JulesBelveze / time-series-autoencoder

PyTorch Dual-Attention LSTM-Autoencoder For Multivariate Time Series
Apache License 2.0
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Trained model on NFLX stock data from 2014-2021. Predictions are scaled wrongly. #18

Closed Rajmehta123 closed 2 years ago

Rajmehta123 commented 3 years ago

Downloaded NFLX data from 2014 - 2021. Trained the model using default parameters. And the forecasting is wrongly scaled.

The NFLX stock value is around ~$515 on July 22, 2021, but the prediction value is around ~$20. Attached is the below graph for test and pred.


Below is the values for test and pred.

Pred: tensor([20.5919, 20.5882, 20.6023, 20.5925, 20.5604, 20.5682, 20.5184, 20.4771, 20.4323, 20.3718, 20.3013, 20.2565, 20.2335, 20.1562, 20.0954, 20.0564])

Test: tensor([492.4100, 498.3400, 500.7700, 497.0000, 508.8200, 512.7400, 518.0600, 527.0700, 533.0300, 533.5000, 528.2100, 533.5400, 533.9800, 541.6400, 535.9600, 530.7600])

JulesBelveze commented 3 years ago

Hey @Rajmehta123 thanks for pointing that out. There's indeed something weird going on with the scaling. I'm on holidays atm but will check that out as soon as I get back 🙂

PS: if you find out what is actually wrong please let me know. And if you have time to open PR that would fix it I would really appreciate it.

Rajmehta123 commented 3 years ago

The dataset loader is using ColumnarTransformer in a pipeline. There is no way to inverse_transform it back. Also, I removed the normalization method just to see how the predictions are, but in vain. Even with no normalization, the predictions are in the range of $5-$20.

JulesBelveze commented 3 years ago

Sounds like a bug yeah. I'll check that out. Do you have a link where I can get the dataset you're using?

JulesBelveze commented 3 years ago

Also @Rajmehta123 could you provide me the configuration you're using please

Rajmehta123 commented 3 years ago

Sure. I am attaching the link to the dataset.


Below are the configs.

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--batch-size", default=config["batch_size"], type=int, help="batch size")
parser.add_argument("--output-size", default=config["output_size"], type=int,
                    help="size of the ouput: default value to 1 for forecasting")
parser.add_argument("--label-col", default=config["label_col"], type=str, help="name of the target column")
parser.add_argument("--input-att", default=config["input_att"], type=lambda x: (str(x).lower() == "true"),
                    help="whether or not activate the input attention mechanism")
parser.add_argument("--temporal-att", default=config["temporal_att"], type=lambda x: (str(x).lower() == "true"),
                    help="whether or not activate the temporal attention mechanism")
parser.add_argument("--seq-len", default=config["seq_len"], type=int, help="window length to use for forecasting")
parser.add_argument("--hidden-size-encoder", default=config["hidden_size_encoder"], type=int,
                    help="size of the encoder's hidden states")
parser.add_argument("--hidden-size-decoder", default=config["hidden_size_decoder"], type=int,
                    help="size of the decoder's hidden states")
parser.add_argument("--reg-factor1", default=config["reg_factor1"], type=float,
                    help="contribution factor of the L1 regularization if using a sparse autoencoder")
parser.add_argument("--reg-factor2", default=config["reg_factor2"], type=float,
                    help="contribution factor of the L2 regularization if using a sparse autoencoder")
parser.add_argument("--reg1", default=config["reg1"], type=lambda x: (str(x).lower() == "true"),
                    help="activate/deactivate L1 regularization")
parser.add_argument("--reg2", default=config["reg2"], type=lambda x: (str(x).lower() == "true"),
                    help="activate/deactivate L2 regularization")
parser.add_argument("--denoising", default=config["denoising"], type=lambda x: (str(x).lower() == "true"),
                    help="whether or not to use a denoising autoencoder")
parser.add_argument("--do-train", default=True, type=lambda x: (str(x).lower() == "true"),
                    help="whether or not to train the model")
parser.add_argument("--do-eval", default=True, type=lambda x: (str(x).lower() == "true"),
                    help="whether or not evaluating the mode")
parser.add_argument("--data-path", default='nflx.csv', help="path to data file")
parser.add_argument("--output-dir", default=config["output_dir"], help="name of folder to output files")
parser.add_argument("--ckpt", default=None, help="checkpoint path for evaluation")

df = pd.read_csv(config["data_path"])
df = df.set_index('Date_Time')

if not os.path.exists(config["output_dir"]):

ts = TimeSeriesDataset(

For the config file.:

device=torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'),

categorical_cols=["day"],  # name of columns containing categorical variables
label_col=["Close"],  # name of target column

output_size=1,  # for forecasting

seq_len=10,  # previous timestamps to use
prediction_window=1,  # number of timestamps to forecast


JulesBelveze commented 2 years ago

Hey @Rajmehta123 there's a way to invert the scaler by directly accessing it:


I'm working on a "clean" way to convert the normalized values to the actualy ones 😃

JulesBelveze commented 2 years ago

@Rajmehta123 I've made the changes and managed to have it to work properly on my local with your configuration 😃 If you could check that it works properly for you before I merge the PR that would be awesome: https://github.com/JulesBelveze/time-series-autoencoder/pull/19

JulesBelveze commented 2 years ago

@Rajmehta123 feel free to reopen it if it still doesn't work for you.

Rajmehta123 commented 2 years ago

Hey Jules. I just tried the PR but still, I am not able to produce the predictions. Can you share your config used on that NFLX dataset?

***** EVAL REPORT **** MSE = 194079.140625 residuals = -430.42496 loss = tensor(8.7637)


Rajmehta123 commented 2 years ago

With the correct hyperparam, I could get a reasonable-performing model. All good now.
