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Configuring HTTPS in ASP.NET Core 2.1 #110

Open JuergenGutsch opened 5 years ago

JuergenGutsch commented 5 years ago

Written on 02.07.2018 21:08:57

URL: https://asp.net-hacker.rocks/2018/07/05/aspnetcore-ssl.html

JuergenGutsch commented 5 years ago

Comment written by Digital Elvis on 09.07.2018 14:41:38

hacker, or just hack shill , 2.1 has been pulled, to buggy, FYI .net core is DOA

JuergenGutsch commented 5 years ago

Comment written by Jürgen Gutsch on 10.07.2018 06:52:57

Maybe it is just hack shill, maybe just playing with words ;-)
> "Why ASP.NET Hacker? It doesn't really have a deeper sense. I chose this name because we got some blue ASP.NET Hacker badges on the ASP.NET hackathon at the MVP Summit 2015 in Redmond. I think this matches exactly what we do with ASP.NET, if we want do achieve the customers requirements." (https://asp.net-hacker.rock...

JuergenGutsch commented 5 years ago

Comment written by Neutrino . on 04.08.2018 13:45:23

Dotnet Core DOA, lol. What kind of retarded alternate reality are you living in? Here in the real world Dotnet Core is supporting enterprise solution development all over the world.

JuergenGutsch commented 5 years ago

Comment written by Digital Elvis on 04.08.2018 17:40:23

the full farmework FUD from HanselMupppet have poisioned ASP.Net

don't even try saying the 2 is for core 2.0 , I been motioning it for years, core has way way less than < 1% aka DOA

But almost everyone's (pros, not bloggers of course) given up hope on Core every amounting to anything

version 1 got more downloads then every other version combined and just look at the total indifference to the latest versions, we're talking funeral, dead, buried.

just look at the compatibility pack Kevin Gallo was touting only a few months ago.


that's what effectively zero interest looks like, if the level of interest in core was the level of polonium 238 in drinking water it would be safe to drink.

it's main support is from Blogger/MVP wanna beez and F@nboyz, period.

JuergenGutsch commented 5 years ago

Comment written by Neutrino . on 07.08.2018 13:57:54

What's any of that supposed to mean? ASP.Net ran to version 5 and has since been superceeded by ASP.Net Core (which is ASP.Net 6) which is modular, open source and cross platform. What's not to like?

JuergenGutsch commented 5 years ago

Comment written by abs on 30.08.2018 08:10:20

Thanks for the guide Jürgen. I have a question if you don't mind. How would I go about allowing other hosts to connect? The reason that I ask is that I'm trying to host this on a Linux server and connect to it from my Windows machine.

For a .net core 2.0 http website I've got it to work by adding .UseUrls("") to the BuildWebHost() method in Program.cs. I've tried using .UseUrls("") but get the following error:
Unable to start Kestrel.
System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (13): Permission denied

I've tried searching for this error message to no avail.

JuergenGutsch commented 5 years ago

Comment written by abs on 30.08.2018 23:51:02

Figured out the reason. There were typos in the Program.cs and I may have been running the web application already in a different session which probably didn't help.

This is what I should have added:

JuergenGutsch commented 5 years ago

Comment written by Balaji hope tutors on 15.11.2018 14:39:46

Thanks for the guidance, i am hoping for the quick light on the Dot Net Course

CoolOppo commented 5 years ago

How would I go about using user secrets to pass the password to listenOptions.UseHttps(...)? I can't fetch the configuration from within Program.cs no matter what I try. I've been Googling solutions for like a half hour so any help would be greatly appreciated.

JuergenGutsch commented 5 years ago

Hi @CoolOppo I'm currrently working on a blog post about this. Will publish it tomorrow or on Wednesday

evgeni-nabokov commented 5 years ago

Typos: Strinct dotnet dev-certs https --trust

JuergenGutsch commented 5 years ago

@nabokov-ef many thanks for your comment. I don't really get, what you try to tell.

evgeni-nabokov commented 5 years ago

@JuergenGutsch I pointed at some typos in that article: https://asp.net-hacker.rocks/2018/07/09/aspnetcore-ssl.html

JuergenGutsch commented 5 years ago

@nabokov-ef great thanks :-) I thought about that but didn't find the typos yesterday. I just fixed it

anithageetha28 commented 3 years ago

thanks for guidance