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Thread about potential improvements for the Introduction to Julia course on JuliaAcademy.com #23

Closed logankilpatrick closed 4 years ago

logankilpatrick commented 4 years ago

Thread created during Google Code-In for feedback.

eahmed123 commented 4 years ago

Other than this everything was perfect and good. I will retake this course so I can review thiongs and again and gain knowledge which was left from taking first time. I will also review and complete other courses from this website, because I really love this. I have completed the first one Introduction to Julia. Honestly, I love this. Certificate of Completion for Introduction to Julia   JuliaAcademy

shresth2001 commented 4 years ago

Review of 'Introduction to Julia' course:

  1. More reviews or quizzes should be added.
  2. The videos in the starting were really good but as it approached the end (the advanced topics section), the videos became less interactive and often very boring.
  3. The only quiz present has to be re-created in such a way that different questions are asked on retrying.
  4. More examples regarding the usage of different functions and packages need to be added to facilitate better understanding. Thank you, Shresth Bindal. gci: Shresth2001 github: shresth2001
nika02 commented 4 years ago

For the "Functions" section, what an "anonymous function" could have been explained. The section could've also touched on why there's different ways to declare a function and when to use which way (if applicable). I liked that the functions got linked back to data structures. That way, watchers can see the relevance of the sections as a collective whole rather than as individuals.

For the "Plotting" section, the "!" in "scatter!" could've been explained with looking at what would happen if "scatter" was used instead.

Although this isn't relevant to the main focus in any section, some code has "$" that appeared across a couple sections. Maybe a brief sentence can be added to explain that since that might be harder to understand if the watcher doesn't have any coding experience.

I couldn't understand the transposition sub-section in "Basic Linear Algebra" and the sub-sections afterwards. The "Factorizations" section was also very difficult to understand. Granted that they are under "Advanced Topics", I still do think that since this is under the introductory course, the math behind it could be explained better and broken down to even smaller bite-sized pieces (especially the Factorizations video since that was a 20 minute long video).

More quizzes or reviews can also be added to keep track of the watcher's progress and understanding, as well as to keep them engaged and interacting with the material.

DIVYA1230 commented 4 years ago

the issues are that 1st- the description could have been more informative like giving information about what we would be doing, etc. 2nd-in the quis even after we re upload i we get the same questions . If the questions vary i woul be more interesting.

other than these i don't find any other issues and also the courses are really helpful and cover important parts.

D-Studios commented 4 years ago

I enjoyed participating in this course but I did have a few issues with the videos.


1) The audio sometimes in the videos was not clean. There was background noises that were pretty clear to hear and this was distracting.

2) I was not quizzed a lot through the whole course. This made it hard for me to retain details which I had just learned.

3) Finally, I believe either the course should state that there are prerequisites, or cover essential information that is needed to be known before enrollment. For the last two videos of this course, I thoroughly did not understand much due to the fact that I have not learned such complex mathematics yet.
benmcclintock34 commented 4 years ago

The course was great and educational. It helped me, a beginner coder, learn some of the foundation of the Julia software. For example, I learned about some of the complex math that can be done inside of Julia.

However, I did notice a few issues. 1.The audio in the videos was not very loud. Even with my computer being on high volume, I could not hear instructor very well during some of the videos.

  1. Some of the courses at the end were very challenging and above a beginner level. I am a beginner coder and I understood the first 75% of the courses pretty well. Then I got to the last 4 topics and they were very confusing.
  2. There was only 1 quiz throughout the entirety of the lesson. I forgot some of the information I learned because there were no quizzes to help me remember the material. The course should have quiz after every 2-3 videos.
  3. Some of the material wasn't explained very well on what it did. For example, in the packages section, they only explained how to use the packages, and not what a package actually was. I was confused on what a package was until later in the video.