JuliaApproximation / ContinuumArrays.jl

A package for representing quasi arrays with continuous indices
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Support syntax for kernels #142

Open dlfivefifty opened 1 year ago

dlfivefifty commented 1 year ago

Want to do:

T = ChebyshevT()
x = axes(T,1)
K = (x,y) -> exp(x*cos(y)) # some kernel
f = expand(T, exp) # some function
K.(x, x') * f # this is integration wrt a kernel

We have some experiments for 2D quasivectors. Here K.(x, x') is a quasi-matrix. Do we want to support bases as 4-tensors: i.e. T²[x,y,k,j] so that if X isa AbstractMatrix we can write K = T² * X ?

jagot commented 1 year ago

Yes please!

dlfivefifty commented 1 year ago

Any thoughts on the following. Lets consider matrices. 4-tensor * matrix is not defined:

julia> n = 10; T² = randn(n,n,n,n); X = randn(n,n);

julia> T²*X
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching *(::Array{Float64, 4}, ::Matrix{Float64})

Should it be:

  1. (T²*X)[k,j] == T²[k,j,:,:] * X
  2. (T²*X)[k,j] == permutedims(T²[k,j,:,:]) * X

Option 2 seems like the "right way" to make in consistent. But perhaps I missed something. You would also need to make sense of tensor * vector.

jagot commented 1 year ago

I think the cleanest way to express tensor contractions is Einstein notation, since there's otherwise an ambiguity in which indices go together. This is implemented in e.g. Tullio.jl.

However, I guess (and hope!) that we would also support non-dense four-tensors, or lazy four-tensors (e.g. Kronecker products, etc), and then Tullio.jl will not work, since it assumes dense tensors (although it seems to support ranged indices, so the tensors need not be full).

dlfivefifty commented 1 year ago

The existing packages (Tullio.jl, Tensors.jl, TensorOperations.jl) seem to be solving a different problem then what we have: I think we only need tensor * tensor operations, and are really just in need of a "language" for this, where they are trying to do a variety of tensor operations efficiently. Einstein notation is certainly not the right answer for what we need.

jagot commented 1 year ago

Well, the problem as I see it, is that ad hoc definitions of higher-order tensor multiplication do not scale; what happens for e.g. six-tensor * three-tensor? I.e.

(S*T)[a,b,c] = S[a,i,b,j,c,k] * T[i,j,k]


(S*T)[a,b,c] = S[a,b,c,i,j,k] * T[i,j,k]

or even

(S*T)[a,b,c] = S[i,a,j,b,k,c] * T[i,j,k]

which makes more sense? To me, there is no obvious "right" answer.

Also, if you write your kernel as a lazy outer (Kronecker) product, and then apply it to a tensor using Einstein notation, it is fairly obvious how to optimize the implementation (illustrated using matrix–vector multiplication, but this scales):

K[i,j] =  u[i]*v[j] # This should not be instantiated as a dense matrix, but lazily
z = rand(n)
w[k] = K[i,j]*z[j]

But maybe I'm missing your point?

dlfivefifty commented 1 year ago

Maybe there could be different versions of multiplication for different versions.

but for my needs just multiplying the last dimensions would suffice

jagot commented 1 year ago

Then implement the one you need — we can always generalize later. Maybe make some intermediary type hierarchy, so we can dispatch off of it?

dlfivefifty commented 1 year ago

OMG its so simple: a kernel K.(x, x') is just represented


where A is the matrix of coefficients in the P basis!

jagot commented 1 year ago

That is true, however it would be good if we can support general linear operators, since a dense matrix A can be rather sizable.

As an example in AtomicStructure.jl, I have a kind of integral operator K whose action on a test vector v is K(x,x')*v(x') = a(x)*\int_0^\infty b(x')*v(x') dx', which I solve by solving auxiliary Poisson problems. This way, the computation reduces to linear complexity in the basis size, instead of quadratic if you were to precompute the matrix upfront.

dlfivefifty commented 1 year ago

That just corresponds to a rank-1 matrix so you can do that with structured matrices

jagot commented 1 year ago

Maybe I messed up the notation, but that is definitely a dense (non-local) operator.

Something like this: image

dlfivefifty commented 1 year ago

rank-1 matrices are dense

dlfivefifty commented 1 year ago

FYI I got it working:


dlfivefifty commented 1 year ago

We can probably generalise that code to be used for any AbstractQuasiMatrix * Basis but I'll have to think a bit more about that