Juanpe / SkeletonView

☠️ An elegant way to show users that something is happening and also prepare them to which contents they are awaiting
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UITableView subviewsToSkeleton is empty when tableview is not showing in screen. #529

Open SunZhiC opened 1 year ago

SunZhiC commented 1 year ago


I have a page view, it has two child view, a tableView and a collectionView, both of then are isSkeletonable. when I call show skeletionView in tableview, then scroll to collectionView, then call hide skeletionView, collectionView works fine, skeletionView is disappeared, but when I scroll back to tableView, tableView cell's skeletionView is showing. In SubviewsSkeletonables.swift, I see tableView extension, why you check this window != nil when return subviewsToSkeleton? When tableView is not showing in screen, it's subviews' window is nil, its the bug reason. Why you didn't check window != nil in UICollectionView extension? I'm not sure it is a bug or a discussion.

Can you parse why you want to check window != nil separately in UITableView extension.

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Bug Report

Filling out the following details about bugs will help us solve your issue sooner.

SkeletonView Environment:

SkeletonView version:1.30.4 Xcode version:13.3.1 Swift version:5.6.1

Steps to reproduce:

1.Show tableView in screen and call show skeletionView. 2.Scroll to next page then call hide skeletionView. 3.Scroll back to tableView, this skeletionView is still showing.

Expected result:

TableView's skeletionView should hide.

Actual result:

TableView's skeletionView is still showing.


Logs, screenshots, sample project, funny gif, etc.