JudahGabriel / RavenDB.Identity

RavenDB Identity provider for ASP.NET Core. Let RavenDB manage your users and logins.
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Am I missing some wiring to support RoleManager? #57

Open famschopman opened 2 months ago

famschopman commented 2 months ago

I wanted to manage the roles and created a basic routine in a controller

 public class RolesController : RavenController
     private readonly UserManager<AppUser> _userManager;
     private readonly RoleManager<IdentityRole> _roleManager;

     public RolesController(UserManager<AppUser> userManager, RoleManager<IdentityRole> roleManager, IAsyncDocumentSession ravenSession) : base(ravenSession)
         _userManager = userManager;
         _roleManager = roleManager;

     public async Task<IActionResult> CreateRole([FromBody] CreateRoleDto dto)
         if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dto.RoleName))
             return BadRequest("Role name is required");
         var roleExist = await _roleManager.RoleExistsAsync(dto.RoleName);
             return BadRequest("Role already exist");
         var roleResult = await _roleManager.CreateAsync(new IdentityRole(dto.RoleName));

         if (roleResult.Succeeded)
             return Ok(new { message="Role created succesfully"});

         return BadRequest("Role creation failed");

Quickly ending up with a "Unable to resolve service for type 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.RoleManager`1[Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.IdentityRole]' while attempting to activate 'SplitbyAPI.Controllers.RolesController'."

RavenDB.Identity is wired up, and from what I understood there are multiple versions of Identity but when providing both the Identity and Role it should also internally create the UserManager to be injected.

// Wiring up RavenDB
builder.Services.AddSingleton<IDocumentStoreFactory, DocumentStoreFactory>();
builder.Services.AddScoped<ITenantDocumentStore>(x =>
    var tenantId = x.GetRequiredService<ITenantGetter>().Tenant;
    return new TenantDocumentStore(tenantId, x.GetService<IDocumentStoreFactory>()!);
builder.Services.AddScoped<IAsyncDocumentSession>(s => {
    return s.GetRequiredService<ITenantDocumentStore>().DocumentStore.OpenAsyncSession();

// Wiring up RavenDB Identity
builder.Services.AddIdentity<AppUser, Raven.Identity.IdentityRole>()
    .AddRavenDbIdentityStores<AppUser, Raven.Identity.IdentityRole>();    

Is there anything I should add to register the UserManager? I tried to extend the IdentityBuilder in Extensions by registering RoleMan to the RoleManager instance but this didn't seem to work either.

 public static IdentityBuilder AddRavenDbIdentityStores<TUser, TRole>(this IdentityBuilder builder, Action<RavenDbIdentityOptions>? configure = null)
        where TUser : IdentityUser
        where TRole : IdentityRole, new()
        if (configure != null)
        builder.Services.AddScoped<IUserStore<TUser>, UserStore<TUser, TRole>>();
        builder.Services.AddScoped<IRoleStore<TRole>, RoleStore<TRole>>();
     builder.Services.AddScoped<RoleManager<TRole>, RoleMan<TRole>>();

     return builder;