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Metalhead IJulia notebook broken #75

Open VarLad opened 3 years ago

VarLad commented 3 years ago

@xorJane vgg = VGG19() gives an error

EOFError: read end of file

  [1] read(s::IOStream, #unused#::Type{UInt8})
    @ Base ./iostream.jl:399
  [2] read
    @ ./Enums.jl:22 [inlined]
  [3] parse_doc(io::IOStream)
    @ BSON ~/.julia/packages/BSON/XAts7/src/read.jl:51
  [4] parse_tag(io::IOStream, tag::BSON.BSONType)
    @ BSON ~/.julia/packages/BSON/XAts7/src/read.jl:15
  [5] parse_doc(io::IOStream)
    @ BSON ~/.julia/packages/BSON/XAts7/src/read.jl:53
  [6] parse
    @ ~/.julia/packages/BSON/XAts7/src/read.jl:101 [inlined]
  [7] open(f::typeof(BSON.parse), args::String; kwargs::Base.Iterators.Pairs{Union{}, Union{}, Tuple{}, NamedTuple{(), Tuple{}}})
    @ Base ./io.jl:330
  [8] open
    @ ./io.jl:328 [inlined]
  [9] parse
    @ ~/.julia/packages/BSON/XAts7/src/read.jl:102 [inlined]
 [10] load
    @ ~/.julia/packages/BSON/XAts7/src/read.jl:104 [inlined]
 [11] weights(name::String)
    @ Metalhead ~/.julia/packages/Metalhead/qsJ7m/src/utils.jl:21
 [12] vgg19_layers()
    @ Metalhead ~/.julia/packages/Metalhead/qsJ7m/src/vgg19.jl:2
 [13] VGG19()
    @ Metalhead ~/.julia/packages/Metalhead/qsJ7m/src/vgg19.jl:39
 [14] top-level scope
    @ In[5]:1
 [15] eval
    @ ./boot.jl:360 [inlined]
 [16] include_string(mapexpr::typeof(REPL.softscope), mod::Module, code::String, filename::String)
    @ Base ./loading.jl:1090

on Julia 1.6beta with Metalhead 0.5.1

logankilpatrick commented 3 years ago

@clad26 does this looks like a Julia 1.6 bug to you or something we can syntactically update in the notebook?

VarLad commented 3 years ago

Oh Yeah Sorry I think its a notebook problem I'll just push the fix real soon!