JuliaApproximation / ApproxFun.jl

Julia package for function approximation
528 stars 70 forks source link

typos #921

Closed spaette closed 8 months ago

spaette commented 8 months ago

continuous constraints dependency distributed function negligible operators trigonometric


Any of these files not slated for editing?

$ grep -nr continous ApproxFun.jl
ApproxFun.jl/docs/src/usage/constructors.md:37:julia> space(g) isa ContinuousSpace # Piecewise continous functions
$ grep -nr contraints ApproxFun.jl
ApproxFun.jl/examples/Eigenvalue.jl:19:# For problems with different contraints or boundary conditions,
$ grep -nr dependancy ApproxFun.jl
ApproxFun.jl/NEWS.md:78:- Replaces FixedSizeArrays.jl dependancy with StaticArrays.jl
$ grep -nr distributted ApproxFun.jl
ApproxFun.jl/LICENSE.md:16:Contains code that is modified from Julia's Base code, which is distributted
$ grep -nr funtion ApproxFun.jl
ApproxFun.jl/NEWS.md:53:- `F` was renamed `DFunction` for dynamic funtion
$ grep -nr neglible ApproxFun.jl
ApproxFun.jl/src/Plot/Plot.jl:300:        @warn "Imaginary part is non-neglible.  Only plotting real part."
ApproxFun.jl/src/Plot/Plot.jl:321:        @warn "Imaginary part is non-neglible.  Only plotting real part."
$ grep -nr opertors ApproxFun.jl
ApproxFun.jl/examples/Eigenvalue_anharmonic.jl:33:# We construct `n × n` matrix representations of the opertors that we diagonalize
$ grep -nr trigonemetric ApproxFun.jl
ApproxFun.jl/docs/src/usage/spaces.md:56:Note that `Ultraspherical(1)` corresponds to the Chebyshev basis of the second kind: ``\mathop{U}_k(x) = \frac{\sin((k+1)\arccos{x})}{\sin(\arccos{x})}``.  The relationship with Chebyshev polynomials follows from trigonemetric identities: ``\mathop{T}_k'(x) = k \mathop{U}_{k-1}(x)``.
jishnub commented 8 months ago

You're welcome to open a PR with the fixes