JuliaApproximation / HarmonicOrthogonalPolynomials.jl

A Julia package for working with spherical harmonic expansions
MIT License
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Normalization? #2

Open dlfivefifty opened 4 years ago

dlfivefifty commented 4 years ago

@jagot suggested Condon–Shortley:

If you choose Condon–Shortley (which is commonly used by physicists), you could employ https://github.com/Jutho/WignerSymbols.jl for exact angular integrals. This is what I use in https://juliaatoms.github.io/AngularMomentumAlgebra.jl/dev/.

@MikaelSlevinsky Any preference?

MikaelSlevinsky commented 4 years ago

I wouldn't touch spherical harmonics without (near) L2 orthonormalization. Near being something like what they do in geodesy or magnetics https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spherical_harmonics#Conventions.

Near orthonormalizations and phase conventions could be implemented as an afterthought. See also https://nschaeff.bitbucket.io/shtns/spec.html

dlfivefifty commented 4 years ago

The actual normalisation can be a user choice:

SphericalHarmonic() * Diagonal(...)

We can make the default orthonormal

MikaelSlevinsky commented 4 years ago

Quickly looking at https://juliaatoms.github.io/AngularMomentumAlgebra.jl/dev/definitions/#Spherical-harmonics-1, I think we largely agree: theta is co-latitude, L^2 orthonormalization.

jagot commented 4 years ago

I think a general library like SphericalHarmonics.jl should probably cater to different normalizations and phase relations. For me, it was very important that AngularMomentumAlgebra.jl is consistent in every possible choice of convention, since you otherwise can't trust relations. I therefore selected Varshalovich (1988) as the single source of truth. In quantum mechanics, Condon–Shortley is often used, because it gives real Clebsch–Gordan coefficients, as does the Fano–Racah convention (less often used, I think). Landau & Lifshitz instead uses complex CG coefficients, I forgot what they gain from that – maybe some formulas are simplified.

dlfivefifty commented 4 years ago

I can rename it SphericalHarmonicsQuasi.jl, I have no interest or time in making something encyclopedic

jagot commented 4 years ago

For sure, I would not suggest everything should fit in here, but it seemed both you and Mike agreed that various orthonormalizations were easy to bolt on, later.

I thought we both agreed we'd like to do away with the *Quasi.jl suffix :stuck_out_tongue:

dlfivefifty commented 4 years ago

Yes I just mean I'm not trying to be too ambitious right now. I'm just going to implement some basic functionality, e.g., solving Poisson .

I'm inclined to use the DLMF convention:


Not sure what that corresponds to...

jagot commented 4 years ago

As long as the associate Legendre polynomial P includes (-1)^m, the so-called Condon--Shortley phase, it's the same as I am using.

dlfivefifty commented 4 years ago

Will follow Wikipedia as the default, added tests compared to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Table_of_spherical_harmonics

Any feelings whether they should be defined only on the sphere or all of R^3? Off the sphere they would be the harmonic polynomials

r^m * Y_l^m(θ,φ)
jagot commented 4 years ago

The spherical harmonics are, as far I'm concerned, only defined on the sphere. The radial dimension is taken care of by other means, e.g. Laguerre polynomials for bound states of hydrogen or finite-difference/-elements in numerical codes.

dlfivefifty commented 4 years ago

It is often natural to incorporate the r^m in the spherical harmonic part: that is, if you have something like r^m * exp(-r) * L^(m)(r^2)* Y_l^m(θ,φ) this is replaced by exp(-r) * L^(m)(r^2) * Y_l^m(x,y,z).

Both can (and will) be supported so it really is just an implementation detail. That is, if we make them by default defined on R^3 one can still use spherical coordinates but also euclidean:

S = SphericalHarmonic()
S[SphericalCoordinate(θ,φ), Block(l)[m]]

If you wish the latter to give a bounds error you can do

S = SphericalHarmonic()[UnitSphere(),:]

But I'll mull it over a bit more...

MikaelSlevinsky commented 4 years ago

I think the (regular) solid spherical harmonics are r^l * Y_l^m(θ,φ). I think they'd be great to have around. Also, there are irregular harmonics r^{-l+1} * Y_l^m(θ,φ) that are square integrable in the exterior of the unit solid sphere (ball). These would be the analogues of Hardy{true/false} in ApproxFun.

MikaelSlevinsky commented 4 years ago

Transforms/plotting are fast on concentric spherical shells

dlfivefifty commented 4 years ago

Would BallHarmonic be an appropriate name?

MikaelSlevinsky commented 4 years ago

Yeah that or SolidSphericalHarmonics{true/false}(). I'll live with the de facto name

dlfivefifty commented 4 years ago

we would need to change the name of the package for the type to be called SphericalHarmonics. I'm not opposed to that.

MikaelSlevinsky commented 4 years ago

Sorry, I guess the quasi-space doesn't have to be pluralized? Since we don't have, e.g. LegendrePolynomials.

dlfivefifty commented 4 years ago

Some more thought needs to be done here. Actually, it's the same issues with Taylor series (2D Spherical harmonics). Is the canonical axes(Taylor(),1) (i.e., the domain of definition) equal to

  1. UnitCircle{ComplexF64}()
  2. UnitDisk{ComplexF64}()
  3. C (that is, EuclideanSpace(Complex64))

Each has valid a valid usage...