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Mirrored y-data for profile plotting? #126

Closed chraibi closed 5 years ago

chraibi commented 5 years ago

In Gitlab by @rummeny1 on Feb 27, 2018, 16:59 [origin]

Hi again, I am struggeling with the plausibility of my profile plots. While the data seems plausible on the x-axis, the y-axis should be mirrored from my understanding of pedestrian dynamics.. The scenario is still the same as already known.. In the simulation itself, the pedestrian move from the train (y-range 0.0 - 3.0m) through the doors onto the platform (y-range 3.25m - 6.25m) from where they can move to the outside.

A1_07_rho_zug-li_10-130 The shown image is the inside of the train whereby the highlighted areas are corresponding to the position of the exit doors. Problem is , that the areas with high density should be right before the exit doors (y-value 3.0) and not on the bottom at y=0.

Am I doing something wrong or is there a bug in my files? Uploaded here: https://uni-wuppertal.sciebo.de/s/tdUqwEY3wQFQcGk

Thanks again! David

chraibi commented 5 years ago

In Gitlab by @gjaeger on Feb 27, 2018, 17:19

assigned to @gjaeger

chraibi commented 5 years ago

In Gitlab by @chraibi on Feb 27, 2018, 17:58

Sounds likethis

could you try the solution suggested in the link and report back?

chraibi commented 5 years ago

In Gitlab by @gjaeger on Feb 27, 2018, 18:06

see _Plot_profiles.py, line 80-83 and play with it

    im = plt.imshow(density, cmap=cm.jet,
                    interpolation='nearest', origin='lower',
                    vmin=0, vmax=np.amax(density),
                    extent=[geominX, geomaxX, geominY, geomaxY])
chraibi commented 5 years ago

In Gitlab by @chraibi on Feb 27, 2018, 18:09

David can you post a picture of the geometry?

chraibi commented 5 years ago

In Gitlab by @rummeny1 on Feb 27, 2018, 19:37

Of course - here is a snapshot from Smokeview. I will try the tip from Gregor later.. image

chraibi commented 5 years ago

In Gitlab by @rummeny1 on Feb 27, 2018, 21:41

All right, Gregors tip did work, thanks :)

chraibi commented 5 years ago

In Gitlab by @chraibi on Feb 27, 2018, 23:04

did you use origin='upper'?

chraibi commented 5 years ago

In Gitlab by @gjaeger on Feb 28, 2018, 07:27

Can you post your changes?

chraibi commented 5 years ago

In Gitlab by @gjaeger on Feb 28, 2018, 07:35

supplement: It works with

chraibi commented 5 years ago

In Gitlab by @gjaeger on Feb 28, 2018, 07:37

Should we close the issue?

chraibi commented 5 years ago

In Gitlab by @rummeny1 on Feb 28, 2018, 08:46

Yes, I set origin='upper' in lines 81, 112 and 132 since this problem was generally inside all plots. Now the y-axis is drawn correctly for density, velocity and flow.

chraibi commented 5 years ago

In Gitlab by @rummeny1 on Feb 28, 2018, 08:46
