JuliaCommunity / YouTubeVideoTimestamps

Adding timestamps to Julia YouTube videos!
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Mistakes and typos in Julia YT video's timestamps #106

Closed KZiemian closed 5 months ago

KZiemian commented 2 years ago


I want to help with adding timestamps to videos on The Julia Programming Language channel, so I already read timestamps of some of them to learn how they should look. I find few mistakes in descriptions connected to timestamps and I hope I choose right place to write about it.

Working with images in Julia, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGojI9xcCfg

In description we have

0:35 - Pluto: Using a webcam as input 1:12 - What is an image? 1:31- Zooming into an image gives pixels

In last line it should be one space before "-".

At the end of the time stamps we have

17:56 - Preview of edge detection 00:00 Welcome! 00:10 Help us add time stamps or captions to this video! See the description for details.

Outdated part should be removed.

How to install Julia and Pluto, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOjKEgbt8AI

In the description we have

S/O to https://github.com/rohans0509 for the timestamps! 00:00 Welcome! 00:10 Help us add time stamps or captions to this video! See the description for details.

The same problem as previously.

The OSCAR Computer Algebra System, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWQK4mU3jQc

00:00 Welcome! 0:07 Introduction 0:34 What is OSCAR?

From purely aesthetic reason, I propose to change first entry to "0:00 Welcome!" or add "0" in other cases.

In the future I will try read more timestamped videos, so if I find more mistakes and typos, should I post them here or somewhere else?

Best, Kamil Ziemian

KZiemian commented 2 years ago


I found typos and mistakes in few other videos. To make this more systematic, I decided to look at closed issues on this repository and read all descriptions of videos to which they add timestamps, checking if they are correct. As byproduct, after reading all 90 some of them, I should have good idea how timestamps should looks like.

Arrays: slices and views https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTGJ80HayK0

00:06 Arrays 00:23 Create a 1-dimensional array 00:42 Index an array 00:59 Modify an array 01:19 Slicing an array 01:59 Modifying a slice

05:06 Array views 06:35 Comparing types of slices and views of arrays 07:22 @view macro

One additional space should be removed in timestamps 00:23, 00:42, 00:59, 01:19 and 06:35. You probably can't see the difference due to use of Markdown (?) on GitHub, but on YouTube is quite clear.

S/o to https://github.com/rafaelchp for the video timestamps! 00:00 Welcome! 00:10 Help us add time stamps or captions to this video! See the description for details.

Outdated part should be removed.

Defining new types https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yU8P_cHPn8Q

S/o to https://github.com/rafaelchp for the video timestamps. 00:00 Welcome! 00:10 Help us add time stamps or captions to this video! See the description for details.

Old part need to be removed.

Functions and types: Multiple dispatch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXtbaSP_LFI

S/o to https://github.com/rafaelchp for the video time stamps. 00:00 Welcome! 00:10 Help us add time stamps or captions to this video! See the description for details.

Outdated part needs to be removed.

I think, this is enough for one post.

Best, Kamil Ziemian

KZiemian commented 2 years ago


Here are three more videos with mistakes and typos in the descriptions.

Environments for programming with Julia, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgeLMzw_-Ww

S/o to https://github.com/rafaelchp for the video timestamps! 00:00 Welcome! 00:10 Help us add time stamps or captions to this video! See the description for details.

Outdated part need to be removed.

Functions are Objects, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_O-HBDZMLrM

S/o to https://github.com/rafaelchp for the video timestamps. 00:00 Welcome! 00:10 Help us add time stamps or captions to this video! See the description for details.

Outdated part need to be removed.

Convolutions on GPUs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aa3JkX_cj_I

S/o to https://github.com/rafaelchp for the video timestamps. 00:00 Welcome! 00:10 Help us add time stamps or captions to this video! See the description for details.

Outdated part need to be removed.

Best, Kamil Ziemian

KZiemian commented 2 years ago


Here are three more videos with mistakes and typos in the descriptions.

Convolutions in the Real World, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6WnzfvnFlY

We have

04:24 A few words about machine learning 00:00 Welcome! 00:10 Help us add time stamps or captions to this video! See the description for details.

and r2cp is NOT mentioned as the author of timestamps

Introduction to macros, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6LGMeoQhfs

We have

7:30 Metaprogramming 00:00 Welcome! 00:10 Help us add time stamps or captions to this video! See the description for details.

and r2cp is NOT mentioned as the author of timestamps

Transformations & AutoDiff, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAREeuaKCic

We have

00:35 Agenda of Lecture0-1:30 Transformations and Automatic Differentiations

it should be

00:35 Agenda of Lecture 01:30 Transformations and Automatic Differentiations

04:48 Non-Linear Transformation(Warp)

Maybe it should be "Transformation (Warp)"?

06:25 Compose Transformation(Rotate followed by Warp)

Maybe it should be "Transformation (Rotate followed by Warp)"?

07:28 More Transformations(xy, rθ)

Maybe it should be "Transformations (xy, rθ)"?

09:45 Functions in Maths and in Julia(Short form, anonymous and long form)

Here clearly it should be "Julia (Short form, anonymous and long form)".

Best, Kamil Ziemian

KZiemian commented 2 years ago


Here are three more videos with mistakes and typos in the descriptions.

Introduction to your professors, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxjRWtWoD_w

We have

S/o to https://github.com/rashktech for the video timestamps. 00:00 Welcome! 00:10 Help us add time stamps or captions to this video! See the description for details.

Outdated part need to be removed.

Structure, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ConoBmjlivs

16:46 Another kind of image compression-Outer Product(Multiplication tables), factorizing the Multiplication tables

I guess it should be "Product (Multiplication tables)".

23:54 Singular value decomposition(SVD)

It should be "decomposition (SVD)".

S/o to https://github.com/rashktech for the video timestamps. 00:00 Welcome! 00:10 Help us add time stamps or captions to this video! See the description for details.

Outdated part need to be removed.

Introspection, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IuOXXQR7dAo

S/o to https://github.com/rashktech for the video timestamps. 00:00 Welcome! 00:10 Help us add time stamps or captions to this video! See the description for details.

Outdated part need to be removed.

Best, Kamil Ziemian

KZiemian commented 2 years ago


Here are three more videos with mistakes and typos in the descriptions.

Analysing COVID-19 data, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1dmT-31Qwc

18:35 Combine Geographical and Temporal(time) aspects

I think it shouldn't be "Temporal(time)", but "Temporal (time)".

S/o to https://github.com/rashktech for the video timestamps! 00:00 Welcome! 00:10 Help us add time stamps or captions to this video! See the description for details.

Outdated part need to be removed.

Transformations 2: Composability and Linearity, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDPf3RjoCpY

18:16 Why Image Processing to learn Julia?

This sound odd. Maybe replace it with "Why learn Julia by doing image processing?"?

24:31 Julia style(advanced): Defining vector valued functions

I think "style(advanced)" should be replaced by "style (advanced)".

Introduction to DataFrames.jl, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pt8Iz4Udg2E

S/o to https://github.com/rashktech for the video timestamps. 00:00 Welcome! 00:10 Help us add time stamps or captions to this video! See the description for details.

Outdated part need to be removed.

Best, Kamil Ziemian

KZiemian commented 2 years ago


Here are three more videos with mistakes and typos in the descriptions.

Probability via computation, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yx055xdSkx0

04:15 Classic experiment of Rolling a die

I think it should be "rolling" starting with lower caps.

06:45 Monte Carlo Simulation to plot the frequencies

This description sounds odd to me, but I'm not sure how to improve it.

Computational Thinking Illustrated, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bBFkBCzwh4

S/o to https://github.com/rashktech for the video time stamps. 00:00 Welcome! 00:10 Help us add time stamps or captions to this video! See the description for details.

Outdated part need to be removed.

Graphs, trees, and spreading disease, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wa8xUJ1JhKQ

S/o to https://github.com/rashktech for the video timestamps. 00:00 Welcome! 00:10 Help us add time stamps or captions to this video! See the description for details.

Outdated part need to be removed.

Best, Kamil Ziemian

KZiemian commented 2 years ago


Here are three more videos with mistakes and typos in the descriptions.

Macroscopic models of epidemic dynamics, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27OXvw3nkh4

We'll see how to go from the microscopic, stochastic SIR models we've been studying to macroscopic, deterministic models by taking means (expectations).

There is something wrong with this sentence, but I don't know how to improved it.

24:09 Standard(continuous-time) SIR model

I think we should replace "Standard(continuous-time)" with "Standard (continuous-time)".

S/o to https://github.com/rashktech for the video timestamps. 00:00 Welcome! 00:10 Help us add time stamps or captions to this video! See the description for details.

Outdated part need to be removed.

Principal Component Analysis, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuKrM_NzxCk

0:00 Introduction: Understanding data 0:40 Rank of a matrix 3:58 Matrix rank 5:10 Effect of noise 5:45 From images to data 11:15 Measuring data cloud "size" – using statistics

For aesthetics reasons we should add "0" at the beginning of the first five positions in the list.

Also second position is "Rank of a matrix" and third "Matrix rank", this is suspicious. But I need to watch these video to be sure and this is work for (hopeful not so distance) future.

Sampling and random variables, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7HrpoFZzITI

0:00 Julia: Useful tidbits 3:27 Random sampling with rand 9:55 Several random objects 15:30 Uniform sampling

For aesthetics reasons we should add "0" at the beginning of the first three positions in the list.

45:20 Normalising the y -axis

51:00 Normalising the x axis

We should have "y-axis" and "x-axis" or "y axis" and "x axis".

Best, Kamil Ziemian

KZiemian commented 2 years ago


Here are three more videos with mistakes and typos in the descriptions.

Modeling with stochastic simulation, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8BohH76C7E

7:16 Introduction 8:10 Julia features 9:00 Individual-based ("microscopic") models 11:55 Modelling time to success (or time to failure)

We miss entire for 00:00, we should add it (it was already missing in this issue). Maybe, maybe, I would do it in the future.

For aesthetics reasons we should add "0" at the beginning of the first three positions in the list.

56:15 Time evolution of the mean: Intuitive derivation

Timestamp "56:16" doesn't have hyperlink.

Random variables as types, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKAO38UsXo0

Course homepage:


Blank line should be removed.

0:00 Introduction 2:33 Concepts for today 3:57 Random variables as types 4:15 Random variables 4:39 Gaussian distributions 8:43 Sum of two Gaussians 12:22 Theoretical random variables vs. sampling

For aesthetics reasons we should add "0" at the beginning of the first six positions in the list.

Random walks, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLQ1l75jSwU

https://twitter.com/JuliaLanguag1:20 Introduction

00::00 Introduction 2:13 Visualising random walks 8:30 Julia concepts 10:42 Motivation: Dynamics of hard discs

I propose to replace it with something like text below.


00:00 Introduction 01:20 Introduction 02:13 Visualising random walks 08:30 Julia concepts 10:42 Motivation: Dynamics of hard discs

Timestamp "00:00" doesn't have hyperling. In the issue there is no entry for timestamp for "00:00".

Best, Kamil Ziemian

KZiemian commented 2 years ago


Here are three more videos with mistakes and typos in the descriptions.

Random walks II, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIAFHyLmwbM

7:20 Introduction 8:45 Julia concepts 10:18 Pascal's triangle

For aesthetics reasons we should add "0" at the beginning of the first two positions in the list.

Linear models and simulations, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6NTKsR8TjQ

Is this video still missing timestamps is duo to things mentioned in this issue?

Optimization, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44RA9fclTdA

This video also doesn't have timestamps, is this due things mentioned in this issue?

Best, Kamil Ziemian

KZiemian commented 2 years ago


Here are three more videos with mistakes and typos in the descriptions.

Inverses and Newton method, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wjcx9sNSLP8

0:00 - Introduction/Announcements 1:25 - Non-linear maps continued 3:09 - Invite to interact on Discord 4:26 - Another example of perspective projection 5:16 - Definition of a linear transformation 7:12 - Linearity relation is simply matrix times vector 7:58 - What is a matrix multiplication? 10:08 - Visual representation of how it works

For aesthetics reasons we should add "0" at the beginning of the first seven positions in the list.

Modeling climate change, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nm86_hDwYTU

Timestamps: 0:00 - Welcome 0:41 - Introduction to MARGO 1:24 - Henri on the motivation behind MARGO 3:00 - How to interact with the climate model 5:16 - Emission mitigation and carbon dioxide removal to minimize climate suffering 9:30 - Mitigation, Removal, Geo-engineering 9:50 - Adaptation: Henri explaining the equations 17:20 - Mitigating emissions

For aesthetics reasons we should add "0" at the beginning of the first seven positions in the list.

DataFrames.jl 1.0 tutorial, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJf24gfcSto

I think we should change it "CSV.jl https://github.com/JuliaData/CSV.jl" (I removed brackets due to Markdown) to "CSV.jl (https://github.com/JuliaData/CSV.jl)" and "Arrow.jl https://github.com/JuliaData/Arrow.jl" (again, brackets removed) "Arrow.jl (https://github.com/JuliaData/Arrow.jl)".

50.10 CSV.read (cell 6)

It should be "50:10". Maybe this will bring back hyperlink?

Best, Kamil Ziemian

KZiemian commented 2 years ago


Here are three more videos with mistakes and typos in the descriptions.

Package development: improving engineering quality & latency, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXRMwJdEjX4

0:20 Julia internals: compiler specialization, dispatch, backedges, invalidation, precompilation 31:50 Catching errors and inference failures with JET

For aesthetics reasons we should add "0" at the beginning of the first positions in the list.

hPF-MD.jl: Hybrid Particle-Field Molecular-Dynamics Simulation, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nclG1k6GAiA

User caprilesport is not mentioned as author of timestamps.

00:00 Welcome! 0:36 : Background and Motivation 2:24 : Theory and Method 3:58 : Hybrid Particle-Field Method 5:56 : hPF-MD.jl Motivation 7:24 : hPF-MD.jl Example 8:30 : Conclusion and Future Works

For aesthetics reasons we should add "0" at the beginning of the positions 2 to 7 in the list. Also, probably we should do something with the colons.

Exploiting Structure in Kernel Matrices, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJjVYxBsT0Y

00:00 Welcome! 0:23 : Why do we care about Kernel Methods 1:02 : Motivation 1:59 : Lazy Representation of a Kernel Matrix 2:59 : Structure of Fast Kernel Matrices 4:42 : Fast Kernel Transform 6:23 : Experiments

Again, for aesthetics reasons we should add "0" at the beginning of the positions 2 to 7 in the list. Also, probably we should do something with the colons.

Best, Kamil Ziemian

KZiemian commented 2 years ago


Here are three more videos with mistakes and typos in the descriptions.

Dictionaries.jl - for improved productivity and performance, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-hAZcqAw28

00:00 Welcome! 00:30 : What is Dictionaries.jl 01:02 : Why Dictionaries.jl 05:08 : Implementation 13:47 : Performance 16:52 : The Interface 18:56 : Usage 19:01 : Basic Usage in REPL 23:46 : Grouping and Aggregation in REPL 25:14 : Table operations - TypedTables.jl 27:01 : Conclusion

Probably we should do something with the colons.

Changing Physics education with Julia, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04HAQXl5aj4

00:00 Welcome! 00:40 : I Have A Dream... 02:11 : Putting Things Into Perspective 04:23 : How It Works 05:16 : Actual Pages 05:38 : Benefits Of Showing Real Code 07:56 : Delay Coordinates Embedding 10:49 : Code ↔️ Figure 13:41 : Interactive Applications 16:14 : Makie.jl = 2 stronk 2 be true 17:13 : Exercises Like In Practice 19:39 : Careful: Don't Abuse Pre-Made Libraries 21:59 : Online Repository 22:25 : Live Polling During The Lecture 23:48 : DynamicalSystems.jl 2.0 24:12 : Summary

Probably we should do something with the colons.

Agents.jl and the next chapter in agent based modelling, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iaco6v6TVXk

00:00 Welcome! 0:08 Introduction to agent based modelling 3:02 Philosophy of Agents.jl 3:27 Agents.jl is Simple 8:15 Agents.jl is Performant

For aesthetics reasons we should add "0" at the beginning of the positions 2 to 5 in the list. Also, probably we should do something with the colons.

Best, Kamil Ziemian

KZiemian commented 2 years ago


Here are three more videos with mistakes and typos in the descriptions.

An individual-based model to simulate Coffee Leaf Rust epidemics, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpYVvXID1k4

00:00 Welcome! 0:20 Introduction to Coffee Leaf Rust 2:50 The SpatialRust model 4:12 Model implementation 5:23 Examples 5:52 Preliminary Results 6:49 Pending work

For aesthetics reasons we should add "0" at the beginning of the positions from 2 upward.

Solving optimization problems at Fonterra, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cG8edieOlug

00:00 Welcome! 0:29 Agenda 0:45 Problem Background 2:12 Organic Milk Planning Process

For aesthetics reasons we should add "0" at the beginning of the positions from 2 upward.

GPU programming in Julia, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hz9IMJuW5hU

00:00 Welcome! 00:24 Welcome

We have two "welcome" in the list, in issue timestamps starts from 00:24.

Also, ignace-computing is not mentioned as author of timestamps.

Best, Kamil Ziemian

KZiemian commented 2 years ago


Here are three more videos with mistakes and typos in the descriptions.

Designing Spacecraft Trajectories with Julia, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJr_lU7_7Go

00:00 Welcome! 0:23 What do astrodynamicists do? 1:20 Why Julia? 2:13 Simulating spacecraft motion 3:34 Composing functionality 4:32 The nitty-gritty details 5:18 Simulation performance 5:45 Differentiation for State Transition Matrices (STMs) 6:49 Generating quasi-periodic orbits 7:26 Summary 9:09 Reference & Acknowledgements

For aesthetics reasons we should add "0" at the beginning of the positions from 2 upward.

There is no hyperlink in "9:09".

Solving Pokemon Go Battles using Julia, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PB1aIl9_6k

00:00 Welcome! 00:22 : Motivation 00:40 : Pokémon Go Mechanics 01:35 : Structure Packing 02:32 : Monte Carlo Simulations 03:25 : Nash Simulations

We probably should do something with colons.

What's new in COSMO?, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O50kKay3Ie8

00:00 Welcome! 0:07 - Introduction 0:24 - Package overview 4:45 - Anderson acceleration 7:48 - Safeguarded acceleration - code example 11:12 - Acceleration - benchmarks

For aesthetics reasons we should add "0" at the beginning of the positions from 2 to 4. We also need to add symbol "-" to 00:00 timestamp or removed it from all the others.

Best, Kamil Ziemian

KZiemian commented 2 years ago


Here are three more videos with mistakes and typos in the descriptions.

Shaped Data with Acsets, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZzTJ3Hrw2w8

00:00 Welcome! 0:07 Introduction 0:58 Outline 1:41 What are acsets? 3:38 Graphs as Relational Databases 4:42 Compose with Dataframes: Attributes 5:14 Acset Schemas (A more formal definition) 6:50 Acsets on a Schema 7:45 Previous Example in a new Framework 9:07 Other data structures using acsets

For aesthetics reasons we should add "0" at the beginning of the positions from 2 to 9.

New tools to solve PDEs in Julia with Gridap.jl, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsQiFP4S5RY

00:00 Welcome! 00:25 : Some PDEs Solved With Gridap In 2021 00:39 : Outline 01:00 : New User API

We should do something with colons.

Matlab to Julia: Hours to Minutes for MRI Image Analysis, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6OxsK2R5VkA

00:00 Welcome! 0:22 Introduction and motivation 0:42 MRI crash course 1:05 Quantitative susceptibility mapping 1:38 Success of Matlab in traditional MRI 2:01 Struggles of Matlab in modern MRI 2:47 Myelin water imaging 3:21 Non-negative least squares problem 4:07 Bottlenecks 4:50 Switching to Julia: EPG algorithm 5:53 Switching to Julia: NNLS solver 6:30 Switching to Julia: parallelism 7:26 Switching to Julia: 60X faster 7:35 DECAES.jl 7:55 Acknowledgements and contact information

For aesthetics reasons we should add "0" at the beginning of the positions from 2 upward.

Best, Kamil Ziemian

KZiemian commented 2 years ago


Here are three more videos with mistakes and typos in the descriptions.

Javis.jl - Julia Animations and Visualizations, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckvsc6ukdOc

00:00 Welcome! 0:33 Introduction 3:06 Technical: Intro 4:05 Technical: Manim 4:59 Technical: Processing 5:47 Technical: Javis 8:29 Notebooks: Example 11:29 Notebooks: Jupyter

For aesthetics reasons we should add "0" at the beginning of the positions from 2 to 7.

Atomic fields: the new primitives on the block, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rBv6sV4Xts

00:00 Welcome! 0:21 What is @atomic? 0:47 Not atomic: Single-threaded example 1:41 Not atomic: Broken example 2:44 @atomic: Fixed example 3:04 What @atomic does not do 4:18 Other atomic operators 9:06 Conclusion

For aesthetics reasons we should add "0" at the beginning of the positions from 2 upward.

Diversity and Inclusion in the Julia community, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwpLArLkM-Y

00:00 Welcome! 0:08 Introduction 1:26 What we have done in the last year 4:23 Background info on Google Analytics 4:47 JuliaLang Website 5:55 Discourse 6:10 The Docs 6:28 Julia Academy 6:52 YouTube 7:14 Takeaways & Next Steps

For aesthetics reasons we should add "0" at the beginning of the positions from 2 upward.

Best, Kamil Ziemian

KZiemian commented 2 years ago


Here are three more videos with mistakes and typos in the descriptions.

JuliaSim: Machine Learning Accelerated Modeling and Simulation, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNbU5jNp67s

00:00 Welcome! 00:10 Help us add time stamps for this video! See the description for details. 00:42 Industrial application of Julia 02:44 Fast Differential Equation Solvers

Second line should be removed.

Hierarchical Multiple Instance Learning, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bf0CvltIDbE

00:00 Welcome! 00:10 Help us add time stamps for this video! See the description for details. 1:07 Possible solutions to the deviceID problem 2:52 HMIL approach 6:32 Comparison to SOTA 7:20 Theoretical guarantees 8:29 Mill.jl: node types 9:11 Mill.jl: representing leafs 10:58 Mill.jl: representing dicts

First two lines should be replaced by

00:00 Introduction and Motivation

Maybe "deviceID" should be replaced by "device ID"?

For aesthetics reasons we should add "0" at the beginning of the positions from 2 to 7.

Best, Kamil Ziemian

KZiemian commented 2 years ago


Here are three more videos with mistakes and typos in the descriptions.

Julia for Biologists, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRj7E5kYG1I

00:00 Welcome! 00:10 Help us add time stamps for this video! See the description for details. 00:48 : Further resources and contact details 01:25 : Contents

The second line should be removed. We should do something with colons.

Adaptive and extendable simulations with Trixi.jl, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoViWRAhCBE

Enabling Rapid Microservice Development with a Julia SDK, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KixO3udfcKA

00:00 Welcome! 0:18 Talk overview 0:56 The challenges of developing microservices 3:57 Our situation at Deloitte and why we created an SDK 4:36 SDK overview 5:09 Hosting the SDK 5:56 Microservice template package 11:21 Utility packages

For aesthetics reasons we should add "0" at the beginning of the positions from 2 to 7.

A deep dive into MakieLayout, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtqXFfaMZqo

as well as highlight features that make creating complex multi-plot figures a breeze. For more info on the Julia Programming Language, follow us on Twitter:

We should add one blank line.

as well as highlight features that make creating complex multi-plot figures a breeze.

For more info on the Julia Programming Language, follow us on Twitter:

Best, Kamil Ziemian

KZiemian commented 2 years ago


Here are three more videos with mistakes and typos in the descriptions.

Easy, Featureful Parallelism with Dagger.jl, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3S8W6A4Ago

0:00 - Introduction 0:45 - Overview 1:28 - When and why use Dagger instead of Distributed? 2:48 - Coding example

For aesthetics reasons we should add "0" at the beginning of the positions from 1 to 9.

Optimal control problems in Chemical Engineering with Julia, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6KSqUgnttw

00:00 Welcome! 0:10 Introduction 0:16 Discretization of nonlinear optimal control problems

For aesthetics reasons we should add "0" at the beginning of the positions from 2 to 6.

Musical Julia, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2DgKcndHr0

00:00 Welcome! 0:10 Musical Julia - The Journey 0:38 The Little Book Of Julia Algorithms 0:47 Introduction to Western and Indian Musical Notation 1:30 Musical Julia - Understanding the problem 1:17 Musical Julia - Solving the problem using an if-else loop 1:26 Additional learning: Arrays, push, file writing & reading 1:36 Musical Julia - Current Status 1:51 Musical Julia - Roadmap: App, Sheet Music reader 2:30 Musical Julia - Acknowledgements to all who helped and Juliacon community & organizers 2:23 Musical Julia - Code run through 2:33 Musical Julia - Github link to the code: github.com/RadsPad7/MusicalJulia

There is no hyperlink in the last line "Github link to the code: github.com/RadsPad7/MusicalJulia".

For aesthetics reasons we should add "0" at the beginning of the positions from 2 upward.

Best, Kamil Ziemian

logankilpatrick commented 2 years ago

Hey! Thanks for all the work on this. I am going to leave it as is with respect to "S/o"

logankilpatrick commented 2 years ago

I'll check on the other suggested changes later this week. Thanks again!

logankilpatrick commented 2 years ago

@KZiemian No need to make the S/o correction, I am going to leave that as is.

KZiemian commented 2 years ago

@logankilpatrick I know now, but for some reason, I didn't see your post previously today. I guess I didn't refresh page before posting last time and didn't get notification and I didn't read emails earlier today.

No problem to me with "S/o". I know that I'm quite pedantic person that like to correct every mistake that he found and "make one standard to rule them all" if it is possible (even when I know that my English is not good, often just bad). I started to be bothered about descriptions, because videos like Working with images in Julia, have progress bar on YouTube divided (is this a right word?) into two parts "Welcome!" and "Help us add time stamps or captions to this video! See the description for details.", even when in description of this particular video you have list of over 30 (?) timestamps. I think that

17:56 - Preview of edge detection 00:00 Welcome! 00:10 Help us add time stamps or captions to this video! See the description for details.

may be a culprit, but I can be wrong. I checked few videos on Julia channel and it seems reasonable guess.

If I right and YouTube find last 00:00 timestamp and start dividing progress bar according to what follow, it will be a big waste off peoples work, to don't have nicely divided progress bar as a result of such stupid mistake. So I started to read them and since I'm quite pedantic person I also write down other things that I noticed, just in case. If you can solve problem, why progress bar in some videos isn't divided according to available timestamps, all other typos and suggestions are up to you.

KZiemian commented 2 years ago

With this two videos I believe I check all the videos directly listed in closed issues of this repository. Since there are approximately 90 closed issues, I can miss few ones. I hope that at least few would be useful to you.

In the future I will try always read description of video on Julia YT channel and write down possible problems with timestamps. But, I think this issue is already long enough, so I think after reading and correcting all mistakes worth of it, it should be closed. But, this is only my opinion.

Automatic Numerical Bifurcation Analysis with Applications to Neurosciences with BifurcationKit, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvZNLkvxTgY

We have in the abstrakt


I would change it to "F(u, λ) = 0".

Julia and deploying complex graphical applications for laypeople, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-78N_bEf90

00:00 Welcome! 0:08 - Introduction 0:30 - Background on Ahorn

I think it would look nicer if we add "-" to first element of list and "0" at the beginning to all elements from 2 upwards.

KZiemian commented 2 years ago

I hope that adding another post to this issue is not a problem. According to the page Video Chapters problem with chapters on progress bar in some Julia videos on YT is most probably caused by two timestamps starting with 00:00.

KZiemian commented 2 years ago

I just want to remind, that many timestamps mentioned here still needs corrections.

goyalyashpal commented 2 years ago

Moving over my input from that above mentioned issue:

This bummer is mentioned above as well, i am still pasting it here to highlight the importance of the issue with that video at least.

Also, i caught a bummer in the video (referred to in the readme itself), the existing timestamps were not removed, which shadowed the new added timestamps.




coc0a commented 1 year ago

Same issue in First taste of abstraction with arrays | Week 1 | 18.S191 MIT Fall 2020. Just noticed it and came here to report.

KZiemian commented 5 months ago

I think that I all description pointed in this issue are corrected by now. When we get access right to the GitHub repo, we will close it.

KZiemian commented 5 months ago

I check all mentioned videos few times and I believe that we can close the issue.