I believe if CCP 706.051 is the basis then box 7 needs to be checked since the statement is attached. Also, if you select the source of the money is savings or earnings it just assumes you are making a CCP 706.051 exemption claim. But the program never asked if the money was needed--only asked the source. Only ok if we can safely assume a user knows what the exemption is really for (maybe you can, idk)
Also, SSI exemption code is for autodeposit, so I dont think really applicable.
I believe if CCP 706.051 is the basis then box 7 needs to be checked since the statement is attached. Also, if you select the source of the money is savings or earnings it just assumes you are making a CCP 706.051 exemption claim. But the program never asked if the money was needed--only asked the source. Only ok if we can safely assume a user knows what the exemption is really for (maybe you can, idk)
Also, SSI exemption code is for autodeposit, so I dont think really applicable.