JulesKouatchou / basic_language_comparison

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Julia is column major #13

Open ChrisRackauckas opened 3 years ago

ChrisRackauckas commented 3 years ago

This code is row major:


function optimized_time_step(u::Matrix{T})  where {T}
    n, m = size(u)
    error = T(0.0) # not an optimization, but makes it work for all element types
    @inbounds for j = 2:m-1
        for i = 2:n-1 # @simd ivdep, but why is it writing into u[j,i]? That's not the time step.
            temp = u[j, i];
            u[j, i] = ( T(4) *(u[j-1, i] + u[j+1, i] +
                        u[j, i-1] + u[j, i+1]) +
                        u[j-1, i-1] + u[j+1, i+1] +
                        u[j+1, i-1] + u[j-1, i+1]) / T(20)
            difference = u[j, i] - temp
            error += difference*difference;
    return sqrt(error)

is probably a better code, though this is a case where most people would do:

using LoopVectorization
function optimized_time_step(u::Matrix{T})  where {T}
    n, m = size(u)
    error = T(0.0) # not an optimization, but makes it work for all element types
    @turbo for j = 2:m-1 # @tturbo for threading
        for i = 2:n-1
            temp = u[j, i];
            u[j, i] = ( T(4) *(u[j-1, i] + u[j+1, i] +
                        u[j, i-1] + u[j, i+1]) +
                        u[j-1, i-1] + u[j+1, i+1] +
                        u[j+1, i-1] + u[j-1, i+1]) / T(20)
            difference = u[j, i] - temp
            error += difference*difference;
    return sqrt(error)
JulesKouatchou commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the suggestion. I will include it in the code.