JuliaAudio / SampledSignals.jl

Core types for regularly-sampled multichannel signals like Audio, RADAR and Software-Defined Radio
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Pluto output display #66

Open KronosTheLate opened 3 years ago

KronosTheLate commented 3 years ago

Is it possible to make

"When working in a Jupyter notebook (which can display rich HTML representations), SampleBufs will show a waveform display and allow you to listen to the buffer using your browser's WebAudio support."

the case in pluto notebooks as well? (I am assuming it is not, I haven't tested)

ssfrr commented 3 years ago

The way SampledSignals outputs the fancy display is no longer the way that Jupyter wants things done - it should really be implemented as an extension to Jupyter that handles that mime type, rather than injecting javascript.

KronosTheLate commented 2 years ago

So this is working now! image

However, I can't hear a thing when I click play :/ I have ofc tested that other things actually make sound. Any idea why?

KronosTheLate commented 2 years ago

I just tried it again, and now I works. I have no idea why. So the only thing missing is adding it to the docs!

rob-luke commented 2 years ago

What needs to be added to the docs? Did you have to install anything special? Or does it work out of the box?

KronosTheLate commented 2 years ago

Sorry for not being clear - I was thinking that since there are section on both the REPL display, and Jupyter notebooks, there should now be a section added for Pluto - simply showing what it looks like, and stating that a sound signal can be played directly.

The waveform is not shown in pluto ATM - I had to plot it seperately. A simply display of the waveform, just like in the REPL (or the even prettier one in Jupyter) would also be very nice.

Also, the readme is long enough that I feel that it could be benificial to put it into a documentation page. I have edited docs before, but I have not set it up from scratch.