JuliaAI / DecisionTree.jl

Julia implementation of Decision Tree (CART) and Random Forest algorithms
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How to plot a decision tree (using a graphics package) #147

Open roland-KA opened 2 years ago

roland-KA commented 2 years ago

Is there a possibility to plot a decision tree using Plots.jl (or some other graphics package)?

I'm using MLJ and the only means to visualize a decision tree seems to be report(mach).print_tree(n) where mach is the trained machine.

If there is no such possibility: How can I access the tree (data structure) directly in MLJ?

roland-KA commented 2 years ago

I think I've solved most of the questions above: Using AbstractTrees.jl and GraphRecipes.jl it's relatively easy to implement.

function AbstractTrees.children(node::DecisionTree.Node) return(node.left, node.right) end

function AbstractTrees.printnode(io::IO, node::DecisionTree.Node) print(io, "ID: ", node.featid, " - ", node.featval) end

function AbstractTrees.printnode(io::IO, leaf::DecisionTree.Leaf) print(io, "maj: ", leaf.majority, " - vals: ", length(leaf.values)) end

- Finally `GraphRecipes` can be used together with `Plots` (`dtree` is the decision tree to be plotted):
using GraphicRecipes

plot(TreePlot(dtree), method = :tree, nodeshape = :ellipse)

Unfortunately DecisionTree.Node stores only the id of the feature which is used for a split (featid). It would be nice, if the feature name could also be shown. Within the DecisionTree package exists an array feature_names with these names. But I didn't find a way to access it. How can this be done (in printnode)?

Rahulub3r commented 2 years ago

Hi @roland-KA, I have created a function to plot decision tree using CairoMakie (https://github.com/Rahulub3r/Julia-ML-Utils/blob/main/decisionTreeUtils.jl). Although this is a minimum working example, I think it can be changed to be production material for integrating into the package. I am interested in contributing. Let me know if this looks good.

roland-KA commented 2 years ago

Hi @Rahulub3r , thank you for your efforts! Could you perhaps give a working example on how to call drawTree? I.e. which initial values should be used to draw a tree from its root down to the leafs?

Rahulub3r commented 2 years ago

Sure. An MWE is as follows. Suggestions are appreciated.

using MLJ
using DecisionTree
using CairoMakie
using Random

X, y = make_blobs(300;rng=MersenneTwister(1234))

dtc = @load DecisionTreeClassifier pkg=DecisionTree verbosity=0
dtc_model = dtc(min_purity_increase=0.005, min_samples_leaf=1, min_samples_split=2, max_depth=3)
dtc_mach = machine(dtc_model, X, y)
x = fitted_params(dtc_mach)

f = Figure(;resolution=(1000, 800))
ax1 = Axis(f[1,1])
drawTree(x.tree, x.encoding, ax1; feature_names=["X1", "X2"], 
        nodetextsize=20, nodetextcolor=:black, nodewth=12,
        linetextsize=13, leaftextsize=13, leafwth=4)


roland-KA commented 2 years ago

Thank's, that looks really good! 👍

ablaom commented 2 years ago

Very cool! I wonder what the best way to integrate this contribution might be. Be great for MLJ users to be able to do this (without adding Makie as dependency to existing MLJ packages).

@Rahulub3r Any interest in working helping out with visualisation in MLJ more generally?

Probably missing something but why is it necessary to specify feature names? Are they not part of x.encoding?

Rahulub3r commented 2 years ago

Yes, I am interested. However, I am not sure how we would implement them without Makie. RE feature names, if you do not specify them, they will be shown as Feature 1, Feature 2, .. in the plot, but if you specify the names, you will see them as shown in the plot above. x.encoding contains the class label information and not the features.

ablaom commented 2 years ago

x.encoding contains the class label information and not the features.

Yes, of course you right 👍🏾 . Perhaps we could get the MLJ interface to expose the feature names (as we do in, eg, the MLJGLMInterface).

roland-KA commented 2 years ago

As far as I can see, we have now three options to visualize a decision tree:

  1. Using GraphRecipes (with Plots in the background and the decision tree 'extended' to an AbstractTree) as described in my post above.
  2. The code developed by @Rahulub3r, which implements its own tree layout algorithm using Makie.jl.
  3. Using Graphs (with GraphMakie the background).

No. 2 is without doubt visually the most beautiful solution. But I think we should also consider some software engineering aspects:

I've been digging a bit deeper into options 1 & 3 recently, so some more comments on that:

Option 1: Using class labels and attribute names (from 'somewhere', ideally from an MLJ interface 😊), trees with all that information can be plotted using the means stated above.

BTW: I've started a three-part tutorial on 'Towards Data Science' on how Julia and its ecosystem can be used for ML (for an audience that doesn't know Julia). The first part has been published last week. The third part uses exactly no. 1 as an example to show how easy it is in Julia to 'glue' several packages together and create a new solution with only little coding. So there will be an extensive description on how to do it.

On that way, I identified an issue with the TreePlot recipe (JuliaPlots/GraphRecipes.jl#172), which has to be resolved, before we can use it to produce correct tree plots.

Option 3: In order to get a 'beautiful' tree plot, some extra work is needed as the standard output from GraphMakie is a bit basic and doesn't offer more out-of-the-box as I a learned here: JuliaPlots/GraphMakie.jl#57

I can provide a code example on how to apply this option next week (I'm a bit busy this week).

ablaom commented 2 years ago

@roland-KA Very nice summary of the issues and best options. I agree that while @Rahulub3r code is a lovely bit of work, a more generic solution is preferred (1 or 3).

It probably makes sense to have a separate "MLJPlotRecipes" package for plotting things that are very specific to MLJ (we have, for example, recipe in MLJTuning to plot outcomes of hyper-parameter optimization). But this wouldn't fall into this category.

I've opened https://github.com/JuliaAI/MLJDecisionTreeInterface.jl/issues/13. This should be pretty easy (PR welcome 😄 ).

Makie.jl or Plots.jl? That's a very difficult question. I'm waiting for someone to convince me one way or the other 😉 . Of course one could do both, starting with Plots.jl which seems more ready to roll.

See also the MLJ visualization project in this GSoC list.

roland-KA commented 2 years ago

I think a separate "MLJPlotRecipes" package is a good idea, as there are surely more models that could be visualized (and it would be another advantage of MLJ over similar ML-packages in general).

As a first step, an implementation for Plots.jl would be preferable in my opinion too, because:

... and if time permits, I will have a look at JuliaAI/MLJDecisionTreeInterface.jl#13 😊

roland-KA commented 2 years ago

And as promised, here the code to plot a decision tree using Graphs and GraphMakie. This variant needs a bit more coding than GraphRecipies & Plots since Graphs expects the tree in a breadth-first order whereas the structures of the decision tree are better suited for a depth-first traversal.

So I'm doing basically a depth-first traversal of the decision tree but I collect the nodes (as well as the information for the labels) in a breadth-first order. Sounds a bit strange (and is a bit strange 😀), but can be done with relatively little effort.

The trick is the use of the counter dictionary below, which has a counter for each level of the (binary) tree and delivers a numbering of the nodes in breadth-first order (1st level starts with 1, 2nd level with 2, 3rd level with 4 etc.).

The function traverse_tree visits each node and adds on this visit label information to label and adds the edge to its left and right child to the graph g (in the call to add_node). We assume that the decision tree is in tree and has been created beforehand.

using Graph, GraphMakie, CairoMakie

depth = DecisionTree.depth(tree)
g = SimpleDiGraph(2^(depth+1)-1)  # graph (for building the tree) of size given as an argument
label = Dict{Int, String}()  # for collecting label information
counter = Dict([i => 2^i for i in 0:depth])

function traverse_tree(tree::DecisionTree.Node, level::Int, cnt::Dict{Int, Int}, g::SimpleDiGraph, label::Dict{Int, String})
    label[cnt[level]] = "ID = " * string(tree.featid) * " - " * string(tree.featval)
    add_node!(g, tree.left, level, cnt, label)  # left child
    add_node!(g, tree.right, level, cnt, label) # right child

traverse_tree(tree::DecisionTree.Leaf, level::Int, cnt::Dict{Int, Int}, g::SimpleDiGraph, label::Dict{Int, String}) = 
    label[cnt[level]] = "maj = " * string(tree.majority)

function add_node!(g::SimpleDiGraph, node::Union{DecisionTree.Node, DecisionTree.Leaf}, level::Int, cnt::Dict{Int, Int}, label::Dict{Int, String})
    add_edge!(g, cnt[level], cnt[level+1])
    traverse_tree(node, level + 1, cnt, g, label)
    cnt[level+1] += 1

The function traverse_tree has to be applied to the initial data structures defined above and a level of 0. Afterwards we have a tree structure in g similar to the decision tree and all label information in label. The keys of label give us the (breadth-first) order we need for plotting. Therefore we have to extract it in that order (call to sort) and then everything can be plotted using graphplot.

traverse_tree(tree, 0, counter, g, label)
tree_labels = collect(values(sort(label)))
f, ax, p = graphplot(g, layout = layout, nlabels = tree_labels, nlabels_attr=(;justification = :center, align = (:center, :top), color = :blue))

The resulting tree plot is the one depicted in JuliaPlots/GraphMakie.jl#57.

dsweber2 commented 2 years ago

Before noticing this issue, I went ahead and adapted the Plots recipe used in EvoTrees for this package. It's rather hacky, because the node shapes don't play well with the text, especially for deep trees, but between custom markers and bypassing the labels with annotations, it mostly works out. I ended up doing basically the same node traversal to get a digraph. Let me know if you think its worth making a pull request with some modifications (either here or in some eventual MLJPlotRecipes).

using RecipeBase
@recipe function plot(tree::DecisionTree.Node, var_names::Vector{Symbol}; widthAdjust=0.8, nodeWidth=0.45, falseColor="#FFC7AC", trueColor="#DAFBAA", decisionColor="#D6CCFC")
    g, reorderedNames, reorderedValues, reorderedLabels, n = buildGraph(tree, var_names)
    adjList = g.fadjlist
    size_base = floor(log2(length(adjList)))
    sz = (128 * 2^(size_base * widthAdjust), 96 * (1 + size_base))
    xBuf, yBuf = (nodeWidth, 0.45)
    buch = buchheim(adjList)
    xBuch = [x[1] for x in buch]
    yBuch = [x[2] for x in buch]
    shapes = [[(xBuch[ii] - xBuf, yBuch[ii] + yBuf), (xBuch[ii] + xBuf, yBuch[ii] + yBuf), (xBuch[ii] + xBuf, yBuch[ii] - yBuf - 0.15), (xBuch[ii] - xBuf, yBuch[ii] - yBuf - 0.15)] for ii = 1:length(xBuch)]
    curves = Vector{Tuple{Vector{Float64},Vector{Float64}}}(undef, sum(length.(adjList)))
    iCurve = 1
    for ii = 1:length(reorderedLabels)
        for jj = 1:length(adjList[ii])
            curves[iCurve] = ([xBuch[ii], xBuch[adjList[ii][jj]]], [shapes[ii][3][2], shapes[adjList[ii][jj]][1][2]])
            iCurve += 1
    annotate = [(xBuch[ii], yBuch[ii], reorderedLabels[ii], 9) for ii = 1:length(reorderedLabels)]
    background_color --> :white
    linecolor --> :black
    legend --> nothing
    axis --> nothing
    framestyle --> :none
    size --> sz
    annotations --> annotate
    for ii = 1:length(shapes)
        @series begin
            if length(adjList[ii]) == 0
                if reorderedValues[ii] > 0.5
                    fillColor = trueColor
                    fillColor = falseColor
                fillColor = decisionColor
            fillcolor --> fillColor
            seriestype --> :shape
            return shapes[ii]
    for ii = 1:length(curves)
        @series begin
            seriestype --> :curves
            return curves[ii]
function buildGraph(tree::DecisionTree.Node, givenNames)
    g = SimpleDiGraph()
    reorderedNames = Vector{String}()
    reorderedValues = tuple()
    reorderedLabels = Vector{String}()
    g, reorderedNames, reorderedValues, reorderedLabels, n = addNode(tree, g, givenNames, reorderedNames, reorderedValues, reorderedLabels, 1)
    return g, reorderedNames, reorderedValues, reorderedLabels, n
function addNode(node::DecisionTree.Node, g, givenNames, reorderedNames, reorderedValues, reorderedLabels, n)
    append!(reorderedNames, [String(givenNames[node.featid])])
    reorderedValues = (reorderedValues..., node.featval)
    if node.featval isa Float64
        showVal = round(node.featval, sigdigits=3)
        showVal = node.featval
    append!(reorderedLabels, ["$(String(givenNames[node.featid]))\n ≥ $(showVal)"])
    g, reorderedNames, reorderedValues, reorderedLabels, nLeft = addNode(node.left, g, givenNames, reorderedNames, reorderedValues, reorderedLabels, n + 1)
    add_edge!(g, n, n + 1)
    g, reorderedNames, reorderedValues, reorderedLabels, nRight = addNode(node.right, g, givenNames, reorderedNames, reorderedValues, reorderedLabels, nLeft + 1)
    add_edge!(g, n, nLeft + 1)
    return g, reorderedNames, reorderedValues, reorderedLabels, nRight
function addNode(node::DecisionTree.Leaf, g, givenNames, reorderedNames, reorderedValues, reorderedLabels, n)
    leafVal = sum(node.values .== 2) // length(node.values)
    append!(reorderedNames, [String(givenNames[end])])
    append!(reorderedLabels, ["$(String(givenNames[end])):\n $(leafVal.num)/$(leafVal.den)"])
    reorderedValues = (reorderedValues..., Float64(leafVal))
    return g, reorderedNames, reorderedValues, reorderedLabels, n

as for an example resulting graph, using the example above with some name changes:

using MLJ, DecisionTree
using Random, DataFrames, Tables
using Plots
X, y = make_blobs(300; rng=MersenneTwister(1234))
using DataFrames, Tables
df = DataFrame(theFirstThing=Tables.matrix(X)[:, 1], theSecondThing=Tables.matrix(X)[:, 2])
dtc = @load DecisionTreeClassifier pkg = DecisionTree verbosity = 0
dtc_model = dtc(min_purity_increase=0.005, min_samples_leaf=1, min_samples_split=2, max_depth=3)
dtc_mach = machine(dtc_model, df, y)
x = fitted_params(dtc_mach)
Plots.plot(x[:tree], [x[:features]..., :y])


roland-KA commented 2 years ago

Hi @dsweber2, this looks quite good to me! 👍 ... and as you've realized the implementation using Plots recipes, we get the independence between MLJ and the graphics package (as discussed above).

@ablaom, wouldn't this be a good start for a MLJPlotRecipes package?

ablaom commented 2 years ago

I agree this looks nice. However, as it is specific to DecisionTree.jl trees, I suggest a PR either to DecisionTree.jl and/or MLJDecisionTreeInterface.jl. The MLJDecisionTreeInterface version could include original feature names.

Minor suggestion: replace the test if node.featval isa Float64 with if node.featval isa AbstractFloat.

However, as commented above, a more maintainable solution would be to implement the AbstractTrees.jl API for the DecisionTrees.jl objects and try to improve the generic tree-plotting capabilities of Plots.jl, if this is lacking. It's just a pity that this approach will not be able to include feature names, without some significant changes to DecisionTree.jl, as node objects in DecisionTree don't know the feature names. Perhaps in the MLJ wrapper we could include the encoding in a plot legend?

roland-KA commented 2 years ago

I've just noticed that DecisionTree.jl is no longer maintained. So a PR to this package is no longer an option.

Anyway @ablaom, as you suggest, a more maintainable solution would be less dependent on DecisionTree.jl. As I'm not so familiar with plot recipes (I've just used them, never implemented one), I'm trying to understand, what that means:

As I that example above shows, making an AbstractTree from a DecisionTree can be relatively easy achieved: Only the AbstractTree-functions children and printnode have to be implemented.

An obstacle for a simple implementation is indeed, that DecisionTree doesn't know the feature names. In this tutorial, I've explained how that information could be added. But it is just sort of a work-around, not a desirable solution. So if MLJ could deliver that information directly, a simple implementation would be possible. @ablaom could you describe more precisely how that 'encoding in a plot legend' would look like?

@dsweber2 what do you think about such an adaption of your plot recipe? Is this a way to go?

ablaom commented 2 years ago

@dsweber2 s recipe would then have an AbstractTree as its first argument (instead of a DecisionTree.Node), right?

I think the problem here is that "AbstractTree" is not a type, only an interface. As far as I understand, plot recipes cannot be created in the usual way with trait-dispatch, only type-dispatch. But maybe there is a workaround if you don't use the macro.

. @ablaom could you describe more precisely how that 'encoding in a plot legend' would look like?

I just mean that your nodes are labelled like " Feature 1 < 0.4", say, but you add a legend to the figure that looks like

Feature 1 - number_of_bedrooms
Feature 2 - floor_area
Feature 3 - median_price_neighborhood

This might even be an advantage, as long feature names are not messing up the plot.

@bensadeghi Would you be happy to entertain a PR that implements the AbstractTrees.jl interface for Node and Leaf objects? This would be pretty minimal - see above comment. AbstractTrees.jl is a popular package with no dependencies. The existing print_tree functionality could be left untouched, or replaced by the AbtractTrees.jl (text-based) version, which would eliminate some code.

bensadeghi commented 2 years ago

@dsweber2 s recipe would then have an AbstractTree as its first argument (instead of a DecisionTree.Node), right?

I think the problem here is that "AbstractTree" is not a type, only an interface. As far as I understand, plot recipes cannot be created in the usual way with trait-dispatch, only type-dispatch. But maybe there is a workaround if you don't use the macro.

. @ablaom could you describe more precisely how that 'encoding in a plot legend' would look like?

I just mean that your nodes are labelled like " Feature 1 < 0.4", say, but you add a legend to the figure that looks like

Feature 1 - number_of_bedrooms
Feature 2 - floor_area
Feature 3 - median_price_neighborhood

This might even be an advantage, as long feature names are not messing up the plot.

@bensadeghi Would you be happy to entertain a PR that implements the AbstractTrees.jl interface for Node and Leaf objects? This would be pretty minimal - see above comment. AbstractTrees.jl is a popular package with no dependencies. The existing print_tree functionality could be left untouched, or replaced by the AbtractTrees.jl (text-based) version, which would eliminate some code.

@ablaom , That sounds fine. But please make sure that the PR includes appropriate unit tests and documentation in README.

ablaom commented 2 years ago

@roland-KA Is this something you might take on, at your leisure?

roland-KA commented 2 years ago

Well, at least I could give it a try. But I need some help, especially when it comes to implement a plot recipe. @dsweber2 would you give your support on that topic?

So just to make clear what the objectives are, let me summarize. We want

Is that correct?

@ablaom and you would provide a an extension to the MLJ wrapper that delivers the feature names (perhaps in that extended 'legend' form you described above) as well as class names?

So that in the end we could call plot (more or less) in the following way:

roland-KA commented 2 years ago

Spending a bit more time today on the issue, I think, I missed the point a bit with my last comment.

@ablaom your idea is probably, that the PR to DecisionTree.jl only encompasses the AbstractTree wrapper?

A plot recipe for plotting decision trees could then be added to MLJ itself, relying just on the the AbstractTree interface. That would open the possibility for every other decision tree within in the MLJ universe to use the same generic plot recipe (it would only have to implement the AbstractTree interface). Right?

ablaom commented 2 years ago

Yes, that's exactly my suggestion. A PR here to implement the AbstractTrees.jl API and that is all (@bensadeghi's other requirements notwithstanding). Very happy to provided feedback on such a PR.

roland-KA commented 2 years ago

Ok fine, that should be no problem 😊👍.

Then we have to decide, how we get the information about feature names and class labels into the game (especially when the nodes of the trees don't have that information, as is in case of DecisionTree.jl).

The idea in AbstractTree is, that the function printnode produces the text that should be displayed inside the nodes (and leaves). So this function needs access to feature names and class labels.

Currently I see the following alternatives on how this could be done:

  1. The 'pure' nodes and leaves that come from a decision tree can be wrapped in an enriched structure which has that additional knowledge. That's the variant, I described in my article in Towards Data Science. In this case printnode can deliver a ready-to-use text.
  2. The information is added on a later step, as arguments to the plot recipe (which would result in a usage of the recipe like: plot(decisiontree, feature_names, class_labels) ). Here the result of printnode will have to be combined with the additional information (in the best case) or (more probable) it has to be ignored and replaced by something else. I.e. the result of printnode would only be used for a simple default representation.

Approach 1 has to be implemented whithin the implementation of the AbstractTree traits, whereas no. 2 will be implemented in the context of the recipe (the implementation of the TreePlot recipe may serve as an example).

I.e. approach 1 lays more burden on the implementation of the AbstractTree traits when the tree structure doesn't have that information. But it would be relatively straightforward on a decision tree implementation like BetaML.jl (as far as I understand this code they have labels and names included).

Approach 2 would allow parameters on the plot recipe to fine tune the appearance of the tree. E.g. one could choose between showing just feature ids in the nodes, full text nodes or ids in the node and a legend with full text next to the tree plot (well, this would also be doable with approach 1, but it would be sort of a waste of effort).

But perhaps I'm missing a point at the moment and things are less complicated ... 🤔

ablaom commented 2 years ago

@roland-KA I'd suggest we that for now we avoid writing plot recipes that are specific to ML decision trees and instead work on building tree representations that implement AbstractTrees.jl that can then be thrown at generic plotting algorithms - whether Makie or Plots.jl. So my vote is for 1. I think this is simpler and easier to maintain.

I very much like your idea to build an enhanced AbstractTree object for DecisionTree.jl and had not realised how far you had already gone with this in the Towards Data Science post - that's a complete POC really. So there is a way to get the feature names into the game after all. This is only slightly more complicated than than implementing AbstractTree API for raw nodes and leaves, and I expect @bensadeghi would not object to it's addition here, as there is still no refactoring of existing code.

roland-KA commented 2 years ago

The objective for using an AbstractTree is to hide all implementation details of specific decision trees from the plot recipe. I've investigated possible alternatives to the two approaches described above, but I didn't find any other ways to do it.

So I completely agree with you and would implement the concept from my TDS article.

BTW: In the meantime I've delved a bit into the documentation of plot recipes and I think I can do that too. 🤓

roland-KA commented 2 years ago

I'm currently testing my implementation of the AbstractTree-interface for DecisionTree.jl.

Here I came across the fact, that DecisionTree stores in its Leafs in field majority sometimes the class labels and in some cases ids of class labels (i.e. an index value).

Is it correct that it stores there

ablaom commented 2 years ago

Off the top of my head I don't know the answer to point one. Is there even a distinction in native DecisionTree.jl between id and class labels?

edited Currently, the MLJ interface, always converts target class labels (categorical values) to integers, for passing to DecisionTree.jl.

Features are left untouched and DecisionTree.jl is happy with any eltype which supports <, I'm pretty sure.

Does this help?

ablaom commented 2 years ago

Let me know if you need me to look further into this.

roland-KA commented 2 years ago

Ah that makes sense and fits well with my observations!

Up to now I only dealt with DecisionTrees that were produced by MLJ, so I was a bit surprised to encounter trees with class labels included. But with your explanation things are clear now.

roland-KA commented 2 years ago

Hi @ablaom, the PR for DecsionTree.jl is now available. The automated tests done by GitHub failed although; but I don't know why.

Could you have a look at the PR?

In src/DecsionTree.jl I've exported (among others) the functions children and printnode (coming from AbstractTrees). Any opinion about this being good or bad?

ablaom commented 2 years ago

In src/DecsionTree.jl I've exported (among others) the functions children and printnode (coming from AbstractTrees). Any opinion about this being good or bad?

I'd probably not export them. They are not going to be used by the average user of DecisionTree.jl, and children might conflict with some other usage.

roland-KA commented 2 years ago

Here is now a first version of a plot recipe for plotting a DecisionTree wrapped in an AbstractTrees-interface:

Plot Recipe ```Julia """ A plot recipe (based on `RecipeBase.jl`) to visualize a decision tree (from `DecisionTree.jl`) wrapped in an `AbstractTrees`-interface. # Overview The Buchheim-Algorithm (from `NetworkLayout.jl`) is used to generate a layout for the tree. Therefore the decision tree has to be converted first to a `SimpleDiGraph` (from `Graphs.jl`). For that purpose we need the number `n` of nodes within the tree and the nodes have to be numbered from 1 to `n` in a breadth first order (as the edges of a `SimpleDiGraph` are specified by pairs of such numbers). The following assumptions are made for the decision tree: - It is a binary tree - A node has either no children (`Leaf`) or exactly two children (`Node`) This implies that the tree may be imbalanced but each single node is always balanced. The whole process consists of the following steps: 1. Flatten The tree is converted in a breadth first order into a list (a `Vector`) of `NodeInfo`s. These elements contain the relevant information for visualizing the tree. The indices within this array correspond to the above required numbers from 1 to `n` (1 is the root node). 2. Generate layout The (number) information from the flat structure is taken to create a corresponding `SimpleDiGraph`. Using the Buchheim-algorithm on this graph, a layout (consisting of the coordinates of the nodes) is generated. 3. Make a visual description (using a Plot Recipe) The plot recipe `dt_visualization` creates a visual description of the tree using the information of the two preceding steps. """ import AbstractTrees using NetworkLayout using Graphs using GraphRecipes # plotting information for each node/leaf of the tree struct PlotInfo parent_id :: Int16 # number of the parent node within the tree is_leaf :: Bool # is the node a `Leaf`? print_label :: String # text to be printed as a label in the visualization of the node end """ add_level!(plot_infos::Vector{PlotInfo}, nodes, i_crnt) Traverse the tree recursively beginning from the root, level by level, collecting on each level all nodes from left to right and adding them to the `plot_infos`-list in form of `PlotInfo`s. On each call a `Vector` of nodes from the last level processed is given in `nodes`. So on the first call a one-element array containing the root node is passed. `i_crnt ` is the index of the `PlotInfo` in `plot_infos` corresponding to the first node in `nodes`. On the first call, `add_level!` expects the first entry in `plot_infos` for the root node already to be present (so this has to be done manually). """ function add_level!(plot_infos::Vector{PlotInfo}, nodes, i_crnt) i_next = i_crnt + length(nodes) child_nodes = [] for n in nodes cn = AbstractTrees.children(n) if length(cn) > 0 plot_infos[i_next] = PlotInfo(i_crnt, is_leaf(cn[1]), label(cn[1])) plot_infos[i_next+1] = PlotInfo(i_crnt, is_leaf(cn[2]), label(cn[2])) i_next += 2 push!(child_nodes, cn[1]) push!(child_nodes, cn[2]) end i_crnt += 1 end if length(child_nodes) > 0 add_level!(plot_infos, child_nodes, i_crnt) end end # extract and format label information from nodes/leaves function label(i::Union{InfoNode, InfoLeaf}) io = IOBuffer() AbstractTrees.printnode(io, i) return(String(take!(io))) end # which type of node is it? is_leaf(i::InfoNode) = false is_leaf(i::InfoLeaf) = true depth(tree::InfoNode) = DecisionTree.depth(tree.node) # --> move to `DecisionTree/abstract_trees.jl` """ flatten(tree::InfoNode) Create a list of all nodes/leaves (converted to `PlotInfo`s) within the `tree` in a breadth first order. Note: If `tree` is imbalanced, the resulting list contains empty elements at its end. """ function flatten(tree::InfoNode) plot_infos = Vector{PlotInfo}(undef, 2^(depth(tree)+1)) # tree has max. 2^(depth+1) nodes plot_infos[1] = PlotInfo(-1, false, label(tree)) # root node is first entry; -1 is a dummy add_level!(plot_infos, [tree], 1) # add recursevly nodes of all further tree levels to the list return(plot_infos) end """ layout() Create a tree layout in form of a list of points (`GeometryBasics.Point2`) based on the list of `PlotInfo`s created by `flatten`. The order of the points in the list corresponds to the information in the `plot_infos`-list passed. """ function layout(plot_infos::Vector{PlotInfo}) size = count([isassigned(plot_infos, i) for i in eachindex(plot_infos)]) # count number of actual entries g = SimpleDiGraph(size) for i in 2:size add_edge!(g, plot_infos[i].parent_id, i) end return(buchheim(g)) end """ Rectangular shape with centerpoint `center` and dimensions `width` and `height` """ function make_rect(center, width, height) left, right = center[1] - width/2.0, center[1] + width/2.0 upper, lower = center[2] + height/2.0, center[2] - height/2.0 Shape([(left, upper), (right, upper), (right, lower), (left, lower), (left, upper)]) end """ Linear curve starting at the `parent`s bottom center leading to the `child`s top center """ function make_line(parent, child, height) parent_bottom = [parent[1], parent[2] - height/2] child_top = [child[1], child[2] + height/2] return([parent_bottom[1], child_top[1]], [parent_bottom[2], child_top[2]]) end """ dt_visualization(tree::InfoNode) Graph recipe to draw a `DecsionTree` (wrapped in an `AbstractTree`) """ @recipe function dt_visualization(tree::InfoNode, width = 0.7, height = 0.7) # prepare data plot_infos = flatten(tree) coords = layout(plot_infos) # we paint on a blank paper framestyle --> :none legend --> false # connecting lines are a series of curves i = 2 while i <= length(plot_infos) && isassigned(plot_infos, i) @series begin seriestype := curves linecolor --> :silver line = make_line(coords[plot_infos[i].parent_id], coords[i], height) i += 1 return line end end # nodes are a series of rectangle shapes anns = plotattributes[:annotations] = [] # for the labels within the rectangles for i in eachindex(coords) @series begin seriestype := :shape fillcolor --> :deepskyblue3 alpha --> (plot_infos[i].is_leaf ? 0.4 : 0.15) annotationcolor --> :brown4 annotationfontsize --> 7 c = coords[i] push!(anns, (c[1], c[2], (plot_infos[i].print_label,))) return make_rect(c, width, height) end end end ```

Using the following "handmade" decision tree ...

Demo code ```julia using DecisionTree using Plots function dtree() l1 = Leaf(1, [1,1,2]) l2 = Leaf(2, [1,2,2]) l3 = Leaf(3, [3,3,1]) l4 = Leaf(1, [1,1,1]) l5 = Leaf(2, [2,2,2]) n4 = Node(4, 0.8, l4, l5) n3 = Node(3, 0.3, n4, l3) n2 = Node(2, 0.5, l1, l2) n1 = Node(1, 0.7, n2, n3) return(n1) end dt = dtree() feature_names = ["feat1", "feat2", "feat3", "feat4"] class_labels = ["a", "b", "c"] infotree = DecisionTree.wrap(dt, (featurenames = feature_names, classlabels = class_labels)) plot(infotree) ```

... we get this nice picture: 😊


@ablaom what do you think about this approach? And is there a place where I could put this code (we've discussed the idea of a repository for plot recipes for MLJ models)?

ablaom commented 2 years ago

@roland-KA Thanks for this. This definitely looks like progress.

Let me check if I understand what you are proposing to provide here. Correct me if I misunderstand:

  1. The first part is pretty generic. Your apparatus provides a new method depth and any tree implementing AbstractTrees.jl interface, together with your depth method, is a tree to which your generic methods apply. Let's call these abstract trees with depth.

  2. Given any abstract tree with depth, you provide utilities for computing a collection of objects sufficient to visualise (in a rather sophisticated way) the tree, using generic functions (and no recipes) provided by Plot.jl and/or some other libraries.

  3. You provide a Plots.jl recipe that will automate the visualisation afforded by Step 2 with a single call plot(tree::DecisionTrees.InfoNode, ...). However, this is specific to the wrapped trees provided by DecisionTree.jl. And we can't really make this recipe more generic - we need a type for dispatch, right?


  1. Is it possible to close the gap between 2 and 3. That is, can we have a generic function for plotting any abstract tree with depth, and refactor the recipe to be a simple call to that function? In that way, I can readily implement a plot recipe for the trees from other models (eg, from BetaML) without duplicating a lot of code.

  2. As far as where the code should live. I think you could make a nice standalone package to provide the generic plotting tools (minus recipe). The package docs could provide the DecisionTree.jl-specific recipe as an illustration. And then each MLJ decision tree model interface could provide a model-specific recipe. At least, this makes sense, if my suggestion No. 4 is workable.

@sylvaticus Do your BetaML trees happen to implement AbstractTrees.jl, including a printnode method like we have here?

roland-KA commented 2 years ago

Hi @ablaom, thanks for your feedback. That's really helpful!

So let's get through it:

  1. The first part is pretty generic. Your apparatus provides a new method depth and any tree implementing AbstractTrees.jl interface, together with your depth method, is a tree to which your generic methods apply. Let's call these abstract trees with depth.

Yes. depth should be defined together with the AbstractTrees-interface (children, printnode, wrap), so that we get from there an 'abstract tree with depth'.

  1. Given any abstract tree with depth, you provide utilities for computing a collection of objects sufficient to visualise (in a rather sophisticated way) the tree, using generic functions (and no recipes) provided by Plot.jl and/or some other libraries.

I don't quite understand the second half of your comment, but perhaps the following explanation clarifies the point: The whole code above in 'Plot Recipe' is a plot recipe where I've put some of the code into separate functions (like flatten and layout) to make it more readable and maintainable.

What does that mean: I really need the InfoNode (and InfoLeaf) type only for dispatch: Foremost in the parameter list of the dt_visualization recipe (I think that's your point no 3). And then also in the parameter list of is_leaf and label.

As InfoNode is defined within DecisionTree.jl I have here (technically) a dependency. But I never access the attributes of InfoNode or InfoLeaf (that's what I mean by 'the code is conceptually independent of DecisionTree.jl').

I think I could get rid of the technical dependency just by introducing an abstract type AbstractInfoNode & AbstractInfoLeaf (which must be defined outside of DecisionTree.jl and can be used by any other decision tree implementation). InfoNode in DecisionTree.jl must then be a subtype of AbstractInfoNode and the parameter list of dt_visualization should define the first parameter as tree::AbstractInfoNode (the same holds in an analogous way for label and is_leaf).

That should do the trick and make the code completely generic.

So any decision tree that implements the 'decision tree with depth'-interface should then be able to use this plot recipe (after having been transformed by its wrap-implementation to some subtype of AbstractInfoNode).

Does this sound plausible or do you see any further obstacles?

PS: I should add, that the add_level!-function isn't fully generic at the moment, because it expects a binary tree and some decision trees are n-ary trees. But that can be solved with little effort.

roland-KA commented 2 years ago

And I've just discovered a copy&paste error:

In the 'Plot Recipe' code above the line using GraphRecipes has to be replaced by using RecipesBase.

ablaom commented 2 years ago

Just a quick reply for now. If we can, I think we should avoid introducing any new abstract type, apart from AbstractTrees.AbstractTree. Can we get the genericity we want some other way, eg, trait-dispatch?

sylvaticus commented 2 years ago

@sylvaticus Do your BetaML trees happen to implement AbstractTrees.jl, including a printnode method like we have here?

I do have "print node" / "print tree" methods, but they are textual and not linked to the AbstractTrees.jl interface. However, I am open to looking at it. Actually, I am rewriting the "internal" BetaML API, and if this isn't too long I can try to implement it. But I am leaving tomorrow for the holidays.. with 3 small kids I'll have no time to touch the laptop :-) :-) Late August ??

roland-KA commented 2 years ago

Just a quick reply for now. If we can, I think we should avoid introducing any new abstract type, apart from AbstractTrees.AbstractTree.

@ablaom, unfortunately (contrary to general expectation) there is no type AbstractTree defined in AbstractTrees.jl. That would of course solve the problem.

Can we get the genericity we want some other way, eg, trait-dispatch?

I don't think so (or perhaps I don't understand how that would work in this context). It's not about behaviour.

As you already mentioned

we need a type for dispatch, right?

That's the point. When calling plot the correct recipe is selected depending on the type of the argument we give to plot. In the example above the argument is an InfoNode, which is not generic enough (as it is defined on the level of DecisionTree). If the recipe should work on all decision trees, we need a more generic type.

The code of the recipe is already generic. We already have, what you desire in point 4 above. The only thing which isn't generic enough is the 'recipe selector'.

So, if you have no other idea, I would proceed and adapt the implementation to use such a more generic type.

BTW: Why do you object to introducing a new abstract type? I don't quite understand the rationale behind.

Apart from that, I've noticed that AbstractTrees.jl got a few updates recently. It has now a depth-function (it's called treeheight). So we can use that and have already 'abstract trees with depth` 😊.

ablaom commented 2 years ago

Ah, sorry for my hasty response. I keep having to reload this issue into my brain with all the other stuff going on in between.

I understand now why you want the abstract type - this is forced upon us by the way recipes work. It looks to me that you are close to an optimal solution and I look forward to your implementation. As suggested earlier, I suggest putting the generic code in a standalone tree-plotting package. JuliaAI could host this if you want.

roland-KA commented 2 years ago

Hi @ablaom, no problem! Your questions help me to check, if things are really ok. And I understand that you strive to minimize dependencies. But in this case, I think there is no alternative.

New abstract types

I have therefore implemented now a version using a common supertype for the InfoNode and InfoLeaf types. These new abstract types are as follows:

abstract type AbstractInfoNode{S, T} end
abstract type AbstractInfoLeaf{T} end

So the definitions in DecisionTree.jl changed to:

struct InfoNode{S, T} <: AbstractInfoNode{S, T}
    node    :: DecisionTree.Node{S, T}
    info    :: NamedTuple

struct InfoLeaf{T} <: AbstractInfoLeaf{T}
    leaf    :: DecisionTree.Leaf{T}
    info    :: NamedTuple

Furthermore I've created a package called DecisionTreesRecipe.jl where I've put the plot recipe (I think in a MLJ context this could rather become something like ModelRecipes.jl in order to have a place for all plot recipes for the visualisation of different models).

Just for convenience, I've placed the new abstract types also in this package. But I think from a software engineering perspective this is not the right place, because a model like DecisionTrees.jl needs only to know these abstract types, but not the plot recipes; that's an unnecessary dependency.

Do you have an idea, where the definition of these two abstract types could be placed so that all models which want to implement the AbstractTrees-interface would have easy access to them? Is there a place in the MLJ-universe where they would fit in?

Updated version of plot recipe

Apart from that I have an updated version of the plot recipe where I have

Plot Recipe (updated version) ```Julia """ A plot recipe (based on `RecipeBase.jl`) to create a graphical representation of a decision tree. The decision tree must be wrapped in an `AbstractTrees`-interface (see `DecisionTree.jl` as an example implementation of the concept). This approach ensures that the recipe is independent of the implementation details of the decision tree. """ module DecisionTreesRecipe include("AbstractInfoTree.jl") # definition of new abstract types --> not a good idea, to put them here export AbstractInfoNode, AbstractInfoLeaf import AbstractTrees using NetworkLayout using Graphs using RecipesBase """ # Overview The recipe uses the Buchheim-Algorithm (from `NetworkLayout.jl`) to generate a layout for the decision tree. As this algorithm requires a `SimpleDiGraph` (from `Graphs.jl`) as its input, the tree has to be converted first into that structure. For that purpose the nodes of the tree have to be numbered from 1 to `n` (`n` being the number of nodes in the tree) in a breadth first order (as the edges of a `SimpleDiGraph` are specified by pairs of such numbers). So the recipe applies the following steps to convert a decision tree into a graphical representation: 1. Flatten The tree is converted in a breadth first order into a list (a `Vector`) of `NodeInfo`s. These elements contain the relevant information for visualizing the tree lateron. The indices within this array correspond to the above required numbers from 1 to `n` (1 is the root node). The functions `flatten` and `add_level!` implement this step. 2. Generate layout The (number) information from the flat structure is taken to create a corresponding `SimpleDiGraph`. Using the Buchheim-algorithm on this graph, a layout (consisting of the coordinates of the nodes) is generated. This step is implemented by `layout`. 3. Make a visual description (using a plot recipe) The plot recipe `dt_visualization` creates a visual description of the tree using the information of the two preceding steps. """ ### Step 1: Flatten # plotting information for each node/leaf of the tree struct PlotInfo parent_id :: Int16 # number of the parent node within the tree is_leaf :: Bool # is the node a leaf? print_label :: String # text to be printed as a label in the visualization of the node end """ add_level!(plot_infos::Vector{PlotInfo}, nodes, i_crnt) Traverse the tree recursively beginning from the root, level by level, collecting on each level all nodes from left to right and adding them to the `plot_infos`-list in form of `PlotInfo`s. On each call, a `Vector` of nodes from the last level processed is given in `nodes`. So on the first call a one-element array containing the root node is passed. `i_crnt` is the index of the `PlotInfo`-element in `plot_infos` corresponding to the first node in `nodes`. On the first call, `add_level!` expects the first entry in `plot_infos` for the root node already to be present (so this has to be done manually). """ function add_level!(plot_infos::Vector{PlotInfo}, nodes, i_crnt) i_next = i_crnt + length(nodes) child_nodes = [] for n in nodes cn = AbstractTrees.children(n) for c in cn plot_infos[i_next] = PlotInfo(i_crnt, is_leaf(c), label(c)) push!(child_nodes, c) i_next += 1 end i_crnt += 1 end if length(child_nodes) > 0 add_level!(plot_infos, child_nodes, i_crnt) end end # extract and format label information from nodes/leaves function label(i::Union{<:AbstractInfoNode, <:AbstractInfoLeaf}) io = IOBuffer() AbstractTrees.printnode(io, i) return(String(take!(io))) end # which type of node is it? is_leaf(i::AbstractInfoNode) = false is_leaf(i::AbstractInfoLeaf) = true """ flatten(tree::InfoNode) Create a list of all nodes/leaves (converted to `PlotInfo`s) within the `tree` in a breadth first order. """ function flatten(tree::AbstractInfoNode) plot_infos = Vector{PlotInfo}(undef, AbstractTrees.treesize(tree)) # tree has `treesize` nodes plot_infos[1] = PlotInfo(-1, false, label(tree)) # root node is first entry; -1 is a dummy add_level!(plot_infos, [tree], 1) # add recursevly nodes of all further tree levels to the list return(plot_infos) end ### Step 2: Generate layout """ layout() Create a tree layout in form of a list of points (`GeometryBasics.Point2`) based on the list of `PlotInfo`s created by `flatten`. The order of the points in the list corresponds to the information in the `plot_infos`-list passed. """ function layout(plot_infos::Vector{PlotInfo}) g = SimpleDiGraph(length(plot_infos)) for i in 2:length(plot_infos) add_edge!(g, plot_infos[i].parent_id, i) end return(buchheim(g)) end ### Step 3: Make a visual description (using a plot recipe) """ Rectangular shape with centerpoint `center` and dimensions `width` and `height` """ function make_rect(center, width, height) left, right = center[1] - width/2.0, center[1] + width/2.0 upper, lower = center[2] + height/2.0, center[2] - height/2.0 return([(left, upper), (right, upper), (right, lower), (left, lower), (left, upper)]) end """ Linear curve starting at the `parent`s bottom center leading to the `child`s top center. `parent` and `child` are the center coordinates of the respective nodes. """ function make_line(parent, child, height) parent_xbottom, parent_ybottom = parent[1], parent[2] - height/2 child_xtop, child_ytop = child[1], child[2] + height/2 return([parent_xbottom, child_xtop], [parent_ybottom, child_ytop]) end """ dt_visualization(tree::InfoNode) Plot recipe to convert a decsion tree (wrapped in an `AbstractTree`) into a graphical representation """ @recipe function dt_visualization(tree::AbstractInfoNode, width = 0.7, height = 0.7) # prepare data plot_infos = flatten(tree) coords = layout(plot_infos) # we paint on a blank paper framestyle --> :none legend --> false # connecting lines are a series of curves for i in 2:length(plot_infos) @series begin seriestype := :curves linecolor --> :silver line = make_line(coords[plot_infos[i].parent_id], coords[i], height) return line end end # nodes are a series of rectangular shapes anns = plotattributes[:annotations] = [] # for the labels within the rectangles for i in eachindex(coords) @series begin seriestype := :shape fillcolor --> :deepskyblue3 alpha --> (plot_infos[i].is_leaf ? 0.4 : 0.15) annotationcolor --> :brown4 annotationfontsize --> 7 c = coords[i] push!(anns, (c[1], c[2], (plot_infos[i].print_label,))) return make_rect(c, width, height) end end end end # module ```
roland-KA commented 2 years ago

Hi @sylvaticus, in order to get a quick PoC of the visualisation concept discussed above (which is intended to work for different decision trees), I've forked BetaML with the aim to add a simple implementation of the AbstractTrees-interface to the BetaML-trees in my local environment.

Unfortunately I'm not familiar with the ForceImport-package you are using and got therefore stuck. Perhaps you can give me some hints on how to proceed?

So far I have added/changed the following things in BetaML:

... getting nothing more than a lot of warnings about "could not import X into Y". To my understanding I've put the using- and export-clauses in the wrong places. Where do I have to put them and do I have to apply more changes to make this work?

sylvaticus commented 2 years ago

Hello, could you push your code so I can look at it (perhaps in another branch, or maybe this is not needed??) ? I assume you did the include of your file within the Trees submodule. When you add a function you want to export you need to restart Julia, as even Revise doesn't "see" the newly added functions.

ablaom commented 2 years ago

@roland-KA thanks for the progress!

  1. I have a question about the choice to include type parameters in AbstractInfoNode{S,T} and so forth. As I understand it, the appearance of these parameters in the concrete type Node{S,T} are specific to DecisionTree.jl. A different implementation might have fewer or less type parameters. Also, I don't think you need to know these parameters for dispatch in the plotting. So shouldn't we just drop them?

  2. I'd suggest renaming AbstractInfoNode to AbstractNode. To declare MyNodeType <: AbstractNode is a contract that MyNodeType implements (some part of the) AbstractTrees.jl interface, and that's all, right? And then it's actually enough to have a single abstract type AbstractNode (for internal and leaf nodes) and detect a leaf by checking isempty(children(node)).

So we do

abstract type AbstractNode end    # for types implementing AbstractArrays.jl interface (`children`, `depth`, `print_node`, ?)

struct InfoNode{S, T} <: AbstractNode
    node    :: DecisionTree.Node{S, T}
    info    :: NamedTuple

struct InfoLeaf{T} <: AbstractNode
    leaf    :: DecisionTree.Leaf{T}
    info    :: NamedTuple

And, unless I misunderstand (yet again) your plot recipe now works for any subtype of AbstractTree, not just decision trees, right?

  1. As to where the type(s) should live? Most natural: AbstractTrees.jl. Maybe worth asking if they would consider it. I can't think of a natural place in MLJ ecosystem. Otherwise, they could go in a standalone package (yes! a package defining a single type - why not?)
roland-KA commented 2 years ago

1 ... Also, I don't think you need to know these parameters for dispatch in the plotting. So shouldn't we just drop them?

Definitely yes! When I had a look at the BetaML-trees these days, it came to my mind that the current implementation is too DecisionTree-specific.

2 ... And then it's actually enough to have a single abstract type AbstractNode (for internal and leaf nodes) and detect a leaf by checking isempty(children(node)).

Good idea! That's simpler and more general.

And, unless I misunderstand (yet again) your plot recipe now works for any subtype of AbstractTree, not just decision trees, right?

Basically yes. We do this warp-thing in order to get more information for printing labels (which is rather decision tree-specific), but the recipe doesn't directly access that. It's encapsulated in printnode.

As to where the type(s) should live? Most natural: AbstractTrees.jl.

Definitely yes, that would be ideal! Would you ask the folks maintaining AbstractTrees.jl or should I do that?

Otherwise, they could go in a standalone package (yes! a package defining a single type - why not?)

That was my first thought ... but I felt it would be too weird 😀. But you are right. If we don't get it into AbstractTrees.jl, that would be a solution.

I have made all the changes you suggested and it works. 🤓

In a next step I would try to make a MWE using BetaML-trees in order to have a PoC that the current implementation is really as general as we intend it to be.

ablaom commented 2 years ago

Okay, great. I suggest you initiate the AbstractTrees.jl request. I expect there may be a discussion about exactly what A <: AbstractTree promises and you need to be happy with the outcome. It may be A <: AbstractTree will only promise children. Is that enough? There is a fallback for printnode, right?

Link in the current discussion and copy me in so I can add my 👍🏾

Thanks again for your perseverance. I think the extra effort you are putting into the software engineering details will be well worth it in the long term.

ablaom commented 2 years ago

@roland-KA I'm not seeing much action at your AbstractTrees.jl issue, despite your exhaustive efforts (many thanks!). How about we revert to the mini-package AbstractTreeTypes.jl idea?

You've put a lot of work into this project and I'm keen make it available.

roland-KA commented 2 years ago

Hi @ablaom, I've just added a comment to the issue asking for a (definitve) response and giving it a (last) chance, since it is in my opinion the better solution. If that doesn't work then we should really proceed with the mini-package solution.

I'm currently on vacation until next weekend. So perhaps we have then an answer.

roland-KA commented 2 years ago

Hi @ablaom, it seems now, that we will get the abstract type in AbstractTrees.jl 🙏😊. But my guess is, that it could take some weeks until the next release of that package is ready.

In order to advance faster with the plot recipe, I would suggest the following steps:

ablaom commented 2 years ago

In my experience these temporary solutions suck up time best invested elsewhere. The idea of depending on an unregistered package does not excite me either. Despite the very long wait so far, my inclination would be to wait.

If you still feel otherwise, I'd suggest a separate package, rather than in some MLJ package, which sounds more messy. As it's only temporary, I don't think it matters who owns it. It's very easy to transfer ownership in any case - trivial in fact, if the package is not registered.

ablaom commented 2 years ago

Thanks, btw, for your advocacy at AbstractTrees.jl 🙏🏾