JuliaAI / MLJBase.jl

Core functionality for the MLJ machine learning framework
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New syntax for @from_network @pipeline and beyond #267

Closed ablaom closed 4 years ago

ablaom commented 4 years ago

As I turn to define more canned composite models (eg @stack, @continuous) and with the issues #258, https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/MLJ.jl/issues/412, https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/MLJ.jl/issues/311 in mind, I find that I am not happy with the existing syntax for these macros.

In short, the general purpose advanced-user macro @from_network is not sufficiently expressive, while the common use-case @pipeline syntax could be simpler (because if it really doesn't actually do what you want it to, you can always use the more powerful @from_newtork to fix that). In an attempt to cast both these from the same syntactic mould, I settled on an unfortunate compromise.

The following examples show more-or-less what I have in mind as substitutions:

A simpler @pipeline macro

# provide either types
@pipeline OneHotEncoder(drop_last=true) LinearRegressor() target=BoxCoxTransformer()

# or instances (to insantiate with defaults)
@pipeline OneHotEncoder LinearRegressor target=BoxCoxTransformer

The user doesn't get to name the field names of the composite - they are always just model1, models2, and so forth, and the name of the new composite type is autogenerated, unless overwritten with kwarg name=....

If a scitype trait for the composite cannot be reliably determined, then it falls back to Unknown unless the user specifies a kwarg (as in target_scitype = AstractVector{<:Finite}). If the prediction type cannot be reliably determined, then a warning is issued and :deterministic is used, unless user overrides with prediction_type=:probabilistic.

A more expressive (and Julia idiomatic) @from_network macro

The following example how to handle multiple operations (see issue cited above):

@from_network begin
    mutable struct MyComposite <: UnsupervisedNetwork
    predict = yhat    # the node that furnishes predictions
    transform = W     # the node that furnishes transforms
    input_scitype = Table(Continous,Finite)

Again scitype traits that cannot be reliably deduced fallback to Unknown unless explicitly provided by kwargs.

Thoughts anyone?

ablaom commented 4 years ago

Ultimately breaking but suggest keeping old syntax temporarily.

tlienart commented 4 years ago

One thought would be that instead of model1 model1 you could, reasonably easily, have a name that depends on the object so something like onehotencoder, linearregressor or some version thereof (adding numbers if the name is already present, maybe adding an indicator of position), it might make inspection of a pipeline (or of a learning network) easier?

PS: the suggestion for the from network seems good and reasonable

ablaom commented 4 years ago

Good point, thanks! One counter argument is that a user can change a pipeline field value to a model of a different type (so linearregressor=LinearRegressor() becomes linearregressor=KNNRegresssor() after mutation) and the original name loses it's applicability (unless the name is generic, like deterministic_classifier).

Which raises another issue, which is what to do if a user does not specify a type for a model-valued field in the @from_network syntax. We could either:

  1. Leave the field untyped (leading to abuse, such as replacing a Deterministic model with a Probabilistic one, or replacing a Supervised one with an Unsupervised one.

  2. Use a fallback type restriction informed by the default model specified, probably one of Deterministic, Probabilistic, Unsupervised, Static

  3. Be even more restrictive, to ensure mutations to a model-valued field are not reflected in an enlargening of the target_scitype (binary classifier -> general multiclass classifier) or input_scitype (mixed features -> continuous only features), and so forth.

My vote is for 1, as 2 is more "hidden knowledge" and I don't see users changing the model types unless they kinda know what they're doing; 3. is considerably harder to implement and will possibly rule out mutations that actually don't break anything and might be useful.

tlienart commented 4 years ago

right that makes a lot of sense; I think this is fine, there's potentially some easy "prettying" that can be done to display a pipeline in the REPL and quickly get an idea of the composing parts.

ablaom commented 4 years ago

some easy "prettying" that can be done to display a pipeline in the REPL and quickly get an idea of the composing parts.

What specifically would you improve on the status quo for showing composites, demonstrated below?

julia> @pipeline MyComposite(model1=OneHotEncoder(), model2=(@load KNNRegressor))
    model1 = OneHotEncoder(
            features = Symbol[],
            drop_last = false,
            ordered_factor = true,
            ignore = false),
    model2 = KNNRegressor(
            K = 5,
            algorithm = :kdtree,
            metric = Distances.Euclidean(0.0),
            leafsize = 10,
            reorder = true,
            weights = :uniform)) @ 4…66
tlienart commented 4 years ago

I think in terms of information what you have is fine. I’m just thinking that there could be a side package that displays stuff a bit like a nice graph with labels using an electron window and light graph or something. This is very much not a priority but it may help people get their head around more complex networks and/or have a nice way to present what they’ve done by visually getting something they can plug in a presentation or something :)

ablaom commented 4 years ago

Another idea is to allow user to optionally specify the names with a kwarg, as in names=["encoder", "transformer"] or pass a dictionary.

ablaom commented 4 years ago

Here are some tweaks to the syntax, given the introduction of learning network machines in https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/MLJBase.jl/pull/310 :


# definition of learning network:
Xs= source()
yhat = predict(...)
W = transform(...)

# definition of learning network machine:
model = Unsupervised()  # other options are `Probabilistic()` or `Deterministic()`
mach = machine(model, Xs; predict=yhat, transform=W)

# definition of new composite model type (returning a default instance):
@from_network mach begin
    mutable struct MyComposite
    input_scitype=Table(Continuous) # optional trait specification
ablaom commented 4 years ago

Or we could have

@from_network mach mutable struct MyComposite

but that looks crowded, in my opinion.