parameters grafik 2500ms x 4 = 10.000ms, this means every 10 seconds a new value. So increase these parameters for having less frequent new data transmitted via callback.

thepiwo commented 3 years ago

It's the LYWSD03MMC, with 11 devices total, 5 on one pi zero, 6 on the other.

Thanks, I guess I'll look for a solution where I integrate the sendToPrometheus in the main script on order to not have the full python initialization for each value to be sent.

JsBergbau commented 3 years ago

I don't have experience with Prometheus, but perhaps it is also possible to get the data via MQTT into it. Or you have to look into the script and change it that way that the prometheus code is integrated. I would also then check if prometheus accepted that data, so that it is retransmitted when prometheus was offline and goes back online and no data is lost.

thepiwo commented 3 years ago

Thank you so far, I will try out a few things.

thepiwo commented 3 years ago

indeed initializing python for each callback was the bottleneck, I copied the prometheus push to gateway over the default callback and it works without issue and without increased cpu load.
