Juicy / juicy-jsoneditor

Polymer Element that wraps josdejong/jsoneditor and adds two-way binding for edited JSON.
MIT License
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Binding json data into a lazy loaded template #11

Open joeblew99 opened 8 years ago

joeblew99 commented 8 years ago

This is some seriously good stuff. Thanks for writing this !!

I have a use case question - not a feature request.

The user has lots of templates. Let's say they are in markdown and it represents email templates.

The user also has a json schema and json datasets that conforms to that json schema.

With juicy, I think I can build a way for the user to put special tags in the template and for the user to map json data to the tags. And show the result of the data binding.

The key point is that juicy becomes an IDE of sorts because everything is dynamic.

I actually want to do the data bind on the server in golang. But I want to make it easy for the user to visually edit markup and configure the data mapping of the json to the tags inside the template.

Your components look to be made to do this type of thing or am a madman ? :)

tomalec commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the kind words @joeblew99 !

Well.. more or less that's our main use case :) The only difference is that we use PuppetJS (precisely <puppet-polymer-client>) to have three-way (browser html - browser json - server json) data binding with (Starcounter) server.


For more info, take a look at:

I plan to write small article on creating partials Web Components - way. Hopefully I'll find some time to make it in September. For sure you will find it at http://starcounter.io/blog/ and https://twitter.com/tomalecpl

If you have any other ideas or questions feel free to ask.

ps. Sorry for the late response, I have just came from vacations :palm_tree:

joeblew99 commented 8 years ago

wow this is a nice surprise. I see how this gets rid of lots of glue code for applications.

Really good work.

I am thinking about using this, but i read that starcounter is windows only because its c#, so its windows only ?

tomalec commented 8 years ago


Want one? ;) image

Linux version is currently under development, I cannot give any exact date, but it should come soon. C# is not longer windows only, you can even install Visual Studio cross-platform.

joeblew99 commented 8 years ago

If starcounter is c# that is cross compiled then i would be interested in it running on OSX, IOS and android. Not joking. I tried cross compiling c# maybe 1 year ago and was not really ready yet felt, but i guess things have moved on ?

Can you run Visual Studio on OSX now ? I use VSCOde on OSX at the moment