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Integrate Turing.jl probablistic programming #157

Open ablaom opened 5 years ago

ablaom commented 5 years ago


I think Turing.jl developer @trappmartin has indicated an interest in this and this will be explored at upcoming Sprint

@tlienart whose is joining the Turing Institute team soon, may also be interested in helping out.

trappmartin commented 5 years ago

Correct, I’m looking forward to talk about interfacing Turing and MLJ while I’m in London.

fkiraly commented 5 years ago

agreed, it's the right time now. Suggest we start with vanilla Bayesian linear regression, conjugate priors & Gaussian likelihood.

trappmartin commented 5 years ago

Here are a few thoughts on integrating Turing into MLJ for simple models (without local variables). Using more complex models is more involved as we currently do not assume that a Turing program can always be represented by a graphical model to allow arbitrary probabilistic programs. We will likely support the extraction of dependency graphs for programs that allow a graphical model representation in the future.

We would need to:

  1. Implement a mechanism to store to log pdf values for each observation (training or test) to be able to (a) apply model selection and (b) use a Turing model for predictions. See issue TuringLang/Turing.jl#817

  2. Provide an interface to compute the log pdf values, related to PR 750

  3. Implement a wrapper for Turing. Here is an example implementation that could be used once 1 and 2 are resolved:

import StatsFuns: logaddexp

struct TuringModel

function MLJBase.fit(m::TuringModel, x)
    mf = m.mf
    algo = m.algo

    model = mf(x)
    return Turing.sample(mf(x), algo)

function MLJBase.predict(m::TuringModel, fitresult::MCMCChains.Chains, xnew; average = false)
    model = m.mf(xnew)

    vi = Turing.VarInfo()
    model(vi, Turing.SampleFromPrior()) # to obtain VarNames
    vsyms = Turing.RandomVariables.syms(vi)

    lp = ones(size(xnew, 1)) * -Inf

    if average
        vi = Turing.VarInfo()
        y = Vector()
        for s in vsyms
            y = vcat(y, vec( mean(Array(fitresult[:,s,1]), dims=1) ) )
        lp = Turing.logpdf(model, vi, aggregate = false))
        for it = 1:size(fitresult, 1)
            vi = Turing.VarInfo()
            y = Vector()
            for s in vsyms
                y = vcat(y, vec( Array(fitresult[it,s,1]) ) )

            # This is currently not available and the actual syntax might be different.
            lp_ = Turing.logpdf(model, vi, aggregate = false)) - log(size(fitresult,1))
            for i in 1:size(x,1)
                lp[i] = logaddexp(lp[i], lp_[i])
    return lp

Additionally, we could think about providing an interface in Turing that allows the user to do:

Turing.logpdf(model, chain, aggregate = false)

instead of

Turing.logpdf(model, vi, aggregate = false)


vollmersj commented 5 years ago

@trappmartin @tlienart

One way to stay within more restritive family usch as hierarchial GLMs

  1. https://r-nimble.org/
  2. https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/rstanarm/index.html
  3. https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/brms/index.html

We could use one of them as an example. IMHO rstanarm looks as the easiest to adapt.

trappmartin commented 5 years ago

I just discussed the integration with people at CBL. I’ll compile an issue with some ideas. Making a list of simple models that we support + example implementations sounds like a good plan!

I’ll link the issue here ASAP.