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[REVIEW]: Recommendation.jl: A Framework for Building Recommender Systems in Julia #147

Open editorialbot opened 2 months ago

editorialbot commented 2 months ago

Submitting author: !--author-handle-->@takuti<!--end-author-handle-- (Takuya Kitazawa) Repository: https://github.com/takuti/Recommendation.jl Branch with paper.md (empty if default branch): Version: Editor: !--editor-->@lucaferranti<!--end-editor-- Reviewers: @abhijithch, @pgimenez Archive: Pending



Status badge code:

HTML: <a href="https://proceedings.juliacon.org/papers/3b10d49b644c6be6fa3f78110a998783"><img src="https://proceedings.juliacon.org/papers/3b10d49b644c6be6fa3f78110a998783/status.svg"></a>
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Reviewers and authors:

Please avoid lengthy details of difficulties in the review thread. Instead, please create a new issue in the target repository and link to those issues (especially acceptance-blockers) by leaving comments in the review thread below. (For completists: if the target issue tracker is also on GitHub, linking the review thread in the issue or vice versa will create corresponding breadcrumb trails in the link target.)

Reviewer instructions & questions

@lucaferranti & @abhijithch & @pgimenez, your review will be checklist based. Each of you will have a separate checklist that you should update when carrying out your review. First of all you need to run this command in a separate comment to create the checklist:

@editorialbot generate my checklist

The reviewer guidelines are available here: https://joss.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reviewer_guidelines.html. Any questions/concerns please let @lucaferranti know.

Please start on your review when you are able, and be sure to complete your review in the next six weeks, at the very latest


📝 Checklist for @PGimenez

editorialbot commented 2 months ago

Hello humans, I'm @editorialbot, a robot that can help you with some common editorial tasks.

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@editorialbot commands

For example, to regenerate the paper pdf after making changes in the paper source files, type:

@editorialbot generate pdf
editorialbot commented 2 months ago

Software report:

github.com/AlDanial/cloc v 1.90  T=0.05 s (1757.8 files/s, 154268.9 lines/s)
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
TeX                             14            399            178           2938
Julia                           55            645            619           2306
Markdown                        12            144              0            303
YAML                             3              0              0             96
Ruby                             1              8              4             45
TOML                             2              5              0             23
make                             1              3              0              7
SUM:                            88           1204            801           5718

Commit count by author:

   330  Takuya Kitazawa
     2  Hieronimo
     1  Dhairya Gandhi
     1  Julia TagBot
     1  Tony Kelman
editorialbot commented 2 months ago

Paper file info:

📄 Wordcount for paper.tex is 146

🔴 Failed to discover a Statement of need section in paper

editorialbot commented 2 months ago

License info:

✅ License found: MIT License (Valid open source OSI approved license)

editorialbot commented 2 months ago
Reference check summary (note 'MISSING' DOIs are suggestions that need verification):


- None


- 10.1137/141000671 may be a valid DOI for title:  Julia: A Fresh Approach to Numerical Computing 
- 10.1145/3340531.3412778 may be a valid DOI for title:  LensKit for Python: Next-Generation Software for ...
- No DOI given, and none found for title:  MyMediaLite: A Free Recommender System Library 
- No DOI given, and none found for title:  LibRec: A Java Library for Recommender Systems 
- No DOI given, and none found for title:  The MovieLens Datasets: History and Context 
- 10.18653/v1/d19-1018 may be a valid DOI for title:  Justifying Recommendations using Distantly-Labele...
- No DOI given, and none found for title:  2nd Workshop on Information Heterogeneity and Fus...
- 10.1145/138859.138867 may be a valid DOI for title:  Using Collaborative Filtering to Weave an Informa...
- No DOI given, and none found for title:  Item-Based Collaborative Filtering Recommendation...
- 10.1145/3130348.3130372 may be a valid DOI for title:  An Algorithmic Framework for Performing Collabora...
- No DOI given, and none found for title:  Item-Based Top-N Recommendation Algorithms 
- No DOI given, and none found for title:  Application of Dimensionality Reduction in Recomm...
- No DOI given, and none found for title:  Matrix Factorization Techniques for Recommender S...
- No DOI given, and none found for title:  Netflix Update: Try This at Home 
- No DOI given, and none found for title:  Feature-Based Matrix Factorization 
- No DOI given, and none found for title:  BPR: Bayesian Personalized Ranking from Implicit ...
- No DOI given, and none found for title:  Multiverse Recommendation: N-Dimensional Tensor F...
- 10.1007/978-0-387-85820-3_3 may be a valid DOI for title:  Content-Based Recommender Systems: State of the A...
- 10.1145/2792838.2796542 may be a valid DOI for title:  Factorization Machines for Hybrid Recommendation ...
- 10.1145/2168752.2168771 may be a valid DOI for title:  Factorization Machines with libFM 
- 10.1145/2124295.2124313 may be a valid DOI for title:  Learning Recommender Systems with Adaptive Regula...
- No DOI given, and none found for title:  Social Network and Click-Through Prediction with ...
- No DOI given, and none found for title:  RecPack: An (Other) Experimentation Toolkit for T...
- 10.1007/978-0-387-85820-3_8 may be a valid DOI for title:  Evaluating Recommendation Systems 
- No DOI given, and none found for title:  A Survey of Serendipity in Recommender Systems 
- 10.1145/1060745.1060754 may be a valid DOI for title:  Improving Recommendation Lists through Topic Dive...
- No DOI given, and none found for title:  Julia 1.0 Programming Complete Reference Guide: D...
- No DOI given, and none found for title:  Julia Programming Projects: Learn Julia 1.x by Bu...
- No DOI given, and none found for title:  OFF-Set: One-Pass Factorization of Feature Sets f...
- No DOI given, and none found for title:  The Netflix Prize 
- No DOI given, and none found for title:  Introduction to Information Retrieval 
- 10.2139/ssrn.3378581 may be a valid DOI for title:  Recommender Systems and Their Ethical Challenges 


- None
editorialbot commented 2 months ago

:point_right::page_facing_up: Download article proof :page_facing_up: View article proof on GitHub :page_facing_up: :point_left:

lucaferranti commented 2 months ago

@PGimenez, @abhijithch, thank you very much for volunteering as reviewers!

I will be the editor for this submission, feel free to ping me to ask any questions you may have.

You can find review guidelines here feel free to ask at any point if something is unclear.

As a first step, you can generate your checklist by running

@editorialbot generate my checklist

You can write your review comments here or directly open an issue in the paper repository

lucaferranti commented 2 months ago

@editorialbot remove @lucaferranti as reviewer

editorialbot commented 2 months ago

@lucaferranti removed from the reviewers list!

lucaferranti commented 1 month ago

Hi @abhijithch and @PGimenez :wave: ,

just checking in to see if you had time to start the review. Any timeline estimate?

PGimenez commented 1 month ago

Review checklist for @PGimenez

Conflict of interest

Code of Conduct

General checks



Paper format


PGimenez commented 1 month ago

Hi, I'd like to submit my review of the paper "Recommendation.jl: A Framework for Building Recommender Systems in Julia" below.

I believe this is a good paper on recommender systems. It does a deep enough review on the most popular methods used in the literature, and provides implementation details in the package. The paper is well-written, with clear language and good usage of math notation to explain concepts. I think the pape is apt for publication with minor changes/corrections.

There are a few minor points I'd like to raise, which can also be found in the attached annotated PDF:

Or leave as it is and add "be" before each variable like

let a target user be u, the set of all items be I...

Then, a few more points:

The cold-start problem

In 3.4 you state that the cold-start problem arises when "there is not enough historical data to capture meaningful information". The question then is, how much data is needed? I believe a single rating is enough.

To me, the issue here is adding new users or items to the system since these haven't rated or haven't been rated by anyone yet. Therefore the system cannot find items similar to the one the user likes (which is none since they've rated nothing)

From a formulation standpoint, new users and items have an empty row/column in matrix R. When factorizing R with any of the earlier methods, the coefficients associated with the new user/item (p_i, q_j for instance) will be all-zero. This would yield no recommendations.

This can be solved by leveraging additional information in the form of feature vectors (the user attribute parameter) for either users or items. In fact, I believe this is what the content-based filtering in 3.4 is actually doing since it requires the user preferences (but no prior ratings).

This usage of attribute vectors can be incorporated into the matrix factorization technique as well, as shown in these papers

Towards Open-World Recommendation: An Inductive Model-based Collaborative Filtering Approach Matrix completion and extrapolation via kernel regression (section 3. Disclosure, I wrote this one 😄)

My point here is: If most of the implemented algorithms can't solve the cold-start problem, how usable are they in real-world situations?

Experimental results

The results are good for showcasing the different implemented metrics and having a better understanding of their meaning. However, I find it lacking that only the SVD method is used. I'd expect the experiments to also show how this package allows to easily switch between algorithms. Also, some benchmarks as to their computational cost.

Package documentation

The package documentation is good, as it covers the algorithms in detail. It'd be good to also have one or two tutorials like the script included in the paper. (I there are already, sorry, I couldn't find any)

lucaferranti commented 1 month ago

Thank you very much @PGimenez for the review!

@takuti please take a look at the comments and let us know when you have addressed the review comments

PGimenez commented 1 month ago

sorry, forgot to attach the annotated PDf =) 10.21105.jcon.00147.pdf

takuti commented 1 month ago

Thank you for the review comments, @PGimenez! Just informing you that I am actively working on the points and hopefully update you in the coming weeks. cc: @lucaferranti

lucaferranti commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @abhijithch :wave: ,

how is it going with the review? Do you happen to have an estimated timeline?