JuliaApproximation / ContinuumArrays.jl

A package for representing quasi arrays with continuous indices
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How to split an AbstractQuasiMatrix by coordinate, not basis function? #36

Open jagot opened 4 years ago

jagot commented 4 years ago

Related to #8

I started thinking again how to implement overlapping domains; when solving PDEs like the Schrödinger equation, different but equivalent formulations are more/less stiff in different parts of space. The formulations are related via a unitary transformation. One can then solve two problems in slightly overlapping domains and communicating the overlap between them every time step.

Setting up the equations is easy, as soon as the correct AbstractQuasiMatrices are known, the question is rather how to split the whole domain into subdomains. Imagine

R = FiniteDifferences(0.0..100, δx=1.0)

I now want to split R into subdomains R1 and R2, covering 0.0..30 and 20.0..100, respectively. I also want all materialized matrices to be of appropriate sizes, i.e. not full matrices with zeros outside their respective subdomains. This can be accomplished by

R1 = R[:,1:31]
R2 = R[:,21:end]

but then the first axes of R1 and R2 will be "wrong" and if R is not a uniform grid, as in this case, it is not so trivial to determine which basis functions need to be included. If on the other hand I do

R1 = R[Inclusion(0.0..30),:]
R2 = R[Inclusion(20.0..100),:]

then the first axes are correct but all the basis functions are still there, so the materialized matrices will still be too large.

dlfivefifty commented 4 years ago

I think you are trying to do the right thing but there's some bugs floating around where I assumed Inclusion was "everything", which is not the case.