JuliaCon / proceedings-review

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[PRE REVIEW]: DeconvOptim.jl - Signal Deconvolution with Julia #75

Closed whedon closed 1 year ago

whedon commented 2 years ago

Submitting author: @roflmaostc (Felix Wechsler) Repository: https://github.com/roflmaostc/DeconvOptim.jl Version: Editor: @vchuravy Reviewers: @sloede, @matbesancon Managing EiC: Arfon Smith

Author instructions

Thanks for submitting your paper to JCON @roflmaostc. Currently, there isn't an JCON editor assigned to your paper.

@roflmaostc if you have any suggestions for potential reviewers then please mention them here in this thread (without tagging them with an @). In addition, this list of people have already agreed to review for JCON and may be suitable for this submission (please start at the bottom of the list).

Editor instructions

The JCON submission bot @whedon is here to help you find and assign reviewers and start the main review. To find out what @whedon can do for you type:

@whedon commands
whedon commented 2 years ago

Hello human, I'm @whedon, a robot that can help you with some common editorial tasks.

:warning: JOSS reduced service mode :warning:

Due to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, JOSS is currently operating in a "reduced service mode". You can read more about what that means in our blog post.

For a list of things I can do to help you, just type:

@whedon commands

For example, to regenerate the paper pdf after making changes in the paper's md or bib files, type:

@whedon generate pdf
whedon commented 2 years ago

Failed to discover a Statement of need section in paper

whedon commented 2 years ago

Wordcount for paper.tex is 5007

whedon commented 2 years ago
Software report (experimental):

github.com/AlDanial/cloc v 1.88  T=0.14 s (614.9 files/s, 125864.8 lines/s)
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
TeX                             10            320            178           3069
TOML                             6            559              2           2621
Julia                           28            592            313           1987
SVG                              2              0              0            740
Markdown                        20            198              0            526
Jupyter Notebook                15              0           6031            504
YAML                             4              1              0            108
Ruby                             1              8              4             45
Bourne Shell                     1              1              0              2
SUM:                            87           1679           6528           9602

Statistical information for the repository 'a2de92fc8ca0489178f25e71' was
gathered on 2021/08/24.
The following historical commit information, by author, was found:

Author                     Commits    Insertions      Deletions    % of changes
roflmaostc                       1            57              0          100.00

Below are the number of rows from each author that have survived and are still
intact in the current revision:

Author                     Rows      Stability          Age       % in comments
roflmaostc                   57          100.0          0.0                7.02
whedon commented 2 years ago

PDF failed to compile for issue #75 with the following error:

 rm: cannot remove '*.aux': No such file or directory
Latexmk: This is Latexmk, John Collins, 17 Jan. 2018, version: 4.55.
Rule 'pdflatex': Rules & subrules not known to be previously run:
Rule 'pdflatex': The following rules & subrules became out-of-date:
Run number 1 of rule 'pdflatex'
Running 'pdflatex  -recorder  "paper.tex"'
===========Latexmk: Missing input file: 'pgfplots.sty' from line
  '! LaTeX Error: File `pgfplots.sty' not found.'
Latexmk: Missing input file: 'pgfplots.sty' from line
  '! LaTeX Error: File `pgfplots.sty' not found.'
Failure to make 'paper.pdf'
Collected error summary (may duplicate other messages):
  pdflatex: Command for 'pdflatex' gave return code 1
      Refer to 'paper.log' for details
Looks like we failed to compile the PDF
whedon commented 2 years ago
Reference check summary (note 'MISSING' DOIs are suggestions that need verification):


- 10.1364/JOSA.62.000055 is OK
- 10.1086/111605 is OK
- 10.21105/joss.00615 is OK
- 10.1109/TPDS.2018.2872064 is OK
- 10.1364/JOSAA.15.001077 is OK
- 10.1145/1401132.1401152 is OK
- 10.1017/9781108552660 is OK
- 10.5281/zenodo.5047410 is OK
- 10.1109/TPDS.2018.2872064 is OK
- 10.5334/jors.151 is OK


- 10.1137/141000671 may be a valid DOI for title: Julia: A fresh approach to numerical computing
- 10.1109/iccv.2017.491 may be a valid DOI for title: Learning to Push the Limits of Efficient FFT-Based Image Deconvolution
- 10.1109/jproc.2004.840301 may be a valid DOI for title: The Design and Implementation of FFTW3
- 10.1007/bf01589116 may be a valid DOI for title: On the Limited Memory BFGS Method for Large Scale Optimization
- 10.2307/2334515 may be a valid DOI for title: Nonparametric Roughness Penalties for Probability Densities
- 10.1016/j.ymeth.2016.12.015 may be a valid DOI for title: DeconvolutionLab2: An Open-Source Software for Deconvolution Microscopy
- 10.1038/s41598-018-29768-x may be a valid DOI for title: A convex 3D deconvolution algorithm for low photon count fluorescence imaging
- 10.1016/j.advengsoft.2019.02.002 may be a valid DOI for title: Rapid software prototyping for heterogeneous and distributed platforms


- https://doi.org/10.1016/j.micron.2006.07.009 is INVALID because of 'https://doi.org/' prefix
roflmaostc commented 2 years ago

Thanks for activating the review!

It looks like that PDF building has failed because of the missing pgfplots.sty. Usually, that's included with the normal LaTeX distributions, so I'm not quite sure what's installed on the backend and why that's missing.

roflmaostc commented 2 years ago

@whedon generate pdf

whedon commented 2 years ago

PDF failed to compile for issue #75 with the following error:

 rm: cannot remove '*.aux': No such file or directory
Latexmk: This is Latexmk, John Collins, 17 Jan. 2018, version: 4.55.
Rule 'pdflatex': Rules & subrules not known to be previously run:
Rule 'pdflatex': The following rules & subrules became out-of-date:
Run number 1 of rule 'pdflatex'
Running 'pdflatex  -recorder  "paper.tex"'
===========Latexmk: Missing input file: 'pgfplots.sty' from line
  '! LaTeX Error: File `pgfplots.sty' not found.'
Latexmk: Missing input file: 'pgfplots.sty' from line
  '! LaTeX Error: File `pgfplots.sty' not found.'
Failure to make 'paper.pdf'
Collected error summary (may duplicate other messages):
  pdflatex: Command for 'pdflatex' gave return code 1
      Refer to 'paper.log' for details
Looks like we failed to compile the PDF
roflmaostc commented 2 years ago

For potential reviewers, matbesancon might be a suitable candidate since his favored topics include Mathematical optimization which we also do here.

vchuravy commented 2 years ago

@whedon assign @vchuravy as editor

whedon commented 2 years ago

OK, the editor is @vchuravy

vchuravy commented 2 years ago

@matbesancon would you be interested in reviewing this?

matbesancon commented 2 years ago

yes I'll be able to review it

roflmaostc commented 2 years ago

Anything I can help with to fix the LaTeX errors? However, similar errors are also in the other review.

roflmaostc commented 2 years ago

@whedon generate pdf

whedon commented 2 years ago

PDF failed to compile for issue #75 with the following error:

 Latexmk: This is Latexmk, John Collins, 17 Jan. 2018, version: 4.55.
Rule 'pdflatex': Rules & subrules not known to be previously run:
Rule 'pdflatex': The following rules & subrules became out-of-date:
Run number 1 of rule 'pdflatex'
Running 'pdflatex  -recorder  "paper.tex"'
===========Latexmk: Missing input file: 'pgfplots.sty' from line
  '! LaTeX Error: File `pgfplots.sty' not found.'
Latexmk: Missing input file: 'pgfplots.sty' from line
  '! LaTeX Error: File `pgfplots.sty' not found.'
Failure to make 'paper.pdf'
Collected error summary (may duplicate other messages):
  pdflatex: Command for 'pdflatex' gave return code 1
      Refer to 'paper.log' for details
Looks like we failed to compile the PDF
matbesancon commented 2 years ago

@roflmaostc it seems it's not included. The easiest solution for now would be to add the sty file in your project paper folder directly

roflmaostc commented 2 years ago

@whedon generate pdf

whedon commented 2 years ago

PDF failed to compile for issue #75 with the following error:

 Latexmk: This is Latexmk, John Collins, 17 Jan. 2018, version: 4.55.
Rule 'pdflatex': Rules & subrules not known to be previously run:
Rule 'pdflatex': The following rules & subrules became out-of-date:
Run number 1 of rule 'pdflatex'
Running 'pdflatex  -recorder  "paper.tex"'
Failure to make 'paper.pdf'
Collected error summary (may duplicate other messages):
  pdflatex: Command for 'pdflatex' gave return code 1
      Refer to 'paper.log' for details
Looks like we failed to compile the PDF
roflmaostc commented 2 years ago

@whedon generate pdf

whedon commented 2 years ago

PDF failed to compile for issue #75 with the following error:

 Latexmk: This is Latexmk, John Collins, 17 Jan. 2018, version: 4.55.
Rule 'pdflatex': Rules & subrules not known to be previously run:
Rule 'pdflatex': The following rules & subrules became out-of-date:
Run number 1 of rule 'pdflatex'
Running 'pdflatex  -recorder  "paper.tex"'
Failure to make 'paper.pdf'
Collected error summary (may duplicate other messages):
  pdflatex: Command for 'pdflatex' gave return code 1
      Refer to 'paper.log' for details
Looks like we failed to compile the PDF
roflmaostc commented 2 years ago

I tried to use the same siunitx files as #76 is using but without success...

Error might be due to pgfplots but can't we update or change the LaTeX backend of @whedon? That would be simpler than adding manually all dependencies.

ranjanan commented 2 years ago

@whedon generate pdf

whedon commented 2 years ago

PDF failed to compile for issue #75 with the following error:

 Latexmk: This is Latexmk, John Collins, 17 Jan. 2018, version: 4.55.
Rule 'pdflatex': Rules & subrules not known to be previously run:
Rule 'pdflatex': The following rules & subrules became out-of-date:
Run number 1 of rule 'pdflatex'
Running 'pdflatex  -recorder  "paper.tex"'
===========Latexmk: Missing input file: 'pgfplots.sty' from line
  '! LaTeX Error: File `pgfplots.sty' not found.'
Latexmk: Missing input file: 'pgfplots.sty' from line
  '! LaTeX Error: File `pgfplots.sty' not found.'
Failure to make 'paper.pdf'
Collected error summary (may duplicate other messages):
  pdflatex: Command for 'pdflatex' gave return code 1
      Refer to 'paper.log' for details
Looks like we failed to compile the PDF
vchuravy commented 2 years ago

Dependent on https://github.com/openjournals/heroku-buildpack-tex/pull/2

roflmaostc commented 2 years ago

Thanks a lot for pushing this forward!

arfon commented 2 years ago

@whedon generate pdf

whedon commented 2 years ago

PDF failed to compile for issue #75 with the following error:

 Latexmk: This is Latexmk, John Collins, 17 Jan. 2018, version: 4.55.
Rule 'pdflatex': Rules & subrules not known to be previously run:
Rule 'pdflatex': The following rules & subrules became out-of-date:
Run number 1 of rule 'pdflatex'
Running 'pdflatex  -recorder  "paper.tex"'
===========Latexmk: Missing input file: 'here.sty' from line
  '! LaTeX Error: File `here.sty' not found.'
Latexmk: Missing input file: 'here.sty' from line
  '! LaTeX Error: File `here.sty' not found.'
Failure to make 'paper.pdf'
Collected error summary (may duplicate other messages):
  pdflatex: Command for 'pdflatex' gave return code 1
      Refer to 'paper.log' for details
Looks like we failed to compile the PDF
arfon commented 2 years ago

@whedon generate pdf

whedon commented 2 years ago

:point_right::page_facing_up: Download article proof :page_facing_up: View article proof on GitHub :page_facing_up: :point_left:

roflmaostc commented 2 years ago

What are the next steps to do?

roflmaostc commented 2 years ago

Any updates?

roflmaostc commented 2 years ago

Ping :)

roflmaostc commented 2 years ago

@matbesancon I was wondering if you're still interested to review this article? Thanks!

vchuravy commented 2 years ago


whedon commented 2 years ago

I'm sorry human, I don't understand that. You can see what commands I support by typing:

@whedon commands
vchuravy commented 2 years ago

@whedon assign @matbesancon as reviewer

whedon commented 2 years ago

OK, @matbesancon is now a reviewer

vchuravy commented 2 years ago

@roflmaostc do you have suggestions for a potential second reviewer?

roflmaostc commented 2 years ago

Is the list still up-to-date? The only other person I can see is @sloede :smile:

roflmaostc commented 2 years ago

@whedon generate pdf

whedon commented 2 years ago

:point_right::page_facing_up: Download article proof :page_facing_up: View article proof on GitHub :page_facing_up: :point_left:

vchuravy commented 1 year ago

@whedon assign @sloede as reviewer

whedon commented 1 year ago

OK, @sloede is now a reviewer

vchuravy commented 1 year ago

@whedon commands

whedon commented 1 year ago

Here are some things you can ask me to do:

# List all of Whedon's capabilities
@whedon commands

# Assign a GitHub user as the sole reviewer of this submission
@whedon assign @username as reviewer

# Add a GitHub user to the reviewers of this submission
@whedon add @username as reviewer

# Re-invite a reviewer (if they can't update checklists)
@whedon re-invite @username as reviewer

# Remove a GitHub user from the reviewers of this submission
@whedon remove @username as reviewer

# List of editor GitHub usernames
@whedon list editors

# List of reviewers together with programming language preferences and domain expertise
@whedon list reviewers

# Change editorial assignment
@whedon assign @username as editor

# Set the software archive DOI at the top of the issue e.g.
@whedon set 10.0000/zenodo.00000 as archive

# Set the software version at the top of the issue e.g.
@whedon set v1.0.1 as version

# Open the review issue
@whedon start review


# All commands can be run on a non-default branch, to do this pass a custom 
# branch name by following the command with `from branch custom-branch-name`.
# For example:

# Compile the paper
@whedon generate pdf

# Compile the paper from alternative branch
@whedon generate pdf from branch custom-branch-name

# Remind an author or reviewer to return to a review after a
# certain period of time (supported units days and weeks)
@whedon remind @reviewer in 2 weeks

# Ask Whedon to do a dry run of accepting the paper and depositing with Crossref
@whedon recommend-accept

# Ask Whedon to check the references for missing DOIs
@whedon check references

# Ask Whedon to check repository statistics for the submitted software
@whedon check repository


# Invite an editor to edit a submission (sending them an email)
@whedon invite @editor as editor

# Reject a paper
@whedon reject

# Withdraw a paper
@whedon withdraw

# Ask Whedon to actually accept the paper and deposit with Crossref
@whedon accept deposit=true
vchuravy commented 1 year ago

@whedon add @matbesancon as reviewer

whedon commented 1 year ago

OK, @matbesancon is now a reviewer

vchuravy commented 1 year ago

@whedon start review