JuliaAtoms / AtomicLevels.jl

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Fix printing of spin configurations #108

Closed jagot closed 2 years ago

jagot commented 2 years ago

Prior to this PR, the following would fail:

julia> string.([sc"2s₀α 2s₀β", sc"ks₀α ks₀β"]) == ["2s₀α 2s₀β", "ks₀α ks₀β"]
  MethodError: no method matching Configuration(::Vector{Any}, ::Vector{Int64})
  Closest candidates are:
    Configuration(::Vector{O}, ::Vector{Int64}) where O<:AbstractOrbital at ~/.julia/packages/AtomicLevels/iYHUN/src/configurations.jl:37
    Configuration(::Vector{O}, ::Vector{Int64}, ::Vector{Symbol}; sorted) where O<:AbstractOrbital at ~/.julia/packages/AtomicLevels/iYHUN/src/configurations.jl:37