Juanpe / SkeletonView

☠️ An elegant way to show users that something is happening and also prepare them to which contents they are awaiting
MIT License
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UICollectionView cannot be hidden properly #559

Open mercyxu opened 3 months ago

mercyxu commented 3 months ago


Describe your issue here.

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Bug Report

Filling out the following details about bugs will help us solve your issue sooner.

SkeletonView Environment:

SkeletonView version:1.30.4 Xcode version:XCode15.2 **Swift version:Swift5.9

Steps to reproduce:

Please replace this with the steps to reproduce the behavior.

  1. Each unit is a UITableViewcell, nested UICollectionView, and each small item is a UICollectionViewcell
  2. Set collectionView.isSkeletonable = true, and child control isSkeletonable = true
  3. The skeleton diagram is displayed normally before obtaining network data. Refreshing the list again will display the skeleton diagram again and disappear. After the third time, it will be normal.

screenshot-20240329-153537 screenshot-20240329-153611 screenshot-20240329-153623 screenshot-20240329-153803

Expected result:

The second refresh no longer displays the skeleton diagram

Actual result:

The second refresh will flash the skeleton diagram and then disappear to display the network data.

