I'm getting a few errors when doing Data.stream!(src, snk) where snk = Feather.Sink("filename.feather", Data.schema(src)) and then calling Data.close!. There does not seem to be a simple fix. It is really nice to be able to use this form, because it is the easiest case for writing API's that can use a variety of different sinks.
See the following MWE
using DataFrames
using Feather
df = DataFrame(A=Union{DateTime,Missing}[DateTime(), DateTime(), missing], B=rand(3), C=rand(Int64,3))
snk = Feather.Sink("test1.feather", Data.schema(df))
Data.stream!(df, snk)
On the last line, this gives:
ERROR: ArgumentError: reducing over an empty collection is not allowed
[1] mr_empty_iter(::Function, ::Function, ::Base.Generator{Array{Union{DateTime, Missings.Missing},1},Missings.#ismissing}, ::Base.EltypeUnknown) at ./reduce.jl:257
[2] mapfoldl(::Base.#identity, ::Function, ::Base.Generator{Array{Union{DateTime, Missings.Missing},1},Missings.#ismissing}) at ./reduce.jl:69
[3] nullcount(::Array{Union{DateTime, Missings.Missing},1}) at /home/expandingman/.julia/v0.6/Feather/src/Feather.jl:329
[4] close!(::Feather.Sink{DataFrames.DataFrameStream{Tuple{Array{Union{DateTime, Missings.Missing},1},Array{Float64,1},Array{Int64,1}}}}) at /home/expandingman/.julia/v0.6/Feather/src/Feather.jl:465
This seems related to a deeper issue of the snk.df field being an empty DataFramesStream.
I'm getting a few errors when doing
Data.stream!(src, snk)
wheresnk = Feather.Sink("filename.feather", Data.schema(src))
and then callingData.close!
. There does not seem to be a simple fix. It is really nice to be able to use this form, because it is the easiest case for writing API's that can use a variety of different sinks.See the following MWE
On the last line, this gives:
This seems related to a deeper issue of the
field being an emptyDataFramesStream