JuliaCollections / IterTools.jl

Common functional iterator patterns
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[proposal] new ijoin function , an iterable join #102

Open o314 opened 1 year ago

o314 commented 1 year ago

Hi. This is a proposal for a new feature based on the declension of the well known join function with an iterable arg.

import Base.Iterators as _I

struct _IJoin

ijoin(s, delim) = _isijoinable(s) ? _IJoin(s, delim) : throw(ArgumentError("s = $s"))

_isijoinable(s) = _isijoinable(Base.IteratorSize(s))
_isijoinable(::Base.HasLength) = true
_isijoinable(::Base.HasShape{N}) where {N} = N==1
_isijoinable(::Base.IteratorSize) = true

Base.IteratorSize(a::_IJoin) = Base.IteratorSize(a.s)
Base.length(a::_IJoin) = 2*length(a.s)-1
Base.size(a::_IJoin) = let (s1,)=size(a.s); 2*s1-1 end

Base.iterate(a::_IJoin) =
    let y=iterate(a.s); y!==nothing ? (y[1], (:yld2,y[2])) : nothing end
Base.iterate(a::_IJoin, (st,sst)) = _iterate(a, Val(st), sst)
_iterate(a::_IJoin, ::Val{:yld2}, sst) =
    let y=iterate(a.s, sst); y!==nothing ? (a.delim, (:yld3,sst)) : nothing end
_iterate(a::_IJoin, ::Val{:yld3}, sst) =
    let y=iterate(a.s, sst); y!==nothing ? (y[1], (:yld2,y[2])) : nothing end
using Test
import Base.Iterators as _I

@test ijoin(["foo", "bar", "baz"], ".") |> collect == ["foo",  ".", "bar",  ".",  "baz"]
@test ijoin([1,2,3],0) |> collect == [1,0,2,0,3]
@test ijoin((1,2,3),0) |> collect == [1,0,2,0,3]
@test ijoin(1:5,0) |> collect == [1,0,2,0,3,0,4,0,5]
@test _I.dropwhile(<(3),1:5) |> s->ijoin(s,0) |> collect == [3,0,4,0,5]
@test map(ijoin(1:5, 0)) do e; 2e end == [2,0,4,0,6,0,8,0,10]
@test_throws ArgumentError ijoin(fill(1,2,3),0)

# this composes nicely
@test map(ijoin(_I.dropwhile(<(3),1:5), 0)) do e; 2e end |> collect == [6, 0, 8, 0, 10]

# more readably
@test 1:5 |>
    s -> _I.dropwhile(<(3),s) |>        # == [3, 4, 5]
    s -> ijoin(s, 0) |>                 # == [3, 0, 4, 0, 5]
    s -> map(s) do e; 2e end |>         # == [6, 0, 8, 0, 10]
    collect ==
    [6, 0, 8, 0, 10]

This will be useful to work on collections

and i dont like s -> _I.append!([first(s)], _I.flatten(zip(_I.cycle(0), _I.tail(s)))) . :)