JuliaAcademy / DataScience

Data Science in Julia course for JuliaAcademy.com, taught by Huda Nassar
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MethodError from XLSX.readtable() in 01.Data Notebook #48

Open BenBol opened 1 year ago

BenBol commented 1 year ago

Indexing the output of XLSX.readtable() in the "01. Data.ipynb" results in a MethodError. According to the Docs of XLSX, the output has been converted to a class instead of a tuple. Hence, the indexing in the following cells does not work. As a fix, I would store it directly inside the DataFrame.

However, since I have only installed Julia for one hour, I do not feel comfortable to rewrite the introduction :)

BenBol commented 1 year ago

I also found a Typo near the end... "Each vector in M["V2"] is a fase image. Let's reshape the first one and take a look." but should be "face"