JuWeber99 / InnerTxn_PytealTutorial

Tutorial for Algorand Developer Docs about Inner Transactions in PyTEAL
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Logic eval error: invalid itxn_field Note #1

Open KarthikDutt opened 2 years ago

KarthikDutt commented 2 years ago

Thanks for this very neat example. I am trying to reproduce this example on the sandbox env which I created using the steps you shared and I get an error while setting up an asset (While running interactions.sh) goal app call goes through but goal clerk rawsend -f setup.txn in create_app fails with this error shown below. Is there something which I am doing wrong? I am using the same teal file which you have shared in your repo.

Warning: Couldn't broadcast tx with algod: HTTP 400 Bad Request: TransactionPool.Remember: transaction VSYUORZWVRMXFPHMR5C6TNTXFR5RL55BB75GOVNXYKHZMYUUSEQQ: logic eval error: invalid itxn_field Note. Details: pc=276, opcodes=itxn_beginpushbytes 0x5455545f4954584e5f4143 // "TUT_ITXN_AC"itxn_field Note Encountered errors in sending 2 transactions: LTNJC4PCMW55HB6Y6VPTTFEOPV7AWG4Y3VKR55XMT6TRREV2SOUA: HTTP 400 Bad Request: TransactionPool.Remember: transaction VSYUORZWVRMXFPHMR5C6TNTXFR5RL55BB75GOVNXYKHZMYUUSEQQ: logic eval error: invalid itxn_field Note. Details: pc=276, opcodes=itxn_beginpushbytes 0x5455545f4954584e5f4143 // "TUT_ITXN_AC"itxn_field Note VSYUORZWVRMXFPHMR5C6TNTXFR5RL55BB75GOVNXYKHZMYUUSEQQ: HTTP 400 Bad Request: TransactionPool.Remember: transaction VSYUORZWVRMXFPHMR5C6TNTXFR5RL55BB75GOVNXYKHZMYUUSEQQ: logic eval error: invalid itxn_field Note. Details: pc=276, opcodes=itxn_beginpushbytes 0x5455545f4954584e5f4143 // "TUT_ITXN_AC"itxn_field Note Cannot write file setup.txn.rej: open setup.txn.rej: file exists

JuWeber99 commented 2 years ago

I will take a look as soon as I have time. Thanks!

JuWeber99 commented 2 years ago

it seems to be a problem with inner transactions note field. i will for now push a version without itxn_notes and fix it in the while. please use the latest dev branch then until its fixed

JuWeber99 commented 2 years ago

This Issue will be resolved with the next release according to algorand devs. I will fix it for now through commenting it out on the main branch also. If the release is out, i will uncomment again!

KarthikDutt commented 2 years ago

Thanks for checking! I removed the itxn_notes from the teal files and was able to create the contract.

mataide commented 2 years ago

@JuWeber99 the notes fields, still not working?