JuliaAttic / Color.jl

Basic color manipulation utilities.
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Added support for the DIN99 UCS and color difference metric. #18

Closed glennsweeney closed 10 years ago

glennsweeney commented 10 years ago

My first work in Julia and my first github pull request - bear with me!

I added in support for the DIN99 uniform color space. This space is used mostly in European industry, though it has some applications elsewhere. The intent of the space is to correct perceptual nonuniformities in CIELAB to allow for a euclidian difference metric.

Some simple test code is generated, though I will not have a dataset to confirm the metric (though I believe it is quite straightforward) for several weeks.

dcjones commented 10 years ago

Looks good. There was one minor thing that I fixed.

I had not heard of DIN99, so that was interesting to learn about. Would be useful to define a polar version like LCHab and LCHuv are to LAB and LUV?

glennsweeney commented 10 years ago

Yes, the standard does provide a cylindrical coordinate system as well. I haven't had a use for it in my work yet, but if I have a spare minute this week I may implement it, as I know many people prefer working in these coordinates.