Juerd / ESP-WiFiSettings

WiFi Manager for the ESP32 Arduino environment
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arduino-esp32: Local IP is after connection succeeds #9

Closed santosrafael closed 3 years ago

santosrafael commented 3 years ago


After connecting to AP, I get the message "Connecting to WiFi SSID 'acesspoint'..", so something went wrong and no connections could be established.

When I commented the line 346 in file WiFiSettings.cpp the issue was gone.

Juerd commented 3 years ago

Is that on an ESP32 or ESP8266? Are you using the latest version of the ESP platform for Arduino; if not, which version are you using?

santosrafael commented 3 years ago

Sorry, that is for ESP32. I'm using updated arduino-esp32 cloned from master branch.

Juerd commented 3 years ago

Sorry, I've not been able to reproduce this problem. Can you share the smallest program you can make, that still shows the problem?

Juerd commented 3 years ago

No reply after >½ year; closing.