JuliaAlgebra / StaticPolynomials.jl

Fast evaluation of multivariate polynomials
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Compat.LinearAlgebra for v0.6 #11

Closed cortner closed 6 years ago

cortner commented 6 years ago

In src/StaticPolynomials.jl the line

if VERSION <= v"0.6.2"

should be replaced with

if VERSION < v"0.7"

(I have v0.6.3-pre running one machine)

saschatimme commented 6 years ago

I changed it on master to VERSION <= v"0.6.3". Do you need a new release or is it fine if we wait a little bit if something else comes up?

FIY: VERSION < v"0.7" doesn't work because every nightly currently satisfies this.

cortner commented 6 years ago

good point. What if you ask <= 0.6?

cortner commented 6 years ago

or <= 0.6.x? . there must be some way

For me this is fine, it just seemed strange. And once 0.7 is out there will probably be 1-2 more 0.6.x updat4es.

saschatimme commented 6 years ago

Yeah it's a little bit strange

julia> v"0.6.3" ≤ v"0.6"
julia> v"0.6.3" ≤ v"0.6.x"
ERROR: LoadError: ArgumentError: invalid version string: 0.6.x
 [1] VersionNumber(::String) at ./version.jl:95
 [2] @v_str(::LineNumberNode, ::Module, ::Any) at ./version.jl:108
in expression starting at REPL[8]:1

So I just bumped it to VERSION < v"0.6.9". There is probably a better way, but this should be enough.

cortner commented 6 years ago

Perfect - thank you