Juanpe / SkeletonView

☠️ An elegant way to show users that something is happening and also prepare them to which contents they are awaiting
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Collectionview inside tableviewcell #377

Open nnirajan opened 3 years ago

nnirajan commented 3 years ago

How can I use skeleton loading for collectionview inside tableview cell?

khose commented 2 years ago

No idea, but in any case, from the beginning it's wrong to have a collection inside a tableview.

elomonaco commented 1 year ago

sometimes it can't be helped, I have a case where I need to show photos like facebook does in their app.

lordzsolt commented 1 year ago

@elomonaco You should be using UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout, and make the whole thing a CollectionView: https://dev.to/kevinmaarek/replicating-the-appstore-s-collectionviewlayout-orthogonal-in-swift-5-42je

Though I'm in the same shoe as you, previously you would achieve this by housing a CollectionView inside a TableViewCell, and it's very complex to refactor.

elomonaco commented 1 year ago

that sounds like a nightmare solution honestly, especially when my collectionview has a special layout to handle the design. For now I'm not changing that until I move to swiftUI which is the next time I'm going to revisit the UI.