JuliaAttic / CUDA.jl

DEPRECATED: old Julia programming interface for CUDA
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Kernel launch failure when CUdeviceptr and .ptx type are inconsistent #5

Closed uriahjb closed 10 years ago

uriahjb commented 10 years ago

I noticed that with your current example Makefile that Kernel launch failures will occur when the example kernel is not compiled with a machine type consistent with Julia's Cuint.

A very basic fix is to ensure that line 3 in arrays.jl:

typealias CUdeviceptr Uint64

And in the examples/makefile:

nvcc -ptx -m64 vadd.cu

For example: Observing Cudeviceptr in cualloc via:

function cualloc(T::Type, len::Integer)
    a = CUdeviceptr[0]  
    nbytes = int(len) * sizeof(T)
    @cucall(:cuMemAlloc, (Ptr{CUdeviceptr}, Csize_t), a, nbytes)    
    return CuPtr(a[1])

on my machine prints: CuPtr(0x204c0400) a 32bit address

whereas running ex1.jl with cuda-memcheck we see:

cuda-memcheck julia ex1.jl
========= Invalid __global__ read of size 4
=========     at 0x00000068 in vadd
=========     by thread (99,0,0) in block (0,0,0)
=========     Address 0x7f8e204c018c is out of bounds
CuDriverError(700): Kernel launch failed

The address shown is 64bit. Over multiple runs its clear that lower 32bits of Address are correct and the higher 32bits are undefined.

lindahua commented 10 years ago

Fixed by latest update. Please try again and see if it works.