JuliaAI / MLJTuning.jl

Hyperparameter optimization algorithms for use in the MLJ machine learning framework
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Avoid model introspection by requiring users to provide a function that defines a model instance #199

Open CameronBieganek opened 9 months ago

CameronBieganek commented 9 months ago

I think I mentioned this idea a few years ago on a different thread, but I never gave the proposal its own issue.

This is a breaking change, but I think it would provide a cleaner interface for hyperparameter tuning, and it would also address #174.

The idea is that instead of specifying the hyperparameters that need to be tuned with a quoted expression like :(estimator.leafsize), the user can simply provide a function that creates a new model. Here is one way that it could work:

function make_model(; _K, _leafsize)
        encoder = ContinuousEncoder(),
        estimator = KNNRegressor(K=_K, leafsize=_leafsize)

domain = Domain(
    _K = (1, 3, 5, 7, 11),
    _leafsize = (5, 10, 15)

tunable_model = TunedModel(make_model, domain; strategy=Grid())

I've prefixed the feature names with an underscore to emphasize that what matters is that the keyword argument names in make_model match the keyword argument names in Domain. The actual names are arbitrary.

The downside to requiring the user defined function to use keyword arguments is that you can't really use do-notation in TunedModel, because as far as I can tell there is no way to define an anonymous function with keyword arguments by using do-notation. So, an alternative interface would be to require the user defined function to take a single positional argument with property destructuring, like this:

function make_model((; _K, _leafsize))
        encoder = ContinuousEncoder(),
        estimator = KNNRegressor(K=_K, leafsize=_leafsize)

domain = Domain(
    _K = (1, 3, 5, 7, 11),
    _leafsize = (5, 10, 15)

tunable_model = TunedModel(make_model, domain; strategy=Grid())

This can then be expressed with do-notation as follows:

tunable_model = (
    TunedModel(domain; strategy=Grid()) do (; _K, _leafsize)
            encoder = ContinuousEncoder(),
            estimator = KNNRegressor(K=_K, leafsize=_leafsize)

I believe this interface is generic enough to work for any hyperparameter tuning strategy.

CameronBieganek commented 9 months ago

The docs could probably specify that the model factory function is provided with an object whose properties are the same as the keyword arguments to Domain. So, the user can use argument destructuring as described in the previous post, or they can access hyperparameters via getproperty, like this:

domain = Domain(
    K = (1, 3, 5, 7, 11),
    leafsize = (5, 10, 15)

function make_model(params)
        encoder = ContinuousEncoder(),
        estimator = KNNRegressor(K=params.K, leafsize=params.leafsize)

tunable_model = TunedModel(make_model, domain; strategy=Grid())

or like this:

tunable_model = (
    TunedModel(domain; strategy=Grid()) do params
            encoder = ContinuousEncoder(),
            estimator = KNNRegressor(K=params.K, leafsize=params.leafsize)

or this:

tunable_model = (
    TunedModel(domain; strategy=Grid()) do params
        (; K, leafsize) = params
            encoder = ContinuousEncoder(),
            estimator = KNNRegressor(K=K, leafsize=leafsize)

or this:

tunable_model = (
    TunedModel(domain; strategy=Grid()) do params
            encoder = ContinuousEncoder(),
            estimator = KNNRegressor(; params...)
ablaom commented 9 months ago

@CameronBieganek Thanks for pitching in with this idea. Here are a few drawbacks that come to mind. I wonder what you think about them:

CameronBieganek commented 8 months ago

@ablaom I will try to respond to your questions soon, but for now I just want to point out a couple advantages of this approach.

Fields of model types are no longer public:

The current hyperparameter tuning interface requires that the fields of model types be public API, otherwise the user wouldn't know the correct :foo symbol to write. With my proposal above, those fields would no longer need to be public API. Of course the part of the API that is still public is the keyword argument constructor for a model. (But of course there is no requirement that the keyword argument names match the field names of the model type.)

Pipeline no longer needs a keyword argument constructor:

The only reason that Pipeline needs a keyword argument constructor right now is to make it easier for users to specify the right expression for nested parameters in hyperparameter tuning, e.g. :(random_forest.min_samples_leaf). With my proposal above this would no longer be necessary, so the positional argument Pipeline constructor would be sufficient.

That might seem like a small win, but interface simplifications are always a win in my book, and this would bring MLJ closer to alignment with TableTransforms.jl.