JuPedSim / jpsreport

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Trajectory file format #201

Open chraibi opened 5 years ago

chraibi commented 5 years ago

In Gitlab by @chraibi on Sep 25, 2017, 17:18 [origin]

Currently only trajectories files with the unit "cm" are supported.

chraibi commented 5 years ago

In Gitlab by @gjaeger on Jan 29, 2018, 21:54

for example in txt2txt.py

chraibi commented 5 years ago

In Gitlab by @chraibi on Jan 29, 2018, 21:59

assigned to @gjaeger

chraibi commented 5 years ago

In Gitlab by @chraibi on Jan 29, 2018, 22:01

changed time estimate to 2d

chraibi commented 5 years ago

In Gitlab by @gjaeger on Jan 30, 2018, 09:54

changed title from {-Support unit cm-} to {+scripts | txt2txt.py+}

chraibi commented 5 years ago

In Gitlab by @gjaeger on Jan 30, 2018, 09:54

changed the description

chraibi commented 5 years ago

In Gitlab by @gjaeger on Jan 30, 2018, 10:30

https://gitlab.version.fz-juelich.de/jupedsim/jpsreport/commit/cdff542fcfa088bd76ac95cf3d24d2476ef69cb3 : After a short discussion with Jette: It would be better to convert a particular file than all txt-files in a folder. Previously, there was a danger to edit already edited files.

chraibi commented 5 years ago

In Gitlab by @chraibi on Jan 30, 2018, 12:55

Yes I think so. Sometimes it can be annoying..

What about we have two options?

chraibi commented 5 years ago

In Gitlab by @gjaeger on Jan 31, 2018, 11:38

PeTrack offers eleven export options. How do we deal with that?

Files can be very different. We could pass the number and names of columns through a list. Isn't it easier to limit the script to one option and parse one file?

chraibi commented 5 years ago

In Gitlab by @chraibi on Jan 31, 2018, 12:42

What are these 11 options?

chraibi commented 5 years ago

In Gitlab by @gjaeger on Jan 31, 2018, 12:52

from PeTrack 0.8


chraibi commented 5 years ago

In Gitlab by @chraibi on Jan 31, 2018, 12:56

Ok, how do these options influence the resulting trajectory files? Is then the format different?

chraibi commented 5 years ago

In Gitlab by @gjaeger on Jan 31, 2018, 13:02


For example: experiment Corridor, unidirectional flow

This is the first line (UNI_CORR_500_9.txt)

# <number> <frame> <x> [in cm] <y> [in cm] <z> [in cm] <rot> [in rad] <id> <flag>

We should find out which export options are written to the txt-file.

chraibi commented 5 years ago

In Gitlab by @boltes1 on Feb 1, 2018, 17:34

The additional numbers " [in rad] " are comming from an extraction programm from Wolfgang Mehner; especially the id is interesting while using the individual information of each person.

chraibi commented 5 years ago

In Gitlab by @gjaeger on Oct 9, 2018, 21:37

extract from export function in PeTrack:

void TrackerReal::exportTxt(QTextStream &out, bool alternateHeight, bool useTrackpoints, bool exportViewingDirection, bool exportAngleOfView, bool exportUseM, bool exportMarkerID)
   float scale;

   out << "# z: can be 3d position or height of person (alternating or not)" << endl;
   if (exportViewingDirection)
       out << "# viewDirX viewDirY: vector of direction of head of person" << endl;
   if (exportAngleOfView)
       out << "# viewAngle: angle of view of camera to person from perpendicular [0..Pi/2]" << endl;
   if (exportUseM)
       out << "# id frame x/m y/m z/m";
       out << "# id frame x/cm y/cm z/cm";
   if (exportViewingDirection)
       out << " viewDirX viewDirY";
   if (exportAngleOfView)
       out << " viewAngle" << endl;
   if (exportMarkerID)
       out << " markerID" << endl;
       out << endl;
chraibi commented 5 years ago

In Gitlab by @gjaeger on Oct 9, 2018, 21:38

Currently we have the following column names:

JPScore (txt-file)

PeTrack (txt-file)

@chraibi @boltes1: My suggestion for a consolidated column name list for trajectory-files:

Edit: sorry, I forgot the column markerID in the first version. Edit: Minor additions

chraibi commented 5 years ago

In Gitlab by @gjaeger on Oct 10, 2018, 07:55

We should add a version of the file specification to the header.

Where can we describe the file specification? On the website jupedsim.org or ped.fz-juelich.de/database?

chraibi commented 5 years ago

In Gitlab by @chraibi on Apr 6, 2019, 17:58

Sorry, I forgot about this. We should talk about it next time with the PeTracks colleagues.

chraibi commented 5 years ago

In Gitlab by @gjaeger on Apr 6, 2019, 18:01

I'm prepared. :smile:

chraibi commented 5 years ago

In Gitlab by @boltes1 on Apr 6, 2019, 19:00

eine Vereinheitlichung wird schwer, da je nach Experiment andere Dinge drinstehen; einzig "id, frame, x, y" ist immer gleich und drin; fuer das Projekt SiME wurden u.a. Kommentare fuer individuelle Eigenschaften hinzugefuegt, die im Kopf der Datei aufgefuehrt sind; was aber wenigstens fuer die neuen Dateien gewaehrleistet ist ist, dass im Haeder beschrieben steht, was die Datei beinhaltet; in Zukunft kann ich mir beim Export des 3D-Skeletts noch ganz andere Dinge vorstellen; auch in Jupedsim wird es doch nicht bei den Ellipsen bleiben; gerne koennen wir aber noch einmal darueber reden

chraibi commented 5 years ago

In Gitlab by @gjaeger on Apr 8, 2019, 09:16

I can understand your objections.

I extend my suggestion: The development could be considered by versioning the list of column names. This ensures that no column name is used twice. In a documentation you could explain the column name in more detail. The version of the column name and the version of the program should be listed in the header.

Versioning would be a step for research data management. With the introduction of a versioning, we can continue to use old data in the future. No knowledge would be lost - hopefully. This allows us to document our data even better.

chraibi commented 5 years ago

In Gitlab by @gjaeger on May 12, 2019, 22:11

some hints for me:

jpscore - new trajectory format based on issue jpscore - issue JuPedSim/jpscore#310

chraibi commented 5 years ago

In Gitlab by @gjaeger on May 22, 2019, 10:07

from issue JuPedSim/jpsreport#107:

We need a column name for body height (head height (AH) and we should specify the description of the z-position (z/m).

gjaeger commented 5 years ago

I have extended my proposal. The following was added:

gjaeger commented 4 years ago

I've extended my proposal. The following was added: