Juby210 / discord.js-reaction-menu

Apache License 2.0
13 stars 7 forks source link

Reactions doesnt update new page #11

Open astrex1969 opened 3 years ago

astrex1969 commented 3 years ago
const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setDescription(`Have pokemon bots in your server never thought to track them ?\nThis bot's made to track your pokemon bot's catches, so that you can compete with other users on the basis of their guild wide catches.\n\nIt currently tracks catches of 4 bots \`poketwo/pokemon/deriver/pokeworld\`\n\nIt also provides leaderboard for all bots to know who are grinding more.\n\n*The messages after catching are annoying? Do \`${prefix}response disable\`*`) .setAuthor("Page 1", client.user.displayAvatarURL) .setColor("Blue") .setFooter(`Made by AƧƬЯEX#5510`); const embed1 = new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setDescription(`**Page 1** - Information on tracker.\n\n**Page 2** - Information on managers.\n\n**Page 3** - Information on shiny hunt ping.\n\n**Page 4** - Gamble Economy.\n\n**Page 5** - Misc`) .setTitle(`Information on bot modules`) .setColor("Blue") .setFooter(`Made by AƧƬЯEX#5510`); const embed2 = new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setDescription(`Managers manager bot config on your server.\n\nThey can set spawn command usage channels.\nThey can reset weekly/daily catches of a particular bot.\nThey can change prefix of the server.\nThey can add or remove a channel for shiny hunt ping module and can remove someone from the sh list too.\nThey can even blacklist a user from using the server on their guild.\n\nManagers can be assigned by admins using \`${prefix}manager <user>\` *use the command again on the user to remove him from managers.*`) .setAuthor("Page 2", client.user.displayAvatarURL) .setColor("Blue") .setFooter(`Made by AƧƬЯEX#5510`); const embed3 = new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setDescription(`Want to help others to collect their shiny hunt pokemon ?\n\nUse our shiny hunt ping feature, you can do \`${prefix}sh <pokename>\` to add a pokemon to your sh list.\nDo \`${prefix}p <pokename>\` to ping users who are hunting that spawned pokemon.\n*this command has a 5 seconds cooldown to prevent spamming or mass pinging*.`) .setAuthor("Page 3", client.user.displayAvatarURL) .setColor("Blue") .setFooter(`Made by AƧƬЯEX#5510`); const embed4 = new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setDescription(`Hesitate to gamble?\n\nYou dont need to hesitate anymore. We have introduced gamble coins which can be used to make your gambling experience safer.\n\nYou can ask any poke manager to give you and other user gamble coins in exchange of pc and then after game completes coins can be replaced respectively.`) .setAuthor("Page 4", client.user.displayAvatarURL) .setColor("Blue") .setFooter(`Made by AƧƬЯEX#5510`); const embed5 = new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setDescription(`The bot not only provides features like tracking and shp but also provides some fun commands.\n\nFeel bored or spawns are slow?, use \`${prefix}spawn\` to play guess the pokemon *it has a lb too*\n\nWho dont loves to see fusion of pokemons, use \`${prefix}fusion <pokemon1> <pokemon2>\` *note - only generation 1 pokemons are added, I can't add more gens cuz of api*\n\nUse \`${prefix}dex <pokemon>\` to get information on a pokemon.\n\nUse \`${prefix}shinyrate <shinyhunt no.>\` to get to know about your chances of getting your shiny hunt pokemon.`) .setAuthor("Page 5", client.user.displayAvatarURL) .setColor("Blue") .setFooter(`Made by AƧƬЯEX#5510`); new rm.menu({ channel: message.channel, userID: message.author.id, pages: [embed1, embed, embed2, embed3, embed4, embed5] })
Scheggia0 commented 3 years ago

Same problem