JudyYe / zero-shot-gcn

Zero-Shot Learning with GCN (CVPR 2018)
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How to generate the lists using my custom dataset? #8

Closed TomHeaven closed 4 years ago

TomHeaven commented 6 years ago

Hi, I'm trying to train a model on my own data. Different from your dataset, every class in my dataset corresponds to a single word.

I try to generate files in the lists folder, about a little confused about their meanings.

I guess all.txt, 2-hops.txt contain labels selected using certain criterion from words. If my guess is right, it will be easily generated.

However, the training file train_gcn.py still requires a file named corresp-all.json. So what does the jason file do?


shenyingying commented 6 years ago

excuse me,how can i get the dataset, I signup imageNet in .edu email,but i didn't have permission to the original images,i didn't know how to do next,can you share me dataset !

xixiU commented 6 years ago

Same problem.Haved you solved this problem?

shenyingying commented 6 years ago

what's problem发自我的华为手机-------- 原始邮件 --------主题:Re: [JudyYe/zero-shot-gcn] How to generate the lists using my custom dataset? (#8)发件人:xixiU 收件人:JudyYe/zero-shot-gcn 抄送:BlueSandals ,Comment Same problem.Haved you solved this problem?

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JudyYe commented 4 years ago