JuliaApproximation / ApproxFun.jl

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JuliaCon minisymposium ? #696

Open j-fu opened 4 years ago

j-fu commented 4 years ago

Hi, I am Jürgen Fuhrmann from Weierstrass Institute Berlin, and the author of VoronoiFVM.jl

I would like to propose a minisymposium for JuliaCon in July which "collects" people interested in PDEs. Below is a draft of a proposal. Would you like to participate ? I am also in contact with @PetrKryslUCSD on this.

Julia for Partial Differential Equations

Simulations based on models described with partial differential equations (PDEs) are demanding with respect to probelem sizes, memory access patterns, and the high diversity of models and discretization approaches.

Julia with its capabilities with respect to near optimal scalar performance, build-in multithreading, multiprocessing and packages for GPU computing in combination with its generic programming facilities provides a new opportunity to implement well performing and easy to uses packages for PDE solution.

On the other hand due to the juvenile age of the language and the package universe, the full potential of Julia with respect to this problem class has not been reached yet.

The minisymposium contributors present several Julia packages connected with the solution of partial differential equations and systems thereof which might appeal to a broader public.

The minisymposium intends to conclude with a discussion of possible developments of features and packages for PDE simulations which would help Julia to become one of the primary choices for researchers and engineers interested in PDE simulations.

Possible schedule:

3-5 talks 30-20min each Discussion 30-20min

dlfivefifty commented 4 years ago

Count me in!

j-fu commented 4 years ago

Hi, great! Thank you for your interest!

j-fu commented 4 years ago

Hi, I submitted the proposal: https://pretalx.com/juliacon2020/talk/review/SHYAMYTZKXLAGU983ST8WDJEVYUAT3FH

As for the virus, the organizers are working on plan B to have it online-only.

j-fu commented 4 years ago


the JuliaCon minisymposium on PDE solution in Julia has beem accepted. It will take place on Friday, 2020-07-31 18:00-19:30 UTC.

Unfortunately, during the last weeks I was absorbed by another project, so this information comes to you very late. Please accept my apologies for this situation.

The conference will be on-line, and it is expected that the talks are pre-recoded. I managed to appoint an upload time for the talks early next week, preferably by Monday, July 20. During the talks, participants are expected to be presend on the conference chat in discord.

For recording, the organizers recommend OBS or zoom.

During the application period, six package authors (including myself) showed their interest in participating, and I envision to just give all of them the same opportunity to present their work.

That would be a 15min talk for each participant. We might see cancellations, moreover there will be another talk on GridAP already, so the number might reduce to 5 or 4, and the available time per talk increas to 18 -22 min. I will keep you updated on this.

Here are some thoughts on what I think should be in a talk.

I would welcome further ideas for the organization of the minisymposium.

Please let me know if you are still in and willing to contribute.

dlfivefifty commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately I won't be able to prepare a pre-recorded talk, as we are moving house. Perhaps best to count me out this time.