Closed robocop closed 6 years ago
Use Volterra
d = Interval(0.0, 2.0)
K = Fun((x,y) -> exp(-(x-y)), d^2)
V = Volterra(Legendre(d))[LowRankFun(K,d^2)]
one = Fun(x->1.0, d)
u = (I - V)\one;
# check result
x = Fun(d)
u(0.1)-cumsum(exp(-(0.1-x))*u)(0.1) ≈ 1
It's mathematically impossible to do a low rank approximation of a triangular function.
Thank you! It works perfectly
I tried to solve a simple Volterra equation using ApproxFun.
Here is my code:
That is the equation is the following:
u(x) = int_0^x{K(x-y) u(y) dy} + 1; with K(x, y) = exp(-(x-y))
However I got the following error:
I suspect the operator V cannot be interpolated properly. What should I do in this case?
Note that this code is working for simpler K such as K(x, y) = x-y
Thanks for yor help