JuliaApproximation / DomainSets.jl

A Julia package for describing domains as continuous sets of elements
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Sphere{T} = UnitSphere{3,T} is a confusing definition #28

Closed dlfivefifty closed 5 years ago

dlfivefifty commented 5 years ago

It's not clear why UnitSphere refers to an N-sphere while Sphere is a 3-sphere. I'd expect a Sphere to also have a radius and centre (down the line). So maybe UnitSphere -> UnitHyperSphere while Sphere -> UnitSphere.

daanhb commented 5 years ago

Yes, HyperSphere seems more correct terminology, good point. There could be a Sphere with radius and centre at some point. For the time being, many domains simply have a "basic" type that contains no data, like UnitSphere and ChebyshevInterval. They come with zero memory overhead and a simple, clean and efficient implementation that does not implicitly favour one affine map over another one. But I agree one would also expect a more fully featured sphere in a package like this.

I digress, but that is something I had in mind with the DerivedDomain type, which I think is currently never used and isn't even fully implemented (it should perhaps be removed). The idea is that a domain that derives from DerivedDomain has its own type, yet it simply contains some other domain. A sphere could be a DerivedDomain, that contains a mapped domain consisting of a UnitSphere and an affine map. That's perhaps more complicated than it should be for this use case, but it is a generic way of making domains with more functionality and a richer interface (using dispatch on the new type), while reusing existing (efficient) implementation.

dlfivefifty commented 5 years ago

Note that affine translations and domains with parameters are slightly different in IEEE, take the ball defined by: x^2 + y^2 ≤ r^2 vs the affine version (x/r)^2 + (y/r)^2 ≤ 1:

julia> x,y
(2.1213203608786055, 2.1213203262406797)

julia> x^2 + y^2 ≤ 9

julia> (x/3)^2 + (y/3)^2 ≤ 1

So I think both versions should exist without viewing it as too redundant.

MikaelSlevinsky commented 5 years ago
  1. Are we going to distinguish between an n-ball and an (n-1)-sphere?

  2. Also, is the current "3-sphere" is embedded in R3 or R4? I don't know the design well enough to distinguish whether or not the super type is supposed to be the ambient domain or something that the instance looks like locally. This is rather picky, but there may be ways around this like overriding supertype

julia> struct MyType{N, T}

julia> abstract type MyAbstractType{N, T} end

julia> Base.supertype(::MyType{N, T}) where {N, T} = MyAbstractType{N + 1, T}

julia> sph = MyType{2, Float64}(0.0, 1.0)
MyType{2,Float64}(0.0, 1.0)

julia> supertype(sph)
dlfivefifty commented 5 years ago

The N refers to the ambient space:

const UnitCircle{T} = UnitSphere{2,T} # <: Domain{SVector{2,T}}
const UnitSphere{T} = UnitHyperSphere{3,T}  # <: Domain{SVector{3,T}}

A domain is defined by its implementation of in, so the T in Domain{T} above refers to the fact that

SVector(1,0,0) in UnitSphere() # returns true

This definition extends to promotion: so even though eltype(UnitSphere{Int}()) ==Int we have

x = prevfloat(sqrt(2)/2) 
y = sqrt(2)/2
SVector(x,y,0) in UnitSphere() # since x^2 + y^2 === 1.0

We have yet to settle on "fuzzyness" of a domain: here x = y = sqrt(2)/2 as calculated by IEEE is approximately in the unit sphere. I've come around to the idea of using interval arithmetic (as in https://github.com/JuliaIntervals/IntervalArithmetic.jl) to do this properly: that is, we can use

Sphere(0.0, interval(prevfloat(1.0),nextfloat(1.0)) # <: Domain{SVector{3,Interval{Float64}}

and then we get everything "for free", without having to worry about things like housedorf metrics.

dlfivefifty commented 5 years ago

For spherical coordinates there could be a special number type that stores r, centre, θ and φ.

MikaelSlevinsky commented 5 years ago

What about spheres and balls with different, possibly user-defined, norms? I think generic balls are then closed convex domains, so not sure how much would be gained from this.