JuliaApproximation / DomainSets.jl

A Julia package for describing domains as continuous sets of elements
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Implement promotion of domains #33

Closed daanhb closed 5 years ago

daanhb commented 5 years ago

This is a start to implement some of the changes suggested in #31

daanhb commented 5 years ago

There are no tests yet.

daanhb commented 5 years ago

I've synced and went a bit further: with this pull request any iterable set of objects that implement the domain interface (implement in and eltype) can be grouped into a UnionDomain. There is no intermediate conversion to domain types anymore:

julia> d = UnionDomain(1, [3.0, 4.0, 5.0])
a union of 2 domains:
        1.      : 1.0
        2.      : [3.0, 4.0, 5.0]

julia> d.domains
(1.0, [3.0, 4.0, 5.0])

julia> typeof(d)

This simplified quite a bit of the UnionDomain constructors.

Also, convert(Domain, [1,2,3]) now no longer returns a union of Point domains. It simply returns a wrapper around the array:

julia> d = convert(Domain, [1,2,3])
DomainSets.WrappedDomain{Array{Int64,1},Int64}([1, 2, 3])

julia> d.domain
3-element Array{Int64,1}:

julia> 1 ∈ d
daanhb commented 5 years ago

I added a default fallback that works for anything:

convert(::Type{Domain}, domain) = WrappedDomain(domain)

This is perhaps a bit too much. We could also restrict this to specific types, such as arrays and sets.

An error will be thrown upon construction if the given domain-like object does not implement eltype. I don't know how to check for an implementation of in generically.

daanhb commented 5 years ago

Does this look like an interesting direction to move into?

All names can change. The main way to cope with domain-like objects, rather than d::Domain{T} objects, is via duck typing and indirection (dispatching on the eltype, for example). I think it follows from this that any method that should work for domain-like objects needs a name that is unique to the DomainSets package. That is the only way to convey the user's intention, and we can't use duck typing on most functions that are also used elsewhere.

dlfivefifty commented 5 years ago

I think WrappedDomain is a great idea, for now. We can then deprecate it when the rest of the machinery is working in a "domain-type-agnostic" way, which will give errors where the code needs to be updated.

Does this look like an interesting direction to move into?


daanhb commented 5 years ago

Okay, I'm merging this then. The promotion code is opt-in, so it is non-intrusive except for UnionDomain currently.