JujuAdams / Scribble

Efficient, internationalized, multi-effects text renderer for GameMaker
MIT License
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Animation properties random restart or ramdom jump. #472

Open davidzvlc opened 1 year ago

davidzvlc commented 1 year ago

I've noticed, that animation properties like wave or rainbow seem to randomly restart while they are running. I have observed it on both windows and android. Visually, it looks like the animation restarts, the color jump to start for example in rainbows. And in waves the position jumps, that jump is very fast and then the animation continues until the next random jump. (I imagine that it happens with all the animations but I have verified it with these 2, wave and raimbow)

JujuAdams commented 1 year ago

How long is the text being displayed for?

davidzvlc commented 1 year ago

The text is displayed until the button is pressed. I imagine that if I press the button quickly to next text it is more difficult to see the error. Approximately after 10 or 20 seconds you can start to see this problem. But I haven't managed to detect a logical pattern it seems to be quite ramdom. I thought it could be a precision problem but that doesn't make sense in windows and I've already seen that you use correctly precision highp float; in the shaders.