JuanPotato / Legofy

Make images look as if they are made out of 1x1 LEGO blocks
MIT License
3.16k stars 189 forks source link

Added brick count statistics #99

Open tytoons opened 7 years ago

tytoons commented 7 years ago

98 Feature request: displays counts of brick with colors

example: legofy --stats --palette all image.jpg

{'transparent-flourescent-blue': 426, 'light-stone-grey': 9, 'transparent-green': 4, 'transparent-bluish-violet': 15, 'transparent-light-blue': 10, 'sand-green': 13, 'silver': 5, 'white': 35, 'dark-stone-grey': 6, 'transparent-brown': 6, 'transparent': 62, 'medium-stone-grey': 309}
coveralls commented 7 years ago

Coverage Status

Coverage decreased (-1.0%) to 94.558% when pulling 7a591a17a18e0da99bb26b1da880cb48f9931f27 on tytoons:master into 0154ef5275d98c5cc6ac5f52c936953d8632bc4c on JuanPotato:master.

JuanPotato commented 7 years ago

Really like that you decided to make a pull request to this old project. Been dead for a while. Glad you took some interest to it.

coveralls commented 7 years ago

Coverage Status

Coverage decreased (-1.0%) to 94.558% when pulling 5db0a9730d4ce875921273783e973279622a5ead on tytoons:master into 0154ef5275d98c5cc6ac5f52c936953d8632bc4c on JuanPotato:master.

tytoons commented 7 years ago

Some of these mistakes were from just last night coding. This was a really fun project and I thought I would contribute to it.