This improves the speed of a column re-materialization which has to be done using Tables.jl from 160 ms to 10 ms.
using Shapefile, GeometryOps, DataFrames, BenchmarkTools
shp_file = "/Users/anshul/Downloads/ne_10m_admin_0_countries (1)/ne_10m_admin_0_countries.shp"
table = Shapefile.Table(shp_file)
df = DataFrame(table) # convert everything including the DBFTable to a DataFrame
_scale_by_5(x) = x .* 5
@benchmark GeometryOps.transform($_scale_by_5, $table) # 160 ms before, 13 ms after
@benchmark GeometryOps.transform($_scale_by_5, $df) # 7 ms
This improves the speed of a column re-materialization which has to be done using Tables.jl from 160 ms to 10 ms.