Jsinco / BreweryX

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Save MySQL/Database credentials & settings as database.yml seperate so that its not pushed to github. #30

Open TomLewis opened 2 weeks ago

TomLewis commented 2 weeks ago

I manage my configs for plugins using Github and I also use test server/prod server which use different credentials and database setups.

please can you seperate the MySQL storage settings into its own file, so that it can be git ignored so its not pushed to the github exposing sensative details.

This is also a pain when you have 2 systems, I cant have one config.yml with a single database setting as my prod is different from my local dev, so there;s no way to easily have the files push to git, because I need a separate config.yml for local testing... very easily solved by separating database connection details, its why a lot of plugins separate the database info into its own file.

Starmism commented 2 weeks ago

+1, same for my server setup which uses a shared config that has different database connection details on each server.