JuchiaLu / Multi-Supplier-MT-Plugin

memoQ multi supplier machine translation plugin
MIT License
21 stars 4 forks source link

new translations providers added #5

Open drkhateeb opened 3 weeks ago

drkhateeb commented 3 weeks ago

Hello dear Dev I appreciate your work providing this amazing plugin Kindly add DeepL with Arabic Language Support, Built-in, similar to Google and Bing update to : GPT4o to Azure / Open AI

Gemini Flash - Pro from Gemini AI Studio API For local LLM, LM studio will be great https://lmstudio.ai/docs/local-server AI model functions to do - Paraphrase - Proofread - and custom promts , Add Tags to the current segment using AI model

JuchiaLu commented 3 weeks ago

I will add some or all of the requested features, but due to a holiday in my area, I might not be able to start working on this for a few days.

drkhateeb commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you very much and have nice holidays

drkhateeb commented 3 weeks ago

it is also a great feature if you add a plugin to connect to WordFast Anywhere TM, TB online

https://www.wordfast.net/wiki/Wordfast_Anywhere_TMs_and_glossaries_API momoQ already had a plugin to connect to Wordfast Server but has not a plugin to online version via Wordfast Anywhere

this feature will enable collaborative translation by sharing TM and TB and access it anytime



drkhateeb commented 3 weeks ago

this may help https://github.com/songquanpeng/one-api

OpenAI key management & redistribution system, supports Azure, Anthropic Claude, Google PaLM 2 & Gemini, Zhipu ChatGLM, Baidu Wenxin Yiyan, iFlytek Spark Cognition, Alitong Yiqianwen, 360 Zhinao and Tencent Hunyuan, which can be used for secondary distribution management key. Only a single executable file, Docker image has been packaged, one-click deployment, out of the box. OpenAI key management & redistribution system, using a single API for all LLMs, and features an English UI.

JuchiaLu commented 3 weeks ago

I'll start working on this task now, but there are a few details we need to go over first. If everything looks good, I'll proceed with the development as follows:

drkhateeb commented 3 weeks ago

DeepL (built-in): Got it. very good Lingvanex, Yandex: Sure, but I don't have accounts for these, so I might not be able to test them properly. Could you make it similar to DeepL, via browser GPT4o to Azure / Open AI: I'll add the GPT4o model and update the OpenAI GUI to allow for custom model names. Gemini Flash - Pro: I'll integrate one-api and use the OpenAI GUI to connect to various large model service providers. Local LLM: I think Ollama is more popular, and I've already set up the integration. However, to simplify future maintenance, I might remove it and use one-api. AI model functions: I'm not quite clear on the specific use cases. Could you provide more details?

for this, I meant to create a list of prompts to do linguistic functions using AI: the translator may select or create a prompt to

thanks in advance for your magnificent work

JuchiaLu commented 3 weeks ago

DeepL (built-in): done. Lingvanex(built-in), Yandex(built-in): done. GPT4o to Azure / Open AI: done. Gemini Flash - Pro: done, use the OpenAI GUI to connect "one-api". Local LLM: done, use the OpenAI GUI to connect "one-api".

This is a temporary test plugin. I am adding custom rate limiting and adaptive rate limiting features. A new version will be released after completion, and the temporary test plugin will be removed.


drkhateeb commented 3 weeks ago

Good morning and excellent news kindly add the name of the provider here image

how to run this plugin on MemoQ Server 10.6.12

drkhateeb commented 3 weeks ago

add prompt list to save - re-use prompts


drkhateeb commented 3 weeks ago

how to set Base URL and Path for Gemini flash /pro latest Onae-API LLM any demo / tutorial Best

drkhateeb commented 3 weeks ago

Kindly check this: Autocomplete (Interactive Machine Translation) https://docs.basiccat.org/en/latest/advancedFeatures.html#section-7

Export bilingual paragraph files

Sharing translation memory and term I think it needs TM/TB SDK from memoQ to share online https://docs.basiccat.org/en/latest/collaboration.html source code: https://github.com/xulihang/BasicCAT/issues

Documentations: https://docs.memoq.com/current/api-docs/wsapi/api/tmservice/MemoQServices.html

https://docs.memoq.com/current/sdk-docs/ https://docs.memoq.com/current/sdk-docs/memoQ-TB-SDK-2.4.1.zip https://docs.memoq.com/current/sdk-docs/memoQ-TM-SDK-2.4.1.zip --------: create TM/TB plugin for sharing and collaboration team GIThub repository wordfastanywhere API to store and share TM/TB https://www.wordfast.net/wiki/Wordfast_Anywhere_TMs_and_glossaries_API


JuchiaLu commented 3 weeks ago

"kindly add the name of the provider here": Due to memoQ's SDK limitations, the plugin cannot modify memoQ's interface, so this is not possible.

"how to run this plugin on MemoQ Server 10.6.12": As I am not a translator and have not used MemoQ Server, I'm afraid I am not familiar with this process.

"add prompt list to save - re-use prompts": I might consider this once I have completed current tasks.

"how to set, Base URL and Path for, Gemini flash /pro latest": You need to download one-api.exe and run it. Then, access in your browser, login with username 'root' and password '123456', and follow these steps to configure it, using gemini-1.5-pro as an example: 20240613031609 20240613031833 20240613032341 sorry, one-api does not provide an option to change the language, so the screenshots can only be displayed in Chinese.

drkhateeb commented 3 weeks ago

thank you very much

is there any English version of OneAPI based on this https://github.com/songquanpeng/one-api/blob/ed717211aaa1b1fa968aed493b80402de204df39/i18n/en.json

JuchiaLu commented 3 weeks ago

One-API supports I18N, but I couldn't find an option to change the language or if it switches automatically based on the environment.

drkhateeb commented 2 weeks ago

Trados Studio it is a CAT tool, similar to memoQ,, and widely used by 275000 users worldwide this is the GitHub https://github.com/RWS/Sdl-Community lots of plugins, many of NMT providers

DeepL: https://github.com/RWS/Sdl-Community/tree/master/DeepLMTProvider Bing https://github.com/RWS/Sdl-Community/tree/master/MicrosoftTranslatorProvider Google: https://github.com/RWS/Sdl-Community/tree/master/GoogleCloudTranslationProvider



Systran: https://www.systransoft.com/translate/

U-Dictionary http://u-dictionary.com/#/Translator/English

ModernMT https://www.modernmt.com/translate

Packages: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Trados.Community.Toolkit.LanguagePlatform

could you please create a plugin project for Trados Studio to GET TRANSLATION as built-in, similar to memoQ MultiSupplier project

REf: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7jocOn0MGc

drkhateeb commented 2 weeks ago

Hello dear dev kindly create a what is the cost of this plugin:

plugin to connect Trados Studio to Wordfast Anywhere Wordfast Anywhere TMs and glossaries API https://www.wordfast.net/wiki/Wordfast_Anywhere_TMs_and_glossaries_API Wordfast Anywhere API is REST and all methods are accessed via: https://anywhere.wordfast.com/wfa/api. First of all you need to register to the free online Wordfast Anywhere application at http://anywhere.wordfast.com/ The API will allow to connect any external application to Wordfast Anywhere TMs and glossaries. A key is required for all the commands of the API. The API key is generated by making a share of TMs and glossaries in Wordfast Anywhere. The API usage is free but the number of keys is limited to 5.

Go to Wordfast Anywhere menu => Setup TM&Glo. Open the sharing dialog by Clicking on the Manage Sharing button => Add button for My shares to the application

Trados: https://github.com/RWS/Sdl-Community


Trados Translation Memory Api Terminology Provider Api Similar Plugins: https://github.com/RWS/Sdl-Community/tree/master/TAUS%20Data%20Search https://github.com/RWS/Sdl-Community/tree/master/IATETerminologyProvider

the requested plugin will connect Studio to Wordfast Anywhere TM and TB via API


JuchiaLu commented 2 weeks ago

Sorry for the delay; I've been busy with other things lately.

I haven't used Trados Studio before, so I need to learn how it works first. From what I know, it only provides source code for reference, which takes time to go through.

I'm writing this plugin just for fun and not looking for any payment. If I find some free time, I'll be happy to work on it, but right now, I'm tied up with other commitments.

drkhateeb commented 2 weeks ago

I am satisfied with the efforts you have put in and the consistent follow-up. I enjoy this kind of engaging and enjoyable interaction and coding, and I hope it continues in the future. Please take your time, and I eagerly anticipate positive updates from you. Trados offers access to source code for plugins and C# packages, enabling developers to leverage these resources. Once again, I express my gratitude for dedicating your time to assist junior students like myself in their learning journey. Warm regards.

JuchiaLu commented 2 weeks ago

MemoQ.WordPreview.zip,Here's another memoQ plugin I developed:


Due to some unresolved performance issues(like it cannot directly modify text in Word), I haven't made it open source. I use it for bilingual reading, and I'm not sure if it would be useful to you, but it might help with final bilingual proofreading. It should work with Office Word 2016 and later versions.

drkhateeb commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you very much it is very useful, as live review

could you create a plugin to export bilingual word docx with the same original format for example : left column for source and right for target translation] https://github.com/bookfere/Ebook-Translator-Calibre-Plugin image