JuliaArrays / ReadOnlyArrays.jl

A wrapper type around AbstractArray that is read-only
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general updates #9

Closed markmbaum closed 4 months ago

markmbaum commented 4 months ago

I happened to be looking for some kind of frozen/immutable/read-only array wrapper on the same day as the discussion in #8 started.

Because @bkamins says the package hasn't been maintained, I made a bunch of changes. The module source is nearly identical, but I updated the tests, readme, and dependencies.

bkamins commented 4 months ago

Thank you! Do you want me to bump version and tag a release?

markmbaum commented 4 months ago

Yes, please! Although it looks like version 0.2.0 is not registered yet: https://juliahub.com/ui/Packages/General/ReadOnlyArrays

It should be sufficient to trigger a release.

MilesCranmer commented 3 months ago

Could you please make a new release @bkamins? Would love to use this (just found it).

Edit: wait, pause for the issue I found in #11