JuliaApproximation / ApproxFun.jl

Julia package for function approximation
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Are we able to solve this simple sturm liouville problem taken from chebfun examples? #930

Open falematte opened 4 months ago

falematte commented 4 months ago

Here is the simple example in the documentation. How would you achieve the same with Approxfun?

L = chebop(@(u) -diff(u, 2), dom);
L.bc = 'periodic';
k = 5; % number of eigenvalues we want
[V, D] = eigs(L, k);
figure, plot(V, LW, 2)
falematte commented 4 months ago

Maybe @dlfivefifty or @mzaffalon can help. Probably its a trivial question but I am still learning the basics...

jishnub commented 3 months ago

Have you looked at the examples: https://juliaapproximation.github.io/ApproxFun.jl/stable/generated/Eigenvalue/? I think these should help

falematte commented 3 months ago

Thanks for the answer @jishnub , I am not able to generalize that example to periodic boundary conditions. Probably is trivial but I am having problems doing that...