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CDO in Julia #8

Open Datseris opened 4 years ago

Datseris commented 4 years ago

Has anyone here written some kind of interface that allows using CDO https://code.mpimet.mpg.de/projects/cdo/wiki in Julia?

Should we do that? Seems to be in the same alley as ClimateTools.jl @Balinus .

(I want to use it for grid remapping, but maybe someone also tells me if there is already grid remapping implemented)

gaelforget commented 4 years ago

First time I hear about this one (thanks @Datseris !).

Maybe a simple first step would be to just use pycall towards their python frontend. I did this with a couple other things (argovis in https://github.com/gaelforget/ArgoData.jl and cmap in https://github.com/gaelforget/MarineEcosystemNotebooks) in case that helps.

Datseris commented 4 years ago

Yeah my first step was also to use the python interface, but unfortunately they don't support Windows not even through the Python interface....... :( :( :( :( :( The manners of those people are unbelievable!