JuliaAI / MLFlowClient.jl

Julia client for MLFlow.
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How to log model? #24

Closed mashu closed 1 month ago

mashu commented 1 year ago


It would be great if there was an example showing how to log model architecture Is that possible currently ?

john-waczak commented 1 year ago

^ I was just looking for the same. Is the only way to log the models via saving them as artifacts? If so, what would it take to set up model logging? I'd be happy to take a crack at it!

mcamp-ata commented 6 months ago

I dont know how much ehlp this is but this is what I have crafted to be able to do this kind of...

using AWSS3
using AWS: global_aws_config, AWSConfig
using Minio

function logImgArtifact(mlf,exprun,img;
  s3cfg=MinioConfig("https://s3-api.lan.example.com", s3creds; region="us-east-1")
  save(artifactName, img)
  bucket = logartifact(mlf,exprun,artifactName)
  object_name = basename(bucket)
  open(artifactName, "r") do file
      file_data = read(file)
      Minio.s3_put(s3cfg, dirname(bucket)[6:end], object_name, file_data)

function logModelArtifact(mlf,exprun,model_state;
  s3cfg=MinioConfig("https://s3-api.lan.example.com", s3creds; region="us-east-1")
  model_state = model_state |> cpu
  jldsave(artifactName, model_state=model_state)
  bucket = logartifact(mlf,exprun,artifactName)
  object_name = basename(bucket)
  open(artifactName, "r") do file
      file_data = read(file)
      Minio.s3_put(s3cfg, dirname(bucket)[6:end], object_name, file_data)

It just saves the model as an artifact that is in an s3 bucket. I'm currently exploring what needs to be done to make show up as an actual model in MLFlow.

mashu commented 6 months ago

Tieing to one commercial solution such as AWS might not be very generic. Artifacts can already be logged.

mcamp-ata commented 6 months ago

when I used the log function it just returns me a path, it doesn't save the files to the artifact location defined in the experiment (S3 bucket in my mlflow case). I wrote those two functions to make my life a little easier for pushing the artifacts to S3. And this doesn't tie you to AWS. I am actually using a self hosted Minio S3 instance.